Content Posted in 2024
1930 Chicago, Irish American Life, And Its Adaptation into Historical Fiction: The Ups and Downs of Percival Dooley, A Novella, Katy Leigh Foster
2024 Law Review Symposium- Afternoon Session, King Randall, William Estrada, and Michael Farris
2024 Law Review Symposium- Morning Session, Rena Lindevaldsen, Jeff Tuomala, and David Goodwin
2024 Law Review Symposium- Panel Discussion, Rodney Chrisman
2024 Law Review Symposium Program, Law Review
303 Creative and the Question of Governmental Authority to Dictate Commercial Transactions, Rena M. Lindevaldsen
A Basis for Removal or Retention of Black Folk Songs in Music Education According to Black Americans in the Music Community, Ashley Yarbrough
A Biblically Faithful Participation in The Lord’s Supper Following the Model of Justin Martyr, Joshua Michael Wallnofer
Abiding Presence, Abundant Provision: Water Imagery Within the Temple Motif, Mindy N. Ziegler
A Brief Overview of Health, Poverty, and Mental Health Concerns in American Indian/Alaska (AI/AN) Populations Native, Abbie Hopson
Abusive Management and Workplace Trauma in the Mental Health Field: A Phenomenological Study, Amanda White
A Case Study Examining How Culture and Shared Leadership Practices Improve Literacy, Jennifer Gutierrez
A Case Study Exploring Implementation of Gamified Adaptive Learning Technology as a Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI²) Strategy in Elementary Mathematics Education, Tina Marie Clowser
A Case Study of Early Childhood Educators' Self-Determination in Implementing Social Emotional Learning Pedagogy, Ingrid Brouwer
A Case Study of Online Discussion Boards for First Year College Students: A Qualitative Case Study, Eric Cummings
A Case Study of Using Social Media Influencers for Sponsored Posts, Meagen Rockenbach
A Case Study on the Lived Experiences of Elementary Teachers Related to Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports (PBIS), Dellphine Sterling
A Causal Comparative Study of Learning Climate and Learning Strategy Among Students of High- and Low-Performing Schools, Jove A. Wungow
A Causal-Comparative Study of Reading Motivation and Reading Achievement in Middle School Special Education Students of Black, Hispanic, and White Descent, Anisha L. Mendez
A Causal-Comparative Study of the Difference in Student Academic Outcomes Among Elementary and Secondary Online Students Based on Parental Perceptions of Virtual Learning, Elizabeth Gordon Mondoux
A Causal Comparison Study of Social-Emotional Learning at Private Elementary and Middle Schools With and Without Restorative Practices After Covid-19, Jai'Eisha Huntley
A Causal Relationship Between Mobile Health Wearable Devices’ Use and Improved Hypertension Management in African-born Immigrants Aged 45-75 in Maricopa County, Arizona, Nelson McNova Bryant
Accessing Cancer Care Through a Community Diagnostic Clinic, Joy Lynn Bartholomew
A Cellular and Genetic Approach to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Parker Pruitt
A Chronologically Oriented Reassessment of the Apocalypse Interludes: The Great Multitude Pretribulational Rapture, Daniel Moore
A Comparison of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Amongst Male and Female Clinical Laboratory Leaders, Elizabeth M. Payne
A Comparison of Student Motivation Between Two Ukulele Curricula in a Multi-Age Classroom, Jill K. Moth
A Composition of Strategic Harmony: The Role of Hymnic Elements in the Compositional Strategy of Amos, Moegagogo S. Solomona
A Comprehensive Analysis of Challenges and Strategies in Enhancing Cyber Security for the Defense Industry, Taehyun Lee
A Computational Investigation of Wood Selection for Acoustic Guitar, Jonah Osterhus
A Contemporary Pauline Apologetic Toolkit, Jayne Bertovich
A Conversation Between Tone-Deaf Rivals: A Phenomenological Study of Lebanon’s National Dialogue, Amal A. Chmouny
A Correlational Study Between Spiritual Bible Reading and Spiritual Formation of Leaders of Pentecostal Churches, Mark Kwablah Buku
A Correlational Study of Culturally Responsive Christian School Leadership and Its Impact on Culturally Marginalized Students, Denecia B. Anderson
A Correlational Study of the Resilience Factors that Promote Mental Health in First Responders, Tamara Rae Grayson
A Crisis in Confidence: A Collective Case Study Approach to School Security Through Teacher Experiences, Ryan J. Stevenson
Action Crisis Intervention Response, Dwayne Pine
Active Shooter Drills in Schools Across the United States, Barbara Slater
Acute Potentiation on Vertical Jump Performance Following Accentuated Eccentric Loaded Back Squats in Male High School Basketball Players, John Casey Ditch
Adapting to Change: ADN Faculty Perspectives About the Future of ADN Education: A Qualitative Case Study, Linda D. John
Addressing a Lack of Counseling Programs to Diminish the Psychological, Emotional, and Mental Impacts of Church Closure Grief, Marcel Berrios
Addressing Chaplain Care and Resiliency as Protective Factors to Burnout in Community Chaplaincy, Robin Jonell Ratcliff
Addressing Professional Training and Teacher Retention at Urban Public Schools in Southeast Texas, Elaine Rene' Pangle
Addressing the Effects of Special Education Staff Burnout in Behavioral Placement Schools: A Case Study, Katherine Taylor
A Defense of the Neronic Date of the Book of Revelation, Jason L. Quintern
Administrators’ Counternarratives about Discipline: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology, Kylle Elizabeth Summers
A Dream Deferred: Black Girls and Student Discipline: Administrators' Perspective: A Case Study, Jacqueline E. Holland
African, American, and Southern: The Survivors of the Clotilda and the Wanderer, Kirsten Chaney
African American Parents’ Perceptions of How Their Digital Practices Affect the Parent-Child Relationship, Teyuna T. Darris
"A Friend of Tax Collectors and Sinners": An Intertextual Reading of Luke's Jesus According to Divine Identity and YHWH Shepherd Language, Dottie H. Rhoads
Afrofuturism and the Reclamation of Black Culture and History Within Science Fiction, Dawanda S. Hall
After the Training Ends: A Qualitative Study of Therapists’ Experiences with Trauma Training and Self-Efficacy, Megan L. Briggs
A Glance into the Suzuki Triangle Approach of Teaching Violin as an Intervention for the Military Child: A Case Study of Parental Engagement Promoting Positive Self-Esteem, Self-Expression, and Coping Skills, Heather R. Howard-Hannock
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of College Students' Experiences with College-Provided Mental Healthcare Services, Adrian M. Campbell
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of First-Year Christian Student Success in Theological Studies During the Pandemic, Philip Lamar Nash
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Elementary Teachers in Inclusion Classrooms, Julie Elise Brown
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study on the Common Core State Standards Implementation and the Influence on Academic Motivation of Students in Middle School English Classes, Susan Diane Wright
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study: The School Principal's Experiences with Education Law, Vanessa Calderon Donahue
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological View of Professional Development Motivation as Experienced by Secondary High School Staff Who Engaged With New Instructional Coaches, Emily Marie Cornwell
A Holistic Approach to Music for Stress Management During Pregnancy, Danielle Emily Dixon
A House Divided and the Hills They Died On: Hussite Factions and the Hussite Wars, Maeghan Eggert
Aiding a Reformed Church into a Multiethnic and Economically Diverse Congregation, Leroy E. Childress Jr.
AI in Graphic Design: Here to Help or Replace Us?, Christian Jovan Rodriguez
AI Propulsion of Globalization, Aleksandra Drozd
AI Propulsion of Globalization, Aleksandra Drozd
A Leadership Training Program Improves Nurse Manager Retention, Lisa A. Longley
A Legacy of Trauma: A Phenomenological Study of African American Pastors' Perspectives on Mental Health in Delaware Churches, Donell M. Winder
A Lifestyle Who Is Christ: An Integrative Model of Spiritual Formation, Katherine L. Pang
A Literature Review on Thermogenesis as a Prospective Obesity Treatment, Kellyn Sheppard
All Things New: An Analysis of Alfred Gaul’s “A New Heaven and a New Earth”, Hope V. Dornfeld
Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine (A-GPC) Supplementation and Perceived Health Status, Michael Roman IV
Altering the composition of lanconide fingerprint powder, Lydia Buxa
Alternative Education Center Teachers' Experiences with Identifying Dyslexia Characteristics in Students: A Phenomenology, Natasha P. Peoples
Alumni Perceptions of Formative Feedback During the Dissertation Process While Pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Biomedical Science at a Historically Black College and University: A Phenomenological Study, Shontell M.N. Stanford
A Mediation Analysis for Agency and Turnover Intentions: A Cross-Sectional Inquiry for Army Talent Management, Joshua P. Cowin
America’s Favorite Fighting Frenchman: Marquis de Lafayette in American Pop Culture, Joshua Neiderhiser
A Missed Opportunity: The Relationship between Language, Cognition, and Poverty in Early Childhood among Bilingual Children, Saskia Barboza
A Mission Simulation Retreat for Senior Youth Leaders to Train Adventist Young Professionals in the South Bahamas Conference, Jamal Doran Franklyn
A Mixed-Method Approach Identifying Antecedents of Employee Engagement in a Nondenominational Church: Perspective from Volunteers and Employees, Gregory A. Rodriguez
A Mixed Methods Study of Undergraduate Psychology Students at an Evangelical University: The Integration of Psychology and Christianity, Claire Voshell
A Mixed Methods Study to Evaluate the Nature of the Lead Pastor's Psychological Capital and the Impact on Leading Church Revitalization, Toney Allen Cox
A Multiple Case Studies Review of Collaboration in Rural Nonprofits, Jacob T. Ratliff
A Multi-Site Case Study Examing How IEP Teams Determine the Least Restrictive Placement for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the Elementary School Level, Jennifer J. Hull
An Action Research Study of the Spiritual Growth Among Veterans Within the Civilian Context, Long Tuan Nguyen
Analysis of An Amino Acid Labeled Fluorescent Dye, Avery Roark
Analysis of Anti-Müllerian Hormone Expression in the Ovary: Exploring Modified Immunochemistry Protocol for Laboratory Learning, Byanca Gonzales
Analysis of Forensic Crime Gun Data as a Predictive Tool for Crime Gun Intelligence and the Disruption of the Shooting Cycle, Michael P. Garvey
Analysis of Human Rights Doctrine and a Biblical Perspective, Braden Daniels
Analysis of Rankings of Causal Factors of Substance Use, Elizabeth Mathews
Analysis of Sun Tzu's Art of War, Hannah Marchiny
Analyzing the Cynical Perspective of Death in The Book Thief, Dorothy Elizabeth Hollar
An Analysis of Strength Training Implementation in Ballet, Claire Hoover
An Analysis of the Abortion Fight's History, Facts, and Strategies in a Post-Roe v. Wade World, Jeremy Kang
An Analysis of the Second Battle of Fort Fisher, Tanner Port
An Appeal to Mystery Without "Punting": Revisiting Molinism’s Biblical Problem in Light of Ephesians 1:4–11 and Romans 11:33–36, Jeffrey S. Kennedy
An Assessment of the Impact of Fentanyl on Post-Mortem Interval from a Decomposition and Biochemical Perspective, Kaylene McDonald
“And So My Soul Shall Rise”: Enslaved and Free African American Christianity Before Emancipation, Holly J. Lawson
An Evaluation of Public Perceptions Regarding Strain and Workplace Violence, Benjamin Newman
A New Testament Theology of God as Father (Abba) as the Hermeneutical Key to the Teaching of Christ on Prayer in the Gospels, John Joseph Schmelzer
An Examination of How Training Impacts the Leadership and Management Competency of Pastors of the New Beginning Family of Churches, Christine R. Rudolph
An Examination of the Geographical and Archaeological Evidence Which Supports the Historical Reliability of the Gospel of John, Alan R. Peterson
An Examination of the Influences of Critical Thinking Tasks on Mathematics Instruction: A Qualitative Study, Glen E. Miller
An Examination of the Parental Role in the Discipleship of Children, Robert B. Jarman
An Examination of the Perceived Impact of Social Networking on Discipleship in Yalobusha County, Mississippi, Gary Bernard Walton
An Examination of the Relationship Between Self-Care and Fruit of the Spirit in African-American Pastors: A Multi-Case Study, Rashon Wallace Dalton
An Examination of “The Vine” Motif through the Lens of the Old Testament, the Books of John and Revelation, and Peripheral Extrabiblical Sources, Ellsworth C. Huling IV
An Exegetical Analysis On Zechariah 11, Jian Wu
An Exegetical and Theological Exploration of Paul’s Self-Identity in Consideration of Modern Social Sciences, Chala Baker
An Exegetical Evaluation: Believers’ Differential, Works-Based Heavenly Rewards in the New Testament, Emma Griffith
An Existential-Phenomenological Exploration of the Experience of Being a White Undergraduate Psychology Student in a Multicultural Counseling Course, Mona Lynnette Swallow
An Explanatory Study of Toxic Leadership and Servant Leadership Related to Organizational Culture and Behavioral Trust, Daniel Timothy Thames
An Exploration into the Effectiveness of Yoga in Reducing Anxiety in Female Military Personnel, Aubrey C. Berry
An Exploration Into The Social and Emotional Effects of K-12 Music Education, Jerrod T. Perry
An Exploration of Divorced Professional Black Women (PBW) Perspectives of Mutual Submission in Marriage, Montreal D. Ravenel
An Exploration of How Teacher Leaders Perceive Their Influence on Student Learning: A Transcendental Phenomenology of the Experiences of Teacher Leaders, Allison A. Crum
An Exploration of How Working at Marching Band Camps Can Benefit Pre-Service Instrumental Music Educators, Cody Franklin Knott
An Exploration of Internal Control System of Ethiopian Banks, Fekade Adera Tesfaye
An Exploration of the Big Five Traits and Effective Private Music Teachers, Christopher James Ozorio
An Exploration of the Lived Experience of Novice Adjunct Nursing Faculty as They Transition from Clinical Expert to Novice Educator, Angelique Tolentino-Martin
An Exploration of Turnover Intentions of Substance Abuse Treatment RNs During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study, Ciara PaTrice Jones
An Exploratory Case Study of Student Grit with Educational Technology in Learning Environments, Crystal Rees
Animals in Occupations, Cassandra Poorman
An Inquiry into the Perceived Effects of Historical Revivalism on the Corporate Worship Behaviors of Modern-Day Fundamental and Independent, Baptist and Bible Churches, Jeremy David Yowell
An Integrative Approach to the Existential Problem of Evil in a Post Pandemic World, Jacob Byrd
An Integrative Review: Improving COPD Patient Outcomes Using the Teach-Back Method, Bichundo Lambert
An Interpretation of Isaiah 7:14 Based on the Birth Motif, Younggwang Kim
An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis Exploring African American Women’s Perceptions of Access to Healthcare in the Midwest, RaMona D. Benson
An Investigation into the Redemptive Uses of Technology to Help Churches Reach the Lost and Make Disciples, Scott W. Sherman
An Investigation of Law Enforcement Officer Background and Personality: A Study of the Effects of Education and Time in Service on Personality Characteristics, Courtney A. Claiborne
An Investigation of the Effect of a Combined Physical Exercise and Counseling as a Therapeutic Approach to Reducing Anxiety Symptoms, Andrea C. Beltran
An Investigation of the Personal and Professional Experiences of J-1 Teacher Exchange Visitors in a Rural School District in South Carolina: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Abigail Althea Ralph
Annotated Bibliography Part 1, Matthew H. Hamilton
Annotated Bibliography Part 2, David Ochabski
An Online Beginner Piano Course: A Fully Asynchronous and Online Curriculum for Beginner Piano Instruction, Jonathan David Holowaty
An Organizational Approach for Teaching, Coaching and Empowering Displaced People, Tiffani J. Holloway
Antibiotic Prescribing Appropriateness in Telemedicine versus In-person Visits, Asonganyi Aminkeng
Anticoagulation Stewardship Initiative for the Outpatient Management of Atrial Fibrillation, Ryleigh Hawker
Anti-Müllerian Hormone Gene Expression in Mouse Testes Elucidated via Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction, Christopher Oglesby
Antislavery White Supremacists and the Mistreatment of African Americans in Indiana, 1787-1870, Mark A. King
A Parent-Child Intervention for Conveying Unconditional Love: A Transcendental Phenomenological Pilot Study, Saundra H. Robinson
A Persuasive Case Against Government Authority in End-of-Life Decisions for Vegetative Patients, Helen Gizachew
A Phenomenological Examination of the Experiences of College Theater Majors in Regard to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdowns in the United States, Ronda Celeste Jones
A Phenomenological Investigation of North Carolina's General Pre-Kindergarten Teachers' Attitudes and Perceived Self-Efficacy Toward Inclusion, Susanne Williamson Carter
A Phenomenological Multi-Case Study of Perceptions of Older Adults’ Loneliness during COVID-19 Within Selected Online Churches, Bethney Wright Sikes
A Phenomenological Research on the Experiential Gains of Filipino Special Education Exchange Program Teachers, Madonna Gervacio Gamez-Catiis
A Phenomenological Study Addressing Clinicians’ Understanding of the Effectiveness of Evidence-based Trauma Treatment for Black Male Veterans Diagnosed with PTSD, Kelvin Tyler Jr.
A Phenomenological Study Detailing Psychotherapeutic Perspectives of Psychotherapists Who Treat Individuals Living with Pathological Dissociative Practices, Ebony M. Martinez
A Phenomenological Study Examining How Ages of Attention-Deficit Diagnoses Affect Adult Perceptions of Achievement, Janeen Kingma
A Phenomenological Study Examining Lived Experiences of Persistent Non-Traditional Students with Learning Disabilities at Community College, Mary Elizabeth Regis
A Phenomenological Study Examining the Lived Experiences of Middle School Students Who Have Demonstrated Challenges in Math and Their Expectations to Improve Their Performance, Steven Duane Fencl
A Phenomenological Study Examining the Required Preparation Experiences of Academic Advisors to Help Christian High School Students Develop the Highest Academic and Future Potential, Lizzie Toler Branch
A Phenomenological Study: Experiences of Men Residing in a Substance Abuse Recovery Program With a Domestic Violence Perpetration Intervention Cohort, Tauchanna Gilmore Bullock
A Phenomenological Study: Experiences of the Church of God in Christ Women and the Power of Resilience, Debra Wylene Martin
A Phenomenological Study Exploring Pastors' Experiences Counseling Younger Congregants with Changing Lifestyles, Terry L. Skepple
A Phenomenological Study Exploring Saudi Married Women’s Experience of Emotional/Psychological Intimate Partner Violence, Kholoud Ahmed Helmi
A Phenomenological Study Exploring the Impact of Spousal Support on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in South Florida Firefighters, Karla Ramirez
A Phenomenological Study Exploring the Lived Experiences of African American Couples Attending Premarital Counseling, Jamie J. Pettis
A Phenomenological Study Exploring What Integrating Adolescent Identity Means to Christian Public-School Counselors, Todd Christopher Houchin
A Phenomenological Study of Academic Advising Through the Lens of First-Year Community College Students, Allisha Hicks
A Phenomenological Study of Adoptive Parents’ Distress, Erica Rhoads
A Phenomenological Study of Adult Patients with Auto-Immune Disease and Their Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences, Milton Louis Gonzalez
A Phenomenological Study of Challenges Faced by Pastors’ Kids; Effects on the Children and the Pastor, Comfort Kanco-Ackep
A Phenomenological Study of Church Polity and Its Impact on Pastoral Leadership and Congregational Health, Travis L. Biller
A Phenomenological Study of Church Revitalization in Coastal North Carolina, Paolo Engle Santos
A Phenomenological Study of Clergy Hindrances to Seeking Help and Implementing Self-Care, Kerri S. Wilson
A Phenomenological Study of Complexity Leadership Interactions of an International Protestant Convention during COVID-19, Thomas S. Narofsky
A Phenomenological Study of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Special Education Classrooms, Ashley DeLuccia
A Phenomenological Study of Discipleship Experiences in Hartsville, SC, Baptist Churches, Robert W. Stuckey
A Phenomenological Study of Faith Community Culture Contributing to Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence, Tara D. Wallace
A Phenomenological Study of Female Master of Divinity Graduates' Experiences and Role Incongruity at Texas Baptist Seminaries, Michele Lee Taylor
A Phenomenological Study of Implementing Social-Emotional Learning Skills Virtually and Its Influence on the Teacher-Student Relationship, Felicia S. Spratt
A Phenomenological Study of Middle School Teachers Implementing Social-Emotional Learning, Post COVID-19 at a Predominantly Hispanic School, Kutana Nichol Parrish
A Phenomenological Study of Novice Special Education Teachers' Experience Applying Causal Attributions to Challenging Behavior, Mandy Marie Augst
A Phenomenological Study of Online Students' Experiences with Proactive Advising Effects on Retention, Meghan Cowper
A Phenomenological Study of Pastors' Experiences Counseling Combat Veterans, Yvette M. Rolle
A Phenomenological Study of Pastors Who Were Mentored and the Perceived Value of the Mentor Relationship, Reginald L. Horner
A Phenomenological Study of Persistence for Black Women in Mathematics Doctoral Programs, Shushannah Marie Smith
A Phenomenological Study of Resource Parents' Experiences Providing for the Educational Needs of Children with Adverse Childhood Experiences, Skyler Nicole Wells
A Phenomenological Study of Special Education Teacher Self-Efficacy for English Learner Instruction, Emilie Louise Jacumin-Simmons
A Phenomenological Study of Support to Develop Teacher Efficacy in State Funded Preschool Classrooms, Jennifer Stark
A Phenomenological Study of Teacher Experiences Personalizing Learning in English Language Arts, Kristen N. Soper
A Phenomenological Study of the Cross-Cultural Transitions of University-Level Missionary Kids, Naomi Walter
A Phenomenological Study of the Educational Needs of Military-Connected Students Transitioning from Military Connected Schools to Non-Military Connected Schools, Dale John Wertman Jr.
A Phenomenological Study of the Experience of Institutional Betrayal and Help-Seeking Behaviors of Military Sexual Trauma, Victoria Sheree Tolbert
A Phenomenological Study of the Influence of Student-Centered Learners on Traditional Teacher-Centered Faculty in Medical Education, Michael Shan Deel
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Parents Whose Child Has a Disability and Attends an Online School, M.K. Shires
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of African American Males' Challenges in Post Incarceration, Amber L. Scott
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Their Participation in Postsecondary Job Training Programs: A Qualitative Study, Jami Vickers Granberry
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of K-12 Teachers in Delaware County Facilitating Communal Trauma Processing, Geena Flores
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Mainstream Classroom Teachers and Overly Active, Distracted Students, Elizabeth I. Minney
A Phenomenological Study of the Perception of Racial Unity in Evangelical Churches in Chicago, Amber L. Harvey
A Phenomenological Study of the Perceptions of African American Pastors Providing Pastoral Counseling to Individuals Who Commit Intimate Partner Violence, Barbara Ann Joe
A Phenomenological Study of the Perceptions of Behavioral Supports for Students with Low Functioning Autism in Virtual Learning Programs, Alicia L. Chamberlin
A Phenomenological Study of the Perceptions of Elementary Teachers of Social and Emotional Learning in a Title One School, Stephanie Whittenberg
A Phenomenological Study of the Perinatal Experiences Shaping a Woman’s Identity in Academia, Elizabeth Catherine DeBolt
A Phenomenological Study of the Self-Efficacy of Elementary Reading Specialists to Address the Mental Health Needs of Students, Virginia McKinney Shank
A Phenomenological Study of the Teacher Leader Experience, Leslie Magnanti
A Phenomenological Study of the Teaching Motivation for Teachers of Color in Predominantly White Schools, Jennifer Lynn McConnell
A Phenomenological Study on Emerging Adults' Lived Experiences with Financial Technology, Tracey R. Morrison
A Phenomenological Study on Teachers' Perspectives on Experiencing Burnout in Title I Rural Appalachian Schools Grades 4–9, Kara J. Howard
A Phenomenological Study on the Adult Biological Child's Experience in a Family That Fostered, Melba Richards-Garcia
A Phenomenological Study on the Contributors of Compassion Fatigue with Substance Use Disorder Counselors During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jennifer A. Galvano
A Phenomenological Study on the Experiences of English as a Second Language Adjuncts, Dawn Annette Bell
A Phenomenological Study on the Experiences of Secondary Teachers and Teacher Retention in Low-Income Schools, Kaila Morris Segres
A Phenomenological Study on the Mental Health Stigmatization and Faith of Christian African American GenX Men, Kenneth Jerlette Mickie
A Phenomenological Study to Understand Student Perceptions of Classroom Integration Strategies in Online Class Environments, Tanya Monique Balderrama
A Phenomenology of Naturally Embedded Trauma-Informed Practices Within Public Montessori Classroom Environments, Misty Autry Lewis
A Phenomenology of Post-Adoption Experiences of Adoptive Parents, Omowunmi Omotade Ehikhametalor
A Phenomenology of Spiritual and Religious Supports for Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence, Robin Downs
A Phenomenology of Working With Youth Sex-Trafficked Survivors in Florida, Paula Marie Robinson
A Phenomenology Study- Vicarious Trauma among School Counselors and Teachers Working with Students from the Northern Triangle in Elementary Title I Schools, Janeth B. Santiesteban
A Position of Strength: The Reagan Military Buildup and the Conventional Forces, Kevin D. Smith
Appalachian Mountain Religion, Andrea Stamper
Applications, Challenges, and Research Issues for Enabling a UAV Swarm, Jennifer Hahner
Applying Spring/Summer 2024 Fashion Trends to Modest Tween Fashion, Hannah Grace Shirley
Applying Stewardship Leadership that Impacts Employee Work Attitudes to Reduce Voluntary Turnover, H. Dea Dietrick Wood
Approaches in Preparing Transfer Degree Students for University Study: A Case Study of a Community College in Rural Southwest Virginia, Melissa Suzanne McKinney
A Practical Theology of the Role of Emotion in Corporate Musical Worship: A Case Study, Kevin Haglund
A Predictive Correlation and Causal-Comparative Study on Early Childhood Social-Emotional Scores, Socioeconomic Status, and Academic Achievement, Denise A. Ashley
A Preliminary Analysis of Lungless Salamander Baraminology (Caudata: Plethodontidae), Timothy R. Brophy and Kayla G. Natelborg
A Proposal for a Biblical School of Thought on the Value of Aggressive Disordered Behavior and Why It Exists, James Samuel Doyle
A Qualitative Approach Exploring Interoperation Communications By Law Enforcement Officers During Active Shootings, Amy Schissler
A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Enrollment and Retention Trends in Mid-Sized Pennsylvania Rural Band Programs, Adam Brian Nobile
A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Therapists and Their Work with Socially Isolated Female Victims of Sexual Violence amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Iris Lazette Saldivar
A Qualitative Descriptive Study: What South Carolina Church Leaders Believe About Congregational Active Shooter Preparation, Charles David Watts Jr.
A Qualitative Examination of Food Choice Among Division III Student Athletes Using Grounded Theory, Paul Webster Craig
A Qualitative Exploration of Practitioner Perspectives on Resilience in Children Who Have Experienced CSA and the Role of Spiritual and Religious Coping, Lauren S. Hamrick
A Qualitative Look at Women Faculty in Joint Military Professional Education, David B. Batchelor
A Qualitative Phenomenological Study of Secondary Student Social Interaction, Matthew D. Burch
A Qualitative Study and Comparative Analysis of Japanese and American Music Education Methodologies and Philosophies, Mallory Elaine Flory
A Qualitative Study Exploring Preservice Educators' Mindsets Regarding Training In Identifying Pre-Violence Indicator Patterns, Aaron Glenn Walp
A Qualitative Study of College Students with Autism: Resilience and Spirituality, Benjamin Ellis
A Qualitative Study of EMDR Clinician Treatment Modality Choice and Client Needs, Carole Petrides Bakke
A Qualitative Study of Family Communication Patterns Theory of Digital Supplementation on University Students, Heather S. Vaughan
A Qualitative Study of Federal Employee Whistleblowing and Reprisal for Whistleblowing, Bruce S. McLean
A Quantitative Approach to Determining the Reduction Rate of Cassette Labeling Errors Within a Surgical Pathology Diagnostic Laboratory, Kiaya Symonné Pruitt
A Quantitative, Cause-Comparative Design Study of Teacher Self-Efficacy Based on Classroom Environment and Professional Development, Tiffany Cain Woodward
A Quantitative Study of the Effects of Algorithmic Recommendations on Users of Streaming Services, Katarina Smikova
A Quantitative Study on Operational and Organizational Stress on Game Wardens, Lori A. Perez
A Quantitative Survey Exploring the Types of Internet Accessible Mental Health Resources Recognized by U.S. Long-Haul Truck Drivers, Cristal Angela Reyna
A Quasi-Experimental Study Looking at the Effect of Project-Based Learning on Sixth-Grade Students' Self-Concept, Miranda C. Carter
A Quasi-Experimental Study on the Effects of Small Group Learning on Mathematical Resilience in Upper Elementary Students, Joshua Adam Costelnock
Arbitrary Government Intrusion of the Home: Warrantless Pole Camera Home Surveillance Survives Katz but Violates the Fourth Amendment, Hannah J. Eppling
A Red Awakening: An Analysis of China’s Quest for Global Dominance through Economic Alternative Warfare Methods, Sarah Beddingfield
Are Elementary Reading Specialists Prepared to Address the Mental Health Needs of Struggling Readers?, Virginia Shank
A Refinement on the Principle of Resistance: The Puritan Roots of Political Resistance in America, Michael P. Berry
A Religion for the Common Man: A Culturally Subversive Understanding of Kabir’s Simple State, Wyatt Golden
A Review of Education Policies and Their Impact on Gang Participation for Youth, Sarah Sanders
A Review of Rheb Activation of mTORC1 and the Great Mystery of One Missing GEF, Jack Gregory
A Review of Rheb Activation of mTORC1 and the Great Mystery of One Missing GEF, Jack Gregory
Are You Really Qualified? Overcoming the Challenges of Authentic Voice in Characterization Across Race and Gender, James B. Myers
Arranging and Communication Techniques for the Studio Music Producer: A Curriculum, Elizabeth A. Rajcok
Artificial Intelligence and Its Need in Healthcare, Michael Haskins
Artificial Intelligence in Airport Security: How AI Can Increase Airport Safety?, Carlos Diaz Moreno
Artistry Meets Algorithm: A Creative's Guide to AI, Amanda Hoover
A Scribal Fabrication? A Text-Critical Defense of Mark 16:9-20 as Divinely Inspired and Canonically Authoritative, Justin R. Bamba
A Short Meditation Intervention and the Impact on Generation Z College Students' Anxiety and Academic Resilience, Alexandra Campbell
A Small Light for the Road: The Lived Experience of MHPSS Trainers in Northern Iraq, Sarah Mathis Nowery
Assessing a Reading Score's Ability to Predict PTA Program Student Success, Tiffany H. Bain
Assessing Natural and Synthetic Red Food Dye, Victoria MacLean
Assessing the Effects of Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) on an Equity Portfolio, Nathan Corcimiglia
Assessing the Fluorescent Properties of Anthraquinone-Based Dyes, Jack Gregory
Assessing the impact of lake expansion on adjacent stream amphibian diversity and density., Cheyenne Brooks
Assessment of Athlete Brand Identity: A Preliminary Investigation, Elijah Kester
Assessment of the Pattern and Factors Associated with Childhood Malnutrition in Nigeria, Wuraola Awosan
ASSURE 2023: Gambusia vs. Blackspot Disease Study, Garrett Bohrnstedt
A Strategic Plan for the Development of a Model of Care for Post Operative Bariatric Patients in Rural Utah, Cris R. Chamberlain
A Structured Handoff Report and Its Impact on Patient Experience, Gary N. Hicks
A Study of Followership in an Organizational-Wide Change of the Ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship, Michelle M. Russell
A Study of Leadership's Role in Building Relationships Among Virtual Team Members, Danna V. Smith
A Study of Mental Health Conditions Among Elite Level Athletes, Sawyer Magnett
A Study of Thomas Oord’s Open Theism and Theodicy, Olaoluwa Apata
A Study on Private Piano Curriculum Using Edwin Gordon’s Music Learning Theory, Cody Chandler
A Study on the Effects of Biblical Counseling Techniques on Teacher Relationships with Students with Autism, Matthew McNeill
A survey of animal diversity in a transect of post-fire deciduous forest, Delilah Hughes
A Survey of Police Patrol Officers' Perceptions of Juvenile Offenders, Charles Barrick Freitag Jr.
Asynchronous Online Learning Motivation Experiences for Community College Degree-Seeking Non-Traditional Adult Learners: A Qualitative Study, Tomie L. Gartland
A Text-Linguistic Analysis of Deliberative Discourse in Hebrew with Review of the LXX Translation, Timothy C. Lang
A Theoretical Framework to Enhance Healthcare Utilization Among International Students in the United States, Oyebolu Aderinola Akinkugbe
Atlantis At War, Aunna Leach
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Early Childhood Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Ability to Provide Mental Health Supports in the Classroom to Preschool-aged Children, Stacie Linette Parham
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Factors That Contribute to First-Generation Minority College Students' Motivation in Bachelor's Degree Attainment, Garry Anthony Mebane
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Faculty Perceptions of a Humanistic Classical Education, Nils Ivan Borquist
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Multimedia-based Pedagogy: Experiences of Elementary School Teachers in Developing Cognitively Stimulating Instruction, Siyanbola Enitan Balogun
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Onboarding Practices: Mid-Atlantic Region Public High School Teachers' Lived Experiences, Tiffany M. Draper
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Secondary Teachers' Rapid Implementation of New Instructional Technology during COVID-19 Pandemic, Caledon A. P. Smith
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Parents' Motivational Influence Behind Their Children's Screen Time Usage, Eric J. Phillips
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study on First-Generation Native Hawaiian College Students' Persistence in Online Courses, Nikki K. Kinoshita
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study on Teacher Self-Efficacy: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Teachers with Provisional Licensure While Working in the Classroom, Shawn Kristine Ruiz
A Transcendental Phenomenology Study on Teacher Experiences and Perspectives on the Efficacy of Trauma-Informed Practices in Public Schools with Students with Behavior Intervention Plans, Elaina Marie Lawrence
A Tree Away from the Forest, Deborah Ann Ebert
Attachment (Avoidance and Anxiety) in Relation to Marital Satisfaction in Couples Born between 1980 and 2000, Shevanthi Kanaganayagam
Attachment Security in Adult Offspring of Parents with Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Disorder, Habiba Jessica Zaman
Authenticity and Worship Technology: An Evaluation of the Use of Prerecorded Vocal and Instrumental Tracks in Worship in Augusta, Georgia, Susan R. Burgess
Autism and the Body of Christ: Understanding, Accommodating, and Accepting Autistic Believers in the Church, Kaitlyn Cook
Autumn Migration Ecology of the Northern Saw-Whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) in Central Virginia, Genesis Bishop
Avoiding the Cliff: A Case Study Exploring a Community-Based Program Working with Young Adults with Disabilities, Jon Christopher McKinnon
A World of Difference: A Comparison of the Worldview Differences Regarding Personhood and Human Rights, Isaac Kantola
Background Radiation: The Symbolism of Film in a Creative Work, Jack Fanning
Band Gamification Among High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Case Study, Carolyn Rusnak
Banks Shareholder Net Worth and Blockchain Technology, O'Neal Lawrance Barnett
Banyamulenge Immigrants' Perceptions of Police in the United States: A Qualitative Study, Fidele Nkomezi Sebahizi
Barriers to Mental Health Treatment Among U.S. Army Aviation Personnel, Aric James Raus
Basic Digital Forensic Course, Alberto Feliberty
Basic Needs Fulfillment and Course Completion Rates for Online University Students with Disabilities: A Quantitative, Non-Experimental, Causal-Comparative Study, Ashleigh M. King
Battle of Antietam: Why Sixteen Regiments Suffered Over 50% Casualties, Michael D. DeBarto
Bd Prevalence in the Local Crayfish Population, Gibson Huff
Bearing The Weight: A Phenomenological Exploration of Burnout and Stress Among Medicolegal Investigators, Ava Juliette Thorpe
Because He Lives: Exploring the Resurrection of Jesus as the Root Belief in Theologically Conservative Christians' Resistance to Climate Policy, Roger E. Prather
Becoming a Disciple-Making Disciple Through a Written Guided Plan in a Handbook, Benjamin T. Morrell
Beings-in-Becoming: A Formative Critique of Schellenberg's Problem of Divine Hiddenness, Isaiah Parker
Best Practices Associated with Medical Device Regulatory Strategy Success: A Case Study, Jonathan P. Ward
Beyond Color: Design Approaches for Conveying Mood and Music Genre in Album Covers for Color Blind Accessibility, Victoria Erdmann
Beyond Galilee: The Shift in Focus of the Ministry of Jesus Culminating at Caesarea Philippi, Kathryn Erin Dreesen
Beyond the Crown: A Qualitative Research Study on Pageant Women and the Looking-Glass Self, Laurel R. Stiekes
Beyond the Horizon Glows: A Poetic Reimagining of Augustine’s Philosophy of Memoria, Sarah Tate
Beyond the Pulpit: A Quantitative Analysis of Midwest Church Leaders' Confidence and Competence in Addressing Sexual Trauma, Eryka McMillan
Beyond the Uncanny Valley: A Tradigital Strategy for Emotional Connection in 3D Animation, Alan Gregory Wyatt
Biblical Choice Model: A St. Augustine-Inspired Approach to Behavioral Economics, Adebukola Adebayo
Biblical Counseling Curriculum: Building a Counseling Curriculum to Train Ministry Students to Counsel Advanced Topics, Nicholas A. Piervicenti
Biblical Duty and Government, Katherine Musgrove
Biblical Followership in the Local Church: A Phenomenological Study, Terrence M. La Masters
Biblical Leadership Development: Essential Components in Servant Leadership, André T. Moore Sr.
Biblical Literacy: A Theological Exploration of What God Says About Women Called to Pastor, Shannel K. Williams
Biblically-based Songs: Agents of Healing for Women Overcoming Rejection, Michal Rivera
Biblically Responsible Investing: Should Christians Avoid or Engage?, Logan Young
Biden v. Nebraska: Student Loan Debt Forgiveness and the Dangers of the Administrative State, Rodney D. Chrisman
Bioethics of Human Cloning: Are We Playing God?, Caleb Smith
Birds of Society: Applying External Adjustments and Conceptual Metaphor to The Importance of Being Earnest, Morgan Forehand
Black Consonance and Dissonance Theory: As Explored Through the Social Media Use of Black Women in Late-Adolescence, Iris Goode-Middleton
Blacks' Intergenerational Trauma Triggered by Police Misconduct, Anselma JohnAyala
Blockchain Voting Machines: An Approach to Election Security, Zane Taylor Hollandsworth
Blood Flow Restriction Therapy: A Review of Physiology, Clinical Application, and Guidelines for Implementation, Nathan Schuliger
Book Review: Christopher F. Rufo. America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything. New York: Broadside Books, 2023., Alexander Robbin Marks-Katz
Book Review: Mere Christianity, Madelyn Doyle
Bosnia and Herzegovina's Prospects on Membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Emma Chupp
Brand Campaign: The Bronze Rose, Rachel Rosenberger
Bridging Biblical Beliefs and Behaviors: Historical and Cultural Influence of Machismo in Latin America, Kimberly Weaner
Bridging Faith and Restoration: A Phenomenological Study Exploring Evangelical Pastors’ Experiences Ministering to Congregants with Trauma in the Greater Toronto Area, Lindsay Knox McVety
Bridging the Governance Gap: Addressing Board Turnover and Team Building in Northern California Special Districts, Karin R. Freese
Bringing Analog into the Digital Age: How Traditional Formats of Analog Design—Such as Letterpress Printing—Can Be Used as Pedagogical Tools for Collegiate Level Online Instruction, Gabriel O. Metzger
Bringing Effective Coaching to Scale: Experiences of Instructional Coaches in a Large-Scale Coaching Program: A Phenomenological Study, Kristen A. Skura
Broken Picket Fences, Lori Ann Feeley
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Pathophysiology and the Effects of the Microbiome, Anjali Jacob
Building Bridges: Connecting the Disconnected to God and Others after Counseling, Jonathan W. Terry
Building High-Performance Ministry Teams: Pastors, Ministers, and Leaders of Selected Baptist Churches in Macon, Georgia, Michael Wendell Johnson
Building Hope in Outreach Ministry, Preston W. Boerner
Building Our Future, King Randall
Burnout Prevention in Christian Public and Private Middle School Leaders: A Qualitative Study, Rhonda Grider Purchase
Burnout Triggers in the Novice Registered Nurse, Sharon K. Nguyen
Can Officers Confidently Query State Vanity Plates & Account for License Plate Reader Inaccuracies?, Matthew Adam Simon
Can Time Really Heal: The Long-term Impacts of Joint Custody Arrangements, Savannah McCullough
Can Time Really Heal: The Long-term Impacts of Joint Custody Arrangements, Savannah McCullough
Can Volunteer Fire Companies Improve Recruiting?, David T. Button
Caregiver and Professional Experiences with Social-emotional Leaning in the Classroom for Young Children with Inherited Bleeding Disorders: A Phenomenological Study, Christy L. Miller
Caregiver Interactions and Burnout in Speech-Language Pathology, Wyndi L. Capeci
Catalysts for Change: The Sacralizing Impulse of the Second Great Awakening and Its Transformative Impact on American Higher Education, Blake S. Hart
Caught in the Camelot: How Kennedy's Assassination Preserved His Legacy, Caleb Noble
Causal Comparative Study of Structured Literacy Knowledge Between Participants of Dyslexia Intervention Training Programs, Rhonda Rene' Alm
Causal-Comparative Study of the Difference in Teacher Perceptions of School Climate and Teacher Occupational Stress Among Elementary, Middle, and High School Teachers, Jennifer L. Miller
Challenged AND Chosen: Discipling Christians with Chronic Conditions Towards Kingdom Identity and Purpose, Allison J. Hampton
Challenges Faced By Adult Gifted Students Who Have Experienced Traumatic Brain Injury: A Phenomenological Study, Dawn M. Nessler
Challenges of a changing environment: Urban development impacts a population of Eastern Box turtles, Anna Grace Aldridge
Challenges To Musical and Organizational Growth in Small Rural Community High School Instrumental Music Programs in Georgia, William Kenneth Garrett
Challenging the Cancer of Consumerism Ravaging the American Protestant Church, John A. Thompson II
Change for the Better? An Examination of How Technology-Based Instruction During COVID-19 Changed Teaching Methods in Band, An'Cheyl Davis
Changes in Colonial Perspectives on Native Americans and Native-Christian Hybridity, Thomas Kelly Hassani
Changing the Narrative: Developing Evidence-Based, Communication Strategies to Address Health Disparities of Black Women in the United States, Emmerline Francesca Nelson-Rogers
Chaplain Emil Kapaun: A Hero of Faith, Kacie Wooten
Character Challenges American Christian Business Leaders Face in the Secular Digital Age, Kevin J. Kennedy
Character Development and the Inspiring Novelist, Halley Nicole Villegas
Characterization of the Aspergillus flavus rdiA gene with a rdi1∆ mutant of C. neoformans, Nicholas Jones
Characterization of the Aspergillus flavus rdiA gene with a rdi1∆ mutant of C. neoformans, Nicholas Jones
Characterizing Novel Peroxygenase Activity Found in Fruit Seeds of the Genus Capsicum, Sally Hess
Character: The Flame of Writing, Madison Kate Stagner
Charge the Cockpit or Die: An Anatomy of Fear-Driven Political Rhetoric in American Conservatism, Daniel Hostetter
Charles Lummis: Spanish Knight-Errant, Benjamin J. Prior
Charter School Music Programs in the Southwest: Innovation or Isomorphism, Joseph Justo Ulibarri
Childhood Trauma and the Impact on Education, Lakisha Yvetta Davis
Children Evangelism in the Kingdom Cathedral Reaching Children Ages Five to Ten Years of Age, Gayle Vernice Sampson
Child to Parent Violence by ADHD Children: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Approach to the Experiences of Parents in the Evangelical Church, Amber Hilton Stokes
China: A Settler Colonial Empire?, Kaleb Horne
China Policy I Breakout Session, Liberty University
China Policy II Breakout Session, Liberty University
China’s Strategic Use of Digital Media, Sarah Beddingfield
Chiropractic Patient Safety Education Experiences: A Phenomenological Study, Michael P. Moore
Cholesterol-Fluorophore Bioconjugates, Emily Bayliss
Choral Educators’ Perspectives on Block Scheduling in Middle Schools, Heather Anderson Perryman
Christian Graduates' Lived Experiences with Professional Moral Courage: A Transcendental Phenomenology, Jeffrey W. Moreira
Christianity in Civil War POW Camps: Union and Confederate Differences, Christina Banker
Christian Meditation and Yoga Breathwork: Complimentary Interventions for PTSD, Beulah Savithri Joshua
Christ’s Hallel and the Christian’s Hallelujah: A Comparative Analysis of Jesus’ Last Supper Hymn with Contemporary Worship Songs, Maria Rica Silbol
Church Adoption: Three-pronged Elements that Support the Revitalization of Coastal Church Battery Park Location in Virginia, Michael Christopher Bard
Church and Community: Bridging the Gap to Create a Culture of Acceptance and Inclusiveness, Matthew L. Brown
Church Attraction Through Uncertainty Reduction: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Local Church Content Communication on Facebook and Instagram, Kailey Spilger
Church Systems: From Church Attenders to Committed Church Members, Loyd Johnson
Circling the Square: Computing Radical Two, Isaiah Mellace and Joshua Kroeker
Citizen Engagement Through Social Media in Small Maryland Towns, Chad P. Rooney
Citizenship and Virtue’ Are Requirements for Maintaining Liberty, Timothy P. O'Brien
Citizenship, Constitutionalism and Democracy, Daniel Fodorean
City on a Hill: A Reflection on Christian Ethic and Human Morality, Mayce Combs
Civil War Field Hospital: A Bloody Surgical Table’s Link to the Past and its Impact on Future DNA Analysis, Natalie Spencer
Claiming the Crown — The Agency and Fandom of “The Woman King”, Cibonay R. Dames
Clash of Convictions: Examining Divergences Among Traditional and Progressive Christians in Contemporary America, Aimee Marie Tarte
Closing the Sepsis Communication Gap in the ED: An Integrative Review, Rebecca Caldwell Hamlett
CNI Combined Variables Dataset, Kahlib Fischer
Code Girls in World War Two, Madison Kelly
Cognitive Learning Strategies and Candidates in Teacher Education Programs: A Phenomenology, Nicole Kircher
Coherent Chiastic Oeuvre in the Unity of Luke-Acts: Two Volumes Conjoined as a Single Book, John Matthew Powell
Cold War Merchants and the Commercialization of Space, Sandra Jeneane Piseno
Collaborative Care Management: The Influence of Location of Care on Mental Health Self-Stigma, Melicia Ivette Tanner
College Females with a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Impact of Birth Order and Religious Commitment on Resilience, Courtney Elizabeth Walraven
College Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Kahoot to Learn Vocabulary in a Second Language: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Adriana Hatch
Come As You Are: The Rise and Fall of The Grunge Movement and Its Implications on The Identity of Seattle, Colin J. Wood
Come As You Are: The Rise and Fall of The Grunge Movement and Its Implications on The Identity of Seattle, Colin Wood
Commonalities in Teaching Strategies Among Middle School Band Directors for Individuals Auditioning for the Georgia All-State Band, Michael Christopher Harper
Communication and Posttraumatic Growth: The Power of Positive Declarations, Jennifer L. Owen
Communism and Socialism: Their Influences On Wisconsin's Political, Economic, and Cultural Foundations, with a Special Focus on Milwaukee, 1890-1950, Jean Marie Froelich
Community College Professors' Experiences with Dual Credit High School Students: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Aldo Enrrique Guzman
Community Formation and Effective Leadership in African American Churches in High-poverty Communities, Kevin Laron Moore
Community Health Assessments in Guatemala and Honduras, Grace Sibert
Community Health Assessments in Guatemala and Honduras, Grace Sibert
Community Partnerships for Music Education in Rural Eastern New Mexico and West Texas, Joseph Manuel Flores
Comparing Physiological, Psychological, and Performance Changes Between Myo-Reps Vs Traditional Hypertrophy Protocols, Antonella V. Schwarz
Comparing Sense of Community Scores Between Online Information Technology Students Based Domestically and Those Based Internationally, Spencer DeGraw
Comparing the Causal Effects of Observational Versus Active Roles in High-Fidelity Simulation: A Quantitative Study, Bethany D. Rose
Comparing the School Engagement of Middle and High School Special Education Students Enrolled in School-Based Mental Health Services, Elizabeth Anne McPhearson
Comparison of Redevelopment Policies, Gentrification, and Disparate Impact in Tallahassee, Dallas, and San Diego, William Dorsey
Compassion Fatigue: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Public School Special Education Teachers, Linnea Tilley
Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy (NVP) across Diverse Demographics: Pilot Data Collection, Erin Chocklett
Conceptualizing Loneliness: Clinical Importance and Theraputic Approaches, Joni Loehrig
Conflict in the Congo: A Critical Assessment of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act, Rodney Ford
Conforming to the Image of Christ: Addressing Spiritual Immaturity Utilizing Strategic Bible-Based Pastoral Counseling in a Rural Church Context, Leonard Carpenter III
Confronting Cosmetic Carcinogens: A Proposal Regarding the Dangers of Talcum Powder, Rachael Howell
Conscientiousness Personality Trait on Job Performance and Retention of Public Service Employees, Arsenio Scott
Conscious and Unconscious Obsession–Based Human Motivation A Theoretical Proposal, Grace Pryor
Constructing a Transformative Methodology of Discipleship: A Qualitative Case Study of the African Strategic Discipleship Movement (ASDM), Anne Sylvia Meredith Frey
Constructivism, Curiosity, and Metacognitive Bias in the Age of Google, Matthew Moore
Contact Refusal in Children and Adolescents Post-Parental Separation, Ashten N. Gallagher
Conventional Commanders in an Unconventional War: The U.S. Army in Vietnam 1965-1973, Patrick Richard Eaton
Corporate Social Responsibility Programs in Supply Chain Strategies, Craig A. Standridge
Counseling and Mental Health Stigma Among College Students: An Examination of Gender, Mattie Albright
Counselor Educators' Acceptance of Immersive and Interactive Virtual Reality as a Pedagogical Tool, Melissa A. Smith
Counselors Perception of Life Experiences Affecting Their Longevity in Counseling, Melissa S. Kennedy
Counting the Cost of Too Many C-sections in Low-Risk Deliveries, Andrea Mackenzie
Counting the Cost of Too Many C-sections in Low-Risk Deliveries, Andrea Mackenzie
Counting the Days: The Connection Between Chronology and Eschatology in the Early Church, Jonathan Cook
County-Level Trends and Potential Disparities in the Suicide Rates in Virginia, 2020 – 2022, Sharon A. Olowoyo, Oluwatosin M. Oduneye, Glodi B. Bokanya, Ayooluwa G. Olowoyo, Coralie E. Mugenga, Yuhan Yan, and Robyn L. Anderson
COVID-19 Effects on School Choral Music Programs’ Rehearsal Instruction: Exploring Responses, Sharing Teacher Perceptions on Future Preparedness, Watson Chilala
COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences: Relationship with Loneliness of Current College Students, Nicole Airesman
COVID-19: The Federal Government, Federalism, South Dakota, and American Indians, Jordan Janson
Crayfish as a biological reservoir for the amphibian skin pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Kyra Goyette
Created to be Slaves: Reexamining the Doctrine of Original Sin, William Daniel Gamble
Creating a Caring Culture, Julie Harrison-Swartz
Creating High Strength High Ductility Copper by Use of Position and Energy Controlled Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment (PECSMAT), Joshua Clayton
Creating Thinking Classrooms in Music Education: Teacher and Student Perspectives of Twenty-First-Century Instruction, Dave McGarry
Credit History Controls the Ability of Small Businesses to Obtain Working Capital: A Case Study, Tiffany Leeona Thompson
Criminal Justice: Racial Equity in United States of America, Glenn Bass
Crisis Management and Peer Support, Kevin H. Eaton
Crisis of Youth Homelessness in Birmingham, Alabama, Velma Annette Williams
CRISPR Cas9 mediated GFP Tagging of cd79a in Danio rerio, Asia Eskaros
CRISPR, OMEGA, and Fanzor: Mixed Blessings of Genome Editing Technology, Haeun Tae
Critical Thinking and Worldview Formation in Ministry, David W. Belles
Crowdsourcing Strategizing: A View From the Top, Priscilla L. Eddings
Crushed in a Crowd: Crisis Communication in Concert Tragedies, Rebecca Kicinski
Cryptology for Christ: Steganography, Evangelism, and Closed Access Countries, Christopher Jaus
Cryptology for Christ: Steganography, Evangelism, and Closed Access Countries, Christopher Jaus
Cryptology for Christ: Steganography, Evangelism, and Closed Access Countries, Christopher Jaus
C. S. Lewis: An Inclusive Apologist, Braden Daniels
Cuba and the United States in the Platt Amendment Period: Perception and Intent, Lee Carter
Culinary Nutrition Education to Division 3 Athletes, Jonathan Robert Poyourow
Cultivating Multicultural Christian Youth Ministry Team Leaders Through Covenant Relationships With Youth in KC and STL Metro Area Churches, Christopher D. Edin
Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility Among Healthcare Students Related to Community Engagement and Service Learning: A Multiple Regression and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Study, Maryanne Koech Gathambo
Cultural Identity in Isolation: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Big Brother Season 23, Summer Ann Clutter
Cultural Influence on Recruiting Middle School Children to the Jordanian Nai Choir, Diana Samir Talhami
Cultural Influence on the Decision-Making Processes of Individuals, Julia Carrion-Rivera
Cultural Motivations and Effects of Live Game Streaming, Gordon David Littleford
Current status of fungal and viral infections of the Peaks of Otter salamander and sympatric amphibians in Central Virginia, Jordan Tennis
Cutting Ties with the South: Maryland’s Constitution and the Demise of the Slave Economy, 1864, Alex Fancher
Cyber Defense Planning in Tabletop Exercises and Consideration of a Fractured Flaw Theory for Security Applications, Patrick K. Kilroy II
Cypress Falls, Jamie Paisant
Cystic Fibrosis: The Past, Present, and Future of an Ancient Disease, Abigail Pendell
Dangerous Ambition: Character Analysis of Major General Horatio Gates, Harold Allen Skinner Jr.
Daniel G. Hummel's The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism: How the Evangelical Battle Over the End Times Shaped a Nation: A Review, Michael A. Smith
Deaf-centric Expression of Biblical Language, Symbols, and Culture, Grace Tang
Death Notification for the Law Enforcement Chaplain; Considering Models that Emphasize the Ministry of Presence, Steven W. Brooks
Deceptive Innocence: Exploring the Symbolic Interpretation of Purity in Little Billy's Letters, Lindsay Anton
Decoding Political Narratives: Artificial Art and the Crafting of Symbolic Realities, Lindsay Anton
Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon and the Effects on Its Position in International Politics, Jeb Hinkle
Demographic Trends of Annual Dental Visits by Adults (ages 18+) in Virginia, 2020, Rachel Hanzes
Demons 101: A Comparative Understanding of Ancient Near Eastern Demons, Christopher Dykes
Design and Synthesis of Endocannabinoid Enzyme Inhibitors for Potential Peripherally Selective Glaucoma Treatments, Destiny Latia Keishara Braynen
Design History Revised: Inspiring a New Generation of Designers by Celebrating Women in Graphic Design History through a Collection of Zines, Sierra Skye Schneider
Designing a Novel Approach to Cadaveric Dissection and Evaluation of the Lacrimal Gland Anatomy, Maresa Joanna McDowell
Detection and Extraction of PFOA and PFOS via MIPs, Joseph Redding
Determining Factors for College Music Major Success in Small Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities: Perspectives from Students and Faculty, Spencer James Nance
Determining the Effectiveness of a Nurse-Led Heart Failure Education Program in Reducing 30-Day Hospital Heart Failure Readmissions, Amy Suzanne Cosby
Determining the Effect of Patient Mouth Opening on Non-Invasive Respiratory Therapy Effectiveness, Robert Kacinski
Determining the Impact of Mindfulness Activities to Increase Joy in Work and Decrease Burnout: An Integrative Review, Kimberly Gleason Bogart
Determining Who Gets Help And Why: A Phenomenological Study Into Help-Seeking Behavior In Law Enforcement Officers, Gerald A. Steckmeister
Detransitioners: Dealing with the False Promises of Gender Transition, Diane M. Roselli
Devastation through Assimilation: The Struggle for Cultural Preservation in the Armenian Genocide, Evelyn Loftin
Devastation through Assimilation: The Struggle for Cultural Preservation in the Armenian Genocide, Evelyn Loftin
Developing A Biblical Worldview: Equipping African American Leaders With the Tools Needed to Combat the Reemergence of Syncretism Within the African American Church, William Taft Wallace Jr.
Developing a Discipleship Training Guide at Greater Love Baptist Church for the Retention of Young Adults, Frances W. Cox
Developing and Retaining High-Potential Non-Academic Employees in Private Higher Education Institutions to Create Sustainable Non-Academic Leadership Pipelines, Sheraine D. Gilliam
Developing an Evangelistic Training Class for Revitalization of Outward Evangelism at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Ringgold, Virginia, Anthony R. Pass
Developing A Pathway for Ministry Leaders at Southside Church of the Nazarene, Reginald David Phillips
Developing a Program of Ongoing Adult Spiritual Formation for St. Raphael Church in San Rafael, California, Mark Andrew Kroncke
Developing Health Ministries Beyond the Disparities in the Community, Tasha Renea Berry-Lewis
Developing Resiliency Body Armor Through Psychological and Spiritual Means: How U.S. States' ICAC Personnel Cope with Secondary Traumatic Stress, Jameson Lee DeNagel
Diabetes Health Literacy, Diabetes Numeracy, and Cognitive Function as Predictors of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Self-Management, Twinkle Gupta
Diabetic Management with GLP1-RA Ozempic and Diabetic Education, Katrina Sivo-Souza
Diabetic Management with GLP1-RA Ozempic and Diabetic Education, Katrina Sivo-Souza
Diaphragmatic Breathing Influences Recovery Metrics after Aerobic Exercise, Trace L. Cruz
Difference in Persistence Scores Among Community College Students: A Causal-Comparative Study, Jessica Jean DeRoche
Differences in Out-Of-School Suspensions Between Black and White High School Students When Controlling for Student Factors, School Factors, and Delinquency, Steven Craig Davidson
Differences in Special Education Teachers' Applied Behavior Analysis Scores: A Causal-Comparative Study, Delilah Mae Fernandez
Differences in Stress Among Healthcare Workers in Rural and Urban Healthcare Settings--The Role of Spirituality, Lisa Yancey
Differences in Students' Self-Esteem, Prosocial Behaviors, Classroom Climate, and Participation in Read to Dogs Programs: A Quantitative Comparative Study, Kimberley Anna Brush
Digital Commons Statistics for April 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for August 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for December 2023, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for February 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for January 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for July 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for June 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for March 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for May 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for November 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for October 2024, Liberty University
Digital Commons Statistics for September 2024, Liberty University
Digital Ministry in the Church: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities, Willie Charles Howard Garrett
Digital Technology Use and Influence on the Mission and Ministry of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Church Community in the United States Resulting from the Covid -19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Study, Phillip Steven Woodruff
Dimensionality Reduction: Principal Component Analysis of Workload of an NBA Game, Brian Audelio Serrano
Discerning Impact of Secular Humanism on Pastoral Counseling, Stephen Ganschow
Disciple-Making at St. Louis Baptist Church, Vasquez R. Granberry
Discipleship: A Biblical Approach and Alignment to the Spirit of the Ministry at Kingdom Collegiate Academies Early Childhood Program, Ella Louise Brown
Discipling Your Children for Dating, Isaiah del Pilar
Discovering Their Purpose for Praise: Revitalizing Corporate Worship in an Ethnic Japanese Church in Hawaii, Marc Chikara Imamura
Discovering the Value of Decision-making Through Meaningful Experiences During High School Marching Band, William V. Reese
Disproportionate Rate of Mental Health Care for African American Service Members, Amy Tesla KingJones
Distracted, Amanda Solomon
Disunity of Pentecostal Pastors Planting Churches in Suburban Areas: Unifying Leaders with the Same Goal, Jamare L. Razor
Diverting the Mob Mentality: The Real Dam History of Las Vegas, Stephen J. Mislan
Divine Threads: Unraveling Testimony, Character Development, and Christianity in Fantasy Narratives, Miranda Wessman
Divorce: A phenomenological study on estrangement in fathers in older adulthood, Janet H. Shaffer
Doctrinal Development: The Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates and American Political Theology, Daniel Christopher Samms
Does Deviating from Agile Principles Have an Impact on Project Success in North Carolina Higher Education Institutions?, Douglas A. Stanley
Does Education Enhance a Recruit's Academic Performance during Academy Training, Mark A. Lahr
Does Intergenerational Trauma Influence Growth or Fixed Mindset Among Ethnic Minorities?, Kevin LaDunn Thomas
Dolphin Skin CFD Analysis for Biomimetic and Hydrodynamic Applications, Joseph Krahn
Do More Than Train New Nurses...Retain Them! A Qualitative Research Study, Kerrin L. Hampton
Do Not Neglect to Show Hospitality to Strangers: Developing and Implementing a Program of Home Hospitality at Furnace Creek Baptist Church, Philip D. Bramblet
Do Something: Does the Use of Compassionate Empathy by Staff Affect the Safety of a Colorado Correctional Facility?, Kelly Lynn Kuhns
Drawing the Line: How the Lower Courts Must Adapt to Using Non-Retroactive Changes in Law When Granting Sentence Reductions in Light of Amended Guidelines, Sophia M. Liechty
Dual Degree MAPP Informational Session, Liberty University
Dylan Andrews - The Vigilante, Heather Roberson
Dyslexia and Sight-reading: Perceptions of Upper Woodwind Instrumental Students with Dyslexia and their Approach to Sight-reading Study, Kristen S. Spiridon
Early Childhood Education Teachers' Experiences with Implementing Play-Based Learning in the Classroom: A Phenomenological Study, Lori Lee Wagner
Early Childhood Educators' Training and Support for Addressing Challenging Behaviors of Students: A Phenomenological Study, Sonia Monica Sumner
Early Forgiveness Intervention in Substance Abuse Recovery, Susan Janos
Earnest and Authentic Translation from Victorian England to the Wilde West, Carly E. McClure
Easy as 1, 2, 3: An Analysis of Rhythm-Counting Systems and Their Affect on Performance Accuracy in Beginner Band Students, Brendan Beiersdorfer
Echoes of Eden in Proverbs: Towards a Biblical Theological Ethic, Armen Oganessian
Edification and Evangelism Through Worship Leadership, Donald G. Wolf
Edification, Exhortation, and Consolation in a Prophetic Context, Drorester Ornas Alexander II
Editorial Board & Table of Contents, The Editors
Editorial Board & Table of Contents, The Editors
Educated Cops: A Qualitative Analysis of Police Chiefs' and Police Officers' Perceptions of the Effects of Post-Secondary Education on Job Performance, James Wesley Blair
Educating Nurses on the Components of a Healthy Work Environment, Kathryn L. Scott
Educating Outpatient Clinic Nurses in the Management of Diabetes, Deborah O. Yisa
Educating Providers on the Utility of Pharmacogenomic Testing, Angela L. Holloman
Educationally and Practically Beneficial Enzymatic Organic Chemistry Lab Experiments, Garen Hamner
Education & Technology Breakout Session, Liberty University
Educator Experiences in Conflict Management with Parents of Students with Disabilities: A Phenomenological Study, Laura Lewis Mosby
Educator Motivation for Acquiring Expertise to Support Students with Dyslexia: A Phenomenological Study, Maria T. Casale
Educators’ Perceptions of Exclusionary Discipline for Students with Disabilities in a Manifestation Determination Review: A Case Study, Jenell R. Huska
Effectiveness of Clinical Reasoning Reflection Prompts to Develop Clinical Judgment in Prelicensure Nursing Students: A Quasi-Experimental Study, Tiffany Condren
Effect of Incarceration on Prisoners Diagnosed with Mental Health Conditions: Trauma, Treatment, and Transitioning, Ingria S. Haywood
Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Perceived Exertion in Endurance Athletes: A Critically Appraise Topic, Colton McGuire
Effects of an Innovative Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Educational Method on Nurses' Competency and Confidence, Claudia C. Sabogal-Rodriguez
Effects of Cafestol and Enterolactone on Glucose Uptake in 3T3-L1 Differentiated Adipocytes, Sierra Hall
Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health Workers' Job Satisfaction, Employee Burnout, and Intent to Leave, Colton Jacobs
Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training Combined with Resistance Training on Functional Capacity and Clinical Risk Factors in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease, Philip Matthew Wilson
Effects of Supply Chain Issues on IT Digital Transformation in Fast Growing Louisiana SME, John Estes
Effects of Two-Minutes Versus Four-Minutes Active Recovery on a “Booster” VO2max Treadmill Test, Jelena Obretkovich
Effects on the Enduring Marriage of Parenting a Young Adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tawnya Anne Fabian
Efficacy Post-Event: Mass Killing Integrated Response Training, Danny Scott Jarrell
Efficient Synthesis of 5,6-Fused Ring Pyridazines for Advanced Organometallic Semiconductor Applications, David Johnson
Ego Eimi and the Surpassing Greatness of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John, Keith Kekoa Pang
Embodied Apologetics as Pragmatic Evidence for Christianity, Peter F. Grett
Embracing Positivity: Using the Power of Positivity to Enhance Design Classroom Critiques to Encourage Students to Feel Empowered as Artists, Angela M. Keeler Reeves
Embracing Racial Diversity in the Workplace, Iris J. Kugmeh
Embracing Spiritual Growth: Laying the Groundwork to Address Spiritual Growth Anxiety Through a Covenant Union with Christ, Will M. Hunsaker
Embracing Technology to Optimize Patient Repositioning, Michelle Gideon
EMDR and Exercise: Treating PTSD in Female Veterans, Ericka Day
Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Stress, Coping Strategies and Burnout in High Stress Nursing Job Types, Chris Hutsell
Empathy in the Classroom: How Great Books Create Meaningful Discussion, Courtney Whitaker
Employee Engagement in Public Sector Organizations, Rhonda Isler Dent
Employee Retention in Elderly Care: The Impact of Coworkers on Newly Hired Caregivers, Lewis McCoy
Empowerment and Advocacy Culture within Higher Education for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Qualitative Case Study, Rachel R. Kovach
Emulating Paul’s Ministry Leadership in a Diverse and Changing Cultural Landscape, Mark J. Lee
Ending American Slavery Once and for All: Lincoln, Natural Law, the Bible, and the Federal Government, Alexander Marks-Katz
End-of-Life Care Curricula for Respiratory Therapy Students: A Qualitative Study, Ginger Goff Coles
English as a Second Language Teacher Training in China: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Keithe Wall
English Literacy Rates Across the United States, Hailey Reisinger
Enhancing Productive Vocabulary of ESL Learners: A Qualitative Case Study, Hala Bastawros
Enhancing Spousal Abuse Awareness Among Church Leaders of the Haitian Seventh-day Adventist Church, Peggy Filossaint
Ensuring Careful Interpretation and Application of the Bible through the Lens of the Covenants, James Kenneth Rainwater
Enterolactone as a Potential Therapeutic Agent for Treatment of Type-two Diabetes, Abigail Frommack
Enterprise Systems: Installing and Configuring ERPNext on MacOS, Yazan Abbasi
Equipping Church Leadership Through Team Ministry: A Dissertation-in-Praxis Model, Judith Aarian Hawkins
Equipping Equippers: Training Alaska Bible College Students for Equipping Ministry through Mentorship, Justin Glenn Archuletta
Equipping Leaders for Spiritual Growth at Christ the King Church, Grace Akpofure Nkanga
Equipping Local Pastors to Develop a Comprehensive Chaplaincy Ministry for the Cullman County Sheriff's Office, Matthew W. Smith
Equipping Spiritually Mature Men to Mentor the Next Generation of Leaders, Seth S. Carter
Essential groaning: The resurrection hope of Romans 8:18-25 and 2 Corinthians 4:7-5:10 against word of faith theology, Samuel Arthur Knaus
Establishing a Christ-Centered Understanding of the Minor Prophets at First Baptist Church, Greenville, KY, John Michael Galyen
Ethical Considerations in Implementing AI Technologies in Higher Education, Marcia Bennett
Ethics as a Stand-Alone Course for Ph.D. in Public Administration, Daniel Scott
Eugenics Not Eradication: How People with Disabilities Have Lost the Right to Life, Ava M. Standish
Evaluating competition effects on CORT and body condition in Plethodon hubrichti., Jason Porter
Evaluating elevational effects on CORT and body condition in Plethodon hubrichti., Cheyenne Brooks
Evaluating Expressive Conducting: A Statistical Analysis of Rural High School Wind Ensemble Performances, Cole F. Smith
Evaluating Instruments and Strategies for Change: A Pilot Study for Total Life Ministries, Lisa M. Hunter
Evaluating Leadership Behaviors and Their Impact on Employee Morale: A Comparative Methodological Analysis, Mark Ellis
Evaluating the Difference Between Anxiety and Depression for Adults in the United States Who Were Adopted Internationally Versus Domestically, and Seeking to Determine if Age at Adoption Is a Predictor of Depression and Anxiety for the Internationally Adopted, Kaitlyn Nicole Whiteside Engle
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Lethality Assessment Program in Managing Domestic Violence Rates, Madison P. Jordan
Evaluating The Impact of The Nurse-Patient Relationship: An Integrative Review, Kathryn H. Creasey
Evaluating the Relationship Between Retrieval Practice, Spacing and Interleaving, and Feedback-Driven Metacognition Tools for Learning and the Academic Achievement of Students Living in Poverty, Angie Leigh Sholar Dutton
Evangelicals as Zionists and Peacemakers in Arab and Israeli Peacemaking through Track II Diplomacy, Johnnie Moore
Evangelism Development in a Multigenerational Rural Church, John E. Baldwin
Evidence-Based Project to Improve Staff’s Knowledge and Attitude Toward Electroconvulsive Therapy, Nicole A. Marshall
Evidence-Based Strategy to Engage and Retain Patients in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: A Contingency Management Plan, Olubukola Juliet Akinyele
Evita: The Unassuming Rise of Argentina's Most Beloved First Lady, Adaline Nolley
Examination of Putative Transcriptional Regulators in Cryptococcus Neoformans, Felice Kho
Examining Differences in Implicit Bias Towards Students of Color Within the Higher Education System, Marlene Drake
Examining Educational Experiences of Healthcare Providers Who Transitioned into a Different Healthcare Role: A Phenomenological Study, Dustin P. Carnell
Examining How Sexual Trauma Has Affected Women in Their Education: Creating a Community of Awareness in the Educational System, Tyeasia Dorsey
Examining Influences of Academic Resilience Among Minority Adolescent Students, Sylvia Alice Okpon
Examining Parenting Styles and Dimensions as Predictors for Adolescents’ Perceived Life Satisfaction as Adults, Katelin Waddell
Examining the Coach-Athlete Relationship as a Predictor of High School Football Athlete Satisfaction, Mitchell P. Davis
Examining the Cues to Action of Christian Parents and/or Guardians Who Are Hesitant to Vaccinate Pediatric Populations, Marcia S. Jackson
Examining the Effects of an ISBARR Educational Intervention on Self-Efficacy of Senior-Level Nursing Students within a Transition to Practice Course: A Quasi-Experimental Study, Stacy Nicole Taylor
Examining the Impact of Anxiety on Student Learning: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Teachers' Lived Experiences as They Support Students with Anxiety, Jennifer Hope Crews
Examining the Impact of Special Education Teacher Attrition on Student Performance: A Causal-Comparative Study, Kiandra Dane Jones
Examining the Impact of Sustained Trauma-Informed Care Training with Educators Who Service Students with Exceptionalities and Challenging Behaviors, Miyokia D. Carter
Examining the Needs of Administrators, Teachers, and Professional Staff in an Elementary School Moving to Become a Trauma-Sensitive School: A Single Instrumental Case Study, Samantha Nicole George
Examining the Perspectives of General Education Teachers in Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Support: A Qualitative Study, Kristina Nelsen
Examining the Relationship of Simulation to Nursing Communication Competency: A Quantitative, Causal-Comparative, Retrospective Study, Patresha Pamella Pearson
Examining the Relationships Between Emotional Intelligence, Role Overload, and Intent to Leave the Profession Among Elementary School Teachers, Rachael D. Egli
Examining Yourself: The Effect of Reflective Thinking Strategies on Public Servants' Communication Abilities, Rasheda Jamillah Cummings
Executive Editor's Note, Alex Mason
Executive Function and Stressed College Students: A Phenomenological Study to Inform Instructional Design, Donna-Maria Trewhella
Executive Leader Perspectives of Rural School District Organizational Resilience: A Qualitative Multiple-Case Study Inquiry, Todd S. Burke
Exegetical Analysis of the Vision in Daniel 10-12, Sydni M. Howard
Expanding the Apostolic Mission: A Biblical-Theological Analysis of Peter's Epistles as Evidence of His Universal Apostleship Beyond the Jewish Context, Peter J. Ireland
Experience of Clinical Judgment Among Senior Associate Degree Nursing Students: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Hollie Bell Elmore
Experiences Affecting Military Children's Performance in School: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology, Christopher Lee Pruitt Casely
Experiences of Asian American Students in Non-STEM Fields: A Phenomenological Study, Diem Nguyen
Experiences of Black Parents of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in Obtaining a Timely Diagnosis and Accessing Services: A Phenomenological Study, Bridgette Carolyn Sellers
Experiences of Classroom Teachers in a Mastery-Based, Personalized Learning Environment: A Phenomenological Study, Scott Russell Thunstrom
Experiences of Dyslexic Students Learning a Second Language: A Review of the Literature, Lauren Ricci
Experiences of Educators in Implementing Mindfulness in K-6 Special Education Transition Settings: A Case Study, Matthew David Bilchak
Experiences of Educators with Libraries and Educational Technology to Close the Literacy Gap: A Phenomenological Study, Pamela Madina Jones
Experiences of Midwest Nursing Faculty Decisions to Leave Academia: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Teresa H. Moorman
Experiences of Resilient Military Veterans Transitioned to Education: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Troy Denward Busby
Experiences of South Carolina Middle School Music Directors Teaching Multicultural Music in Performance Classes: A Multiple Case Study, Helen Bryan Terlizzi
Experiences of Teachers Who Have Taught Physical Education Remotely: A Qualitative Study, Danielle Causer Brabston
Exploration of the Financial Impact of the Pandemic Among Filipino Asian Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Duval County Florida, Thomas N. Cannistra
Exploring Attitudes within Legal Precedents Related to Police Use of Force, Jazmine L. Garcia
Exploring Black Business Owners' Experience in Public Procurement Contracts, Khamillia Harris
Exploring Chaplains’ Lived Experience Concerning Mental Health Stigma and Suicidal Thoughts in the Military Context, Eric T. Victorino
Exploring Differences in Perceived Learning for Students in Online Versus Face-to-Face Collegiate Pilot Ground Schools: A Quantitative Causal-Comparative Study, Christopher Komsa
Exploring Family Mealtime Environment, Screens, and Mental Health Among School-Aged Children in Japan, Ami Nishimori Alnouri
Exploring Generational and Vicarious Trauma in the Haitian Diaspora of America: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Lourna Charles-Thelusca
Exploring Generational Differences Within The Nursing Profession: An Evidence-Based Practice Project, Danielle Sienkiewicz
Exploring Hangar Flying As A Communication Practice For Vicarious Learning: A Qualitative Content Analysis Of General Aviation Storytelling On YouTube, Timothy Aaron Frizzell
Exploring Health Science Students' Perception of the Influence of Health Precaution Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Marquitta L. Foster
Exploring Hobbies as a Critical Component of Work-Life Balance: Perceptions of Their Influence on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance, Maigon Campbell-Nowlin
Exploring How Church Leadership Strives for Effective Ministry by Developing a Viable Leadership Training Program at a Small Nondenominational Church in Scranton, South Carolina, Willa Dean Montgomery
Exploring How Religiously Affiliated Schools’ Ecological Systems Influence Policies on Students with Disabilities, Michelle Lyon Bizeau
Exploring Job Demands That Increase Burnout Rates Among Secondary, Public, Interrelated Special Education Teachers: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology, Wendy M. Turner
Exploring Nutrition Teachers' Perspectives of Enacted Nutrition Policies to Address Childhood Obesity in The Bahamas, Shondell M. De Velde
Exploring Perceptions of Lived Experiences of Nursing Program Students with Grant Funding Investment in a Community College, Brian Richard Michel
Exploring Perceptions of School Climate at the Middle School Level Through the Implementation of a School-wide House System: A Case Study, Mallory Graham
Exploring Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: Prevalence, Healthcare Utilization, and Costs, Michael E. Myers II
Exploring Soap Thickeners: A Comparative Study of Sodium Chloride to the Alternate Benefits of Carrageenan and Xanthan Gum, Amanda Kolandjian
Exploring Spiritual Leadership Theory's Beneficial Member Outcomes by Women Who Founded and Lead Nonprofit Evangelical Christian Organizations, Barrie Milton Lewis
Exploring Student Perceptions of Problem-Based Learning and Clinical Field Experiences: A Phenomenological Study, Ashley Michelle Boles
Exploring Teachers' Perception and Use of Whole Brain Teaching: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Tiffany Amber Jay-Claycomb
Exploring The Barriers Colleges Face Implementing Positive Psychology Interventions To Reduce Depression, Anxiety, Or Stress In College Students, Margaret U. Williams
Exploring the Benefits of Dual-Language Immersion Programs: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology, Ashley Cunningham
Exploring the Connection Between Student Self-Efficacy and Student Success in a Prelicensure Nursing Programs: A Predictive Correlational Study, Leanne I. Moreira
Exploring the Correlation between Climate Change and Influenza Activity in the Northeast United States, 2003-2023, Emily M. Posadas
Exploring the Genetics of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 and its Ethical Implications, Caleb Smith
Exploring the Health Care Professionals' Attitudes and Beliefs of Patient-Centered Care on the Progression of Dementia, Brittany L. Holmes
Exploring the Impact of Geographical Context on Higher Education Students’ Self-Efficacy in Occupational Decision-Making: A Causal-Comparative Study in Ghana, Daniel Opoku-Mensah
Exploring The Impact of Trauma Informed Care in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Practice: A Holistic Approach to Healing, Sharon O. Obide
Exploring the Lived Experience of Counseling Leaders and Professionals in the East African Community Transitioning Through the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study, Daniel Muthini Kimony
Exploring the Lived Experience of Women Seeking Treatment for Genito-Pelvic Pain and Penetration Disorder: A Phenomenological Study, Emily M. Lacy
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Mentees Involved in a University Transfer Program in a Two-Year Technical College: A Qualitative Case Study, Jason Ray Whiteside
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Rural Texas School Counselors Working with Students’ Mental Health After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Lanessa K. Allman
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Secondary School Teachers Regarding Student Motivation Strategies: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Insight, Lakeita Lewis Lyles
Exploring the Lived Experiences of South Carolina Foster Parents Within Spartanburg County Public Schools: A Phenomenological Study, Ashley Warlick Height
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Teachers When Enrolled in an Asynchronous Certification Program: A Phenomenological Study, Sara R. Allen
Exploring the Lived Experiences: Social and Emotional Well-Being of Virtual Instructors in the Federal Government, Jody Renee Sutton
Exploring the Mediating Effects of Beliefs Toward Mental Illness on the Relationship Between Religiosity and Self-Stigma of Seeking Help, Grace-Ann Gibby
Exploring the Post-Covid Lived Experiences of Parents of Middle School Children Who Continued Learning in Online Modality: A Phenomenological Study, Gladys Ode Williams
Exploring the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Religiosity and the Experience of Emotional Labor in Working Women, Jane Naa Koshie Acquah-Bailey
Exploring the Relationship between Leadership Style and Psychological Capital Constructs, Matthew Austin Clark
Exploring the Relationship Between Perception of Mindfulness in Email Communication and Employee Stress, Jacqueline Christine Snook
Exploring the Relationship Between Staffing and Long-Term Care Worker Mental Health, Matthew R. Trombley
Exploring the Role of Curricular Engagement in the Secondary English Classroom: A Case Study, Kelsey Leah Baldwin
Exploring the Role of Innovation Across Social and Academic Integration for First-generation Caribbean Undergraduate Persistence, Angelina Natasha Carvalhal
Exploring the Significance of Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Effectiveness: A Case Study of Created to Serve Ministries, Leslie McNeill Gordon
Exploring the Uses and Gratifications of Higher Education Online Multimedia Instructional Tools: A Qualitative Study, Shelby Lord
Exploring the Utility of the SeptiCyte in Clinical Decision-Making in the Emergency Department, Sylvia Lowery-Taylor
Exploring Time Management Decisions on Persistence Among Non-traditional Learners: A Phenomenological Study in Online Learning, James Dale Lawrence
Exploring Workplace Relationships and Retention Among Generation Z Teachers: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Kimberly Lawhorn
Exploring Workplace Relationships and Retention Among Generation Z Teachers: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Kimberly Lawhorn
Expository Based Discipleship Plan for FREED Youth Ministry of Riverdale Baptist Church, Kshitiz Sharma Ghimire
Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) within Rural and Underserved Communities, Lauren T. Sparks
Extending חָ֑סֶד (Hesed) To the Poor as an Obligation in the Psalter and Matthew 25, Clement Chen
Facilitator Ethnicity and Clinical Judgement among Senior Minority Students Using Unfolding Case Studies, Rachael King
Faculty-to-Faculty Incivility in Nursing Education: Correlations Between Incivility and Faculty Faith Affiliation, Aimee W. Houghton
Fad Diets and How They Work in the Human Body, Isabella Huner
Faith and Clutter: A Christian Perspective to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Hoarding Disorder, Mary Katherine Flage
Faith-based Intervention to Prevent Adolescent Self-injury: An Integrative Review, Adekemi O. Akinyemi
Faith Formation: Spiritual Gifts for Evangelism Outreach, Jacquelin Copeland
Faithful Obedience Breaking the Poverty Cycle in the Dominican Republic: Testimonial Documentary Proposal, Kayla Strzalka
Fake News and Social Media: The Impact of Emotional Lexicon on Interactive Behaviors, Charles Bishop Montjoy
Fake News: Finding Truth in Strategic Communication, Anne Damisa
Fallenness, Sustainment, and Judgment: Analyzing Coherency in the Thematic Trajectory of Qohelet, Albert R. Portillo Jr
Family Communication Patterns Theory: A Mixed Methods Examination of Single Mothers’ Communication Styles, Susan Renee Mattson
Family Discipleship: Forming a Biblical Worldview for Godly Decisions, Eric Spencer McCrickard
Family Functionality and Social-Emotional Learning Skills for Middle School Students: A Predictive Correlational Study, Elisabeth Anne Chapman
Family & Life Policy Issues Breakout Session, Liberty University
Farm Animal Assisted Therapy: A naturalistic form of neurotherapy, Nancy Allen
Fear of Failure in High School Band Sight Reading: Effects on Student and Teacher Experiences, Andrew D. Lightner
Fear, Racism, Agriculture: The Drive for Japanese Internment, Brandon James March
Feedback in Emergency Medical Services: A Missing Cornerstone, Stephen E. Taylor
Feelings of Loneliness and Their Associations with the Type of Social Media Use in College Students: Mixed Methods Study, Andrei Sigunov
Feelings of Loneliness and Their Associations with the Type of Social Media Use in College Students: Mixed Methods Study, Andrei Sigunov
Feminine Language for God in the Hebrew Bible and the Implications for the Image of God in Women, Shanté Grossett O'Neal
Finding a Correlation Between Emotional Intelligence and Burnout in Music Teachers in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Richard Raymond Freda
Finer Women Don’t Haze: Hazing Disclosure Variations Based on External Environmental Factors, Kim Drayton
First-Generation Doctoral Students, Impostorism, and Belonging: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Karen Sullivan Pore
Forefoot Gait Retraining as an Intervention for Patellofemoral Pain: A Critically Appraised Topic, Tanner Bohan
Foreign Policy Issues I Breakout Session, Liberty University
Foreign Policy Issues II Breakout Session, Liberty University
Foreign Policy Issues III Breakout Session, Liberty University
Foreward, Rodney D. Chrisman
Forgiveness and Religiosity Among Registered Nurses: A Correlational Study, Lora Mullen
Forgiving Childhood Hurt Biblically, Latisha Shearer
Formalin-induced neuropathic pain in mice, Melissa Gerald
Formalized Succession Planning: A Need in East Tennessee Health Departments, Elizabeth A. Maples
For the Defense of Themselves and the State: Pennsylvania's Contribution to the Second Amendment and Firearms Ownership, Harris R. Zeiler
Forward Pointing Introductory Formulas in the Gospel of Matthew: A Solution to One of Matthew’s Most Problematic Scripture Citations, Donald C. McIntyre
Foster Parents’ Perspectives on Factors Influencing the Development of and the Impact Associated with Secondary Traumatic Stress, Latronia Smith
Foundational American Faith and Support for Zionism, the Yishuv and the Haganah, 1945-1948: Ein Brera!, Tara K. Simpson
Four Steps That Ended the West and One to Revive It, David Goodwin
Framing Medical Mission Trip: Decisions with the Code of Ethics for Nurses, Kelly Arraf
Francis of Assisi: A Reputation Marred Beyond Recognition, Jackson Gravitt
"Frighted with False Fire": The Hamlet Mousetrap as a Platonic Ascent, Kaley Hutter
Fringe Lending: The Case for a National Minimum Standard, Don Loos
From Academic to Everyday: Utilizing Social-Emotional Learning in the Secondary English Classroom, Claire Collins
From Covenants to Classrooms: Uncovering the Impact of Racial Segregation on Education in St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Duluth, Alexis C. Jones
From Doom to Bloom: The Effects of Pre-Major Coaching on Undecided Student Persistence, Lisa Wycoff
From Doom to Bloom: The Effects of Pre-Major Coaching on Undecided Student Persistence, Lisa Dianne Wycoff
From Enemies to Friends: German Prisoners-of-War in Michigan during World War II, Abigail J. Runk
From Perspective to Practice: Investigating Elementary Educators' Insights into Secondary Traumatic Stress in the Classroom, Cassie Bailey Phillips
Functionalizing Fluorophores for Protein Labeling, Meghan Gardiner
Fundamentalism and Religious Art at Bob Jones University: Is There a Problem?, Cheryl Mims
Fundamentalism and Religious Art at Bob Jones University: Is There A Problem?, Cheryl Sanders Mims
Funding Allocations Concerning Composition Creation Standards, Garrett L.H. Robertson
Gaijin Shogun: The Effectiveness of MacArthur in the Early Stages of the Military Occupation of Japan, Jack Cashion
Galileo and the Church: An Ecological Perspective, Holly J. Lawson
Gatekeeping the Choral Classroom: The Existence of Caste System Levels in High School Choral Singing, Amber J. Klein
Gender and Military Aviation, Danielle Passburg
Gender Bias and Children’s Literature: Understanding Natural Gender Language and Grammatical Gender Language within Gender Development, Kaleigh Smolinski
Gender Bias in Natural Gender Language and Grammatical Gender Language within Children's Literature, Kaleigh Marie White Smolinski
Gender Differences in Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Among Sheriff's Deputies, Charity Creech
General Education and Special Education Teachers' Attitudes and Comfort Levels in Having Appropriate Conversations with Special Needs Students: A Causal-Comparative Study, Jessica Leah Hensley
General Education Teachers' Experience with Implementing Accommodations to Students with Special Needs: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study, Kari Connors Buono
General Education Teachers' Perceptions of Low-Intensity Behavior Management Strategies: A Phenomenological Study, Jessica D'Orazio
Generational experiences of career progression barriers and self-efficacy in Black professionals: Goals, expectations, and failures, Daphney Revolus
Generational Poverty and Education: Breaking the Cycle of Ignorance, Leland Jackson
Generative Parables: AI as an Artform, Matthew Schultz
Geopolitical Actions of the German Empire Prior to the First World War – A Modified DIME Analysis –, Gregory A. Mauck
George Butterworth’s Musical Contribution to A.E. Housman’s A Shropshire Lad and Bredon Hill and Other Songs, Brenden M. Smith
Georgia and Russia: A Tenuous Relationship, Ani Rostomyan
Giving and Receiving Peer Feedback: Effect on Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Knowledge Acquisition and Information Retention? An Exploratory Study, Elyse Sumarsono
Glories Eclipsed: The Unsung Legacy of August von Mackensen and His Army on the Eastern Front of World War I, 1914-1915, Christian Mumpower
GLP-1 Receptor Antagonists Medicaid Utilization Trends and Obesity Rates in the US, Faith Magwenzi
God of the Whole Earth Ministry Church Project: Equipping Church Members to Engage Their Community, Christopher Stevens
God's Endangered Animals: Awakening Conservation for Future Generations, Stefan R. Sanford
God’s Narrative of Redemption: Creation, Imago Dei, and Water Imagery, Dawn Lewis Sutherland
God the Protector: An Exposition of Psalm 68’s Thematic Coherence on the Warrior God’s Care for the Oppressed, Michal Lynn Lee
Good Grief: Emotional Symbolism in Kate DiCamillo's The Tiger Rising, Sadie Barham
Good Samaritans: Applications of Social Christianity by Southern Baptists During the Early Twentieth Century, Alyson Marie Fagan
Good Taste No Waste: A Solution for Managing Food Waste in Newly Independent Young Adults, David Eppinger
Good Things Take Time, Aunna Leach
GOP's Future: Adapting Professional Writing to Engage and Attract Gen Z Voters, Kerry McKim
Gotta Have That Combo, Aunna Leach
Graphic Design and Automation, Ellen Fixsen
Great Leader, Great Learner: Shepherd-Teachers, Self-Directed Learning, and the Preaching Moment in Small Southern Baptist Churches, Matthew Thomas Gowin
Groff v. Dejoy and Title VII's "Undue Hardship" Standard, Natalie C. Rhoads
Grounded in Faith: Maintaining and Appreciating a Relationship with God, Oneself, and Others in an Ever-Changing World with New Ears and Eyes, Antoinette Marie Reaves
Growing Influx of Immigrants into the USA: Public Health Implications., Victor Lambongang
GSR Analysis: The Importance of Viable Swab Kits, Abbye Morgan
Hannah's Gift: Lessons from a Life Fully Live, Lindsay Anton
Harbingers of A New Age: Irish and Scots Irish Indian Fighters on the Colonial American Frontier, Christina A. Neely
Harmonizing Faith Across Generations: The Spiritual Resonance of Modernizing Traditional Worship Lyrics, Hyoeun Eunice Jeon
Harmonizing Voices: Vocal Pedagogy in 21st Century Music Education, Thomas J. Clark
Has Critical Theory and Postmodern Ideas Affected Liberty University’s Mission, Practices, and Campus Life?, Camila Alejandra Roldan Hernandez
Healing on the Home Front: Convalescent Homes in England During WWI, Elizabeth Rogerson
Health Literacy And Advocation Amongst Community Health Workers, Dustin R. King
Hellenic Cohesion: A Historic Approach to Transnationalism, Particularism, and Cosmopolitanism in the Greek Immigrant Communities of Wyoming, Patrick Michael Pace
Helms School of Government Undergraduate Law Review: Masthead, Vol. 2
Herschel V. Johnson: The States Rights Unionist, William Coleman Brown
Hicks, Hillbillies, and Rednecks: Addressing Stereotypes of the Appalachian Region, Emma Campbell
Higher Education and Women in Leadership: Gender-Based Training for African American Women in Transformational Leadership, Chavon Anette Freeman
High-fidelity Simulation and the Development of Self-confidence in Clinical Decision Making When Delivering Patient Care, Deborah Marie Posey
High School Orchestra Teachers of the United States and their Music Literature Programming Pedagogical Effectiveness, James Herbert Bailey III
High School Students’ Expulsion Reintegration Following Alternative School: A Phenomenological Study, Michael Eric Zellous
High Workload Effects on Patient Satisfaction and Profitability of Nursing Homes, Richard RA Alrayes
Hip Hop Performing Arts Charter Schools: The Future of Arts Education in Predominantly Non-White, Low Income, Underserved Rural Areas of Louisiana, Anthony P. Shelton
“His” Gentleman’s Farm, Virginia Payne Dow
Holistic Worship: Music Therapy Techniques Applied to the Modern Worship Service, Emma Lail
Home Educators’ Experiences Teaching Beginning Readers: A Phenomenological Study, Meghan K. Allred
Homeless Veterans and the Impacts of a Dedicated Discipleship Program, B. Keith Poole Jr.
Homeschooling in the United States: A Seismic Parental Rights Victory, William A. Estrada
Hormone Therapy Among Women Within a Clinical Setting: Health Literacy and Teach Back Method to Increase Understanding of Potential Benefits and Risks of Treatment, Mariah L. Petersen
How DNA Reveals God’s Design, Alan L. Gillen
How Irish Women Survived During the Ulster Plantation, Theresa Cartabuke
How Music Genres Affect Test Anxiety Among Third-Grade Elementary Students, Amy Summersett Ardovino
How Organizational Factors Reinforce or Deter Hostile Workplace Behaviors in the Military: A Grounded Theory Approach, Christina Staebell
How Parents Established Foundations for Biblical Worldview Development in Elementary-Age Children Who Graduated from BW Leadership Institute, Wendy Bernstein Griffin
How Successful Are Female State Lawmakers? A Study Examining the Legislative Success of Female State Lawmakers in Professional and Non-Professional State Legislatures, Samuel Eugene Keys
How the Physical, Social, and Psychological Environment Impacts Border Security, John J. Smietana Jr.
Hugging a Porcupine: A Phenomenological Study on Attachment in Young Children in Foster Care, Stuart Parker Meyer
Human and Sex Trafficking: A Quantitative Examination of the Knowledge and Awareness of the College-aged Population, Margaret Caroline Weiker
Humanitarian Aid Worker Retention: Is General Motivation Theory Enough?, Gabriella Lee
Human Trafficking and Potential Terrorist Ties, Haleigh Perkins
Hunted by Lies, Cole W. Hamilton
Hyperlipidemia: Enhancing Patient Education and Clinical Support to Improve Self-Efficacy, Kelly L. Caniglia
Hypothetically Punished: Why the Court Should Heed Justice Thomas's Call in United States v. Taylor to End Its "Journey Through The Looking Glass", Arielle N. Leake
Identification of select low-molecular weight compounds, found in coffee, that promote glucose homeostasis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, Brooke Chapple
Identifying Effective Leadership Styles Among Winning College Head Football Coaches: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Valin Kattoula
Identifying Faculty Development Strategies: A Phenomenological Study on Affective and Behavioral Dimensions of Worldview Development in Biblical Higher Education, Zane Thomas Darland
Identifying Higher Education Employee Experiences Using a Diffusion of Innovations Checklist Planning for Knowledge Management Implementation: A Phenomenological Study, Eric Christopher Viets
Identifying Potential Underreporting of Alcohol Use Among U.S. Military Members, Jeong Hong
Identifying the Benefits of Black Owned Barbershops in the African American Community, Tanya Elizabeth Greene
Identifying The Impact of Specific Parenting Routines on Self-Reported Parenting Satisfaction, Chris Kretschman
If The Balloon Goes Up: A History of U.S. Army Maneuvers and Their Effectiveness, 1902-1944, Randall S. Wells Jr.
“I Have Nothing Left to Give” A Phenomenological Study of Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout in Urban School Teachers Related to the Socioeconomic Issues, Childhood Trauma, and Low Academic Performance of Urban Students, Melissa Elizabeth Grazette
"I like her best": Motherhood and Revision in J. M. Barrie's Pan Narratives, Sadie Barham
Illegal Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana: A Public health Perspective., Raymond Yovelanyine Suonyir
Immanuel Kant and Christian Theology, Robert C. Greer
Immersion in Curriculum: A Study of the Lived Experiences of Counseling Students on an LU Send Trip to Munich, Germany, Debbie Millman
Impact of Body Dissatisfaction and Selfies and The Effect of Self-Compassion: A Mixed Methods Study, Amelia Jing Zhen Cheah
Impact of Disruptive Behavior on Academic Performance, Annie R. Franklin
Impact of Leadership Decisions on Police Officer Well-Being: A COVID-19 Response, Jason N. Spencer
Impact of Preceptorship and Mentoring On New Nurse Resilience, Dianna Marie Lundrigan Garza
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Remote Learning Among Second-Choice Homeschoolers in West Virginia: A Transcendental Phenomenology, Debra Dingess Brennan
Impact of the Increased Use of Telehealth on Health Care Management and Administration: The Case of New Care Management Practices, Immacula Pierre
Impact of Worldview Development on Spiritual Vitality in Evangelical Protestant Churches: A Phenomenological Study, Nicholas Jared Curtis
Impacts of Opioids on Health and Ways to Overcome the Addiction, Kennedy Chidi Alajemba
Implementation of an Evidence-based Toolkit to Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening in a Federally Qualified Health Center, Stephanie McKithan
Implementation of a Nursing Care Bundle for Hospitalized Patients Receiving End-of-Life Care, Klaire Thomason
Implementing a Discipleship Strategy Plan for Lay Leaders at Redemption Baptist Church to Help Them Grow Spiritually, Robermann Dorceus
Implementing a Patient Decision Aid Tool to Improve Knowledge of Lung Cancer Screening and Lung Cancer Screening Rates in a Primary Care Setting, Emily Evans Brown
Implementing Effective and Meaningful Environmental Graphic Design Within Modern Protestant Church Buildings in the U.S., Hannah Gilmer
Important Relationships and Realistic Dialogue in Fiction, Timothy Paddock
Improper Divulgence: How Distrust and Poor Reporting Influenced Civilians Views of the Three Mile Island Incident, Dylan Cumbo
Improved Clinical Outcomes Due to GFR-Based Clinical Interventions for the Prevention and Treatment of Renal Disease As It Relates to the Veteran Population Managed by a Patient-Aligned Care Team, Sidneca Evangella Hazward
Improving Early Detection of Skin Cancer Through Enhanced Screening Practices, Ashley Cline
Improving Nursing Retention Through Mentorship in a Long-Term Care Facility: An Educational Toolkit, Adriane Nichole Anthony-Cupil
Improving Self-Efficacy in Flight Nurse Practitioners in Preparation for the Role of the Law Enforcement Tactical Nurse Practitioner, Gregory S. Wamack
Improving Self-Efficacy in Flight Nurse Practitioners in Preparation for the Role of the Law Enforcement Tactical Nurse Practitioner, Gregory Wamack
Improving Student Engagement Despite Lowering Attention Spans in the Classroom, Kaycee Lee
Improving Student Engagement Despite Lowering Attention Spans in the Classroom, Kaycee Lee
Improving Student Engagement Despite Lowering Attention Spans in the Classroom, Kaycee Lee
Improving Student's Hands-On Clinical Experience Through Staff Development, Courtney Eileen Bailey
Improving the Self-esteem Scores of High School Students Through Artificial Intelligence Counseling: A Quantitative, Quasi-experimental Study, Alexis Breanne Bolen
Improving the Socio-Emotional Competence of Academic Nurse Educators: An Experimental Study, Helen Freeman
Improving Use of Water Immersion and Birth Satisfaction During the First Stage of Labor Through an Educational Handout, Dana E. Taylor
"In But Not Of": John's Theology of Separation from the World, David E. Forbes
Inclusive Classroom Setting for High School Students with Emotional Behavior Disorders: A Phenomenological Study of Educators' Experiences, Marvin Marshall
Incorporating Aaron Copland's Philosophy of Inclusion in Midwest Rural Band Programs: A Qualitative Study of Attracting and Retaining Students of Low Socioeconomic Status, Jonathan, S. Laflamme
Incorporating Safety Excellence into Urban Air Mobility (UAM): Insights from Commercial Aviation, Rotorcraft, and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), Seyoung "Evie" Jang
Increasing International Awareness of Chemistry, Cheyenne McDowell
Increasing Self-Efficacy of Nurse Practitioner Preceptors in Primary Care by Using the One-Minute Preceptor Model, Amy J. Lancaster
Increasing the Awareness of Healthcare Violence Risk to Improve Safety in a Community Hospital, Allyson Dalton
Indirect Communication as a Teaching Method for Developing Transference and Capability in Taiwanese College Students, Melynie J. Tooley
Indirect Prophecies Concerning the Death of Christ in Narrative, Lindsay A. Siemers
Industry 4.0 and the Solution to the Austrian Knowledge and Calculation Problem: A Grounded Case Analysis, Robbie Davis
Infidelity, Post-Infidelity Stress Disorder, and Post-Infidelity Stress Marital Outcomes, Faith Christie Leigh Roby
Influence of Preaching’s Rhetorical Appeal on Evangelical Listeners’ Motivation, Nicholas Anene Oji
Influence of SCP1 on Cryptococcus neoformans Virulence, Carleigh Warsing
Influence of SCP1 on Cryptococcus neoformans Virulence, Carleigh Warsing
Influences of Social Media, Samuel Whatley II
Information Technology in the Christian Sphere, Kaylen Frazee
“In God We Trust”: Reevaluating George Washington’s Religious Faith, Cole Klicker
Inhibiting Repetitive and Restricted Behaviors in Sprague-Dawley Rats Using Propranolol: Sex Differences, Melanie M. Berry
Injury Prevalence Among Females Playing American Football, Anthea Warren-Williams
Innovation and Technology: The Era of Autonomous Cars and Their Outcomes in Law Enforcement, Gabrielle Banish
In Search of New Originals: An Examination of Experiences in Upper-Division Jazz Improvisation Pedagogy, Bruce Babad
Insider Threat: An Exploration of Non-Homogeneity and Potential Cultural Influences on Shifting Threat Dynamics, Justin McKinley Flint
Instructional Design of Christian K-12 Homeschool Families in Central North Carolina: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Stephanie Banning Holmes
Insurgency Apologetics: Refuting the Claims that Christianity is a White Man’s Religion, Brian L. Gadson
Integrating Criminological Theories in Cybersecurity Risk Assessment: A Study of the TRACI Framework's Application to Critical Infrastructure, Connor S. Martin
Integrating Popular Music into Instrumental Method Books for Beginning Students, Joshua E. Kohl
Internet Frisking Jurors During Voir Dire: The Case for Imposing Judicial Limitations, Hannah L. Shotton
In the Shadows of Conquest: The Modern Maya Syncretic Legacy, Kimberly Weaner
Into the Fire, Kaylen Frazee
Introducing Chi Iota Sigma, our new Christian INDS Honor Society, Lorelle Phillips
Investigating Antimicrobial Properties Released from Developing Amphibian Eggs, Olivia Grimsley
Investigating Experiences During Times of Uncertainty: A Phenomenological Study of High School Educators, Selinna Creasy
Investigating for a Relationship Between Race/Ethnicity and the Presence of a Mental Health Crisis Among Individuals Involved in a Fatal Police Encounter in Texas, Unaleshia O. Jackson
Investigating the Binding Mechanism of DRAQ5, Katelyn Finnerty
Investigating the Effects of Social and Emotional Learning on Career and Technical Education Students' Career Readiness Certification, Helen K. Linkous
Investigating the Experiences of Educative Mentors of Novice Educators in K-12 Schools: A Qualitative, Phenomenological Study, Kaitlyn Johnston
Investigation of New Pathological Markers in Cadaveric Nervous Tissue, Richard Tuttle
Investigation of Novel Endocannabinoid Enzyme Inhibitor ABHD2, Richard Tuttle
I Prayed for Flowers, Hannah See
Ireland and World War I: Why Irish Soldiers Fought, Thomas Gillmeister
Isaiah 53: Grammatical, Structural and Exegetical Observations, Felipe Braz Federson
Is Islam A Religion of Peace?, Robert Greer
Is Learning Relative? Exploring Student Learning in a Special Relativity Digital Game Case Study, Meredith Rae Kunz
Is Tax-Funded Education Unconstitutional?, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
Is the Perfect Soccer Ball Still Out There? A Review and Optimization of the Beautiful Game., Joshua Walker
It’s All in Your Mind: Mindset and Eternal Destiny, Eric S. Henderson
Jesus's Use of "Woman" in the Fourth Gospel, Cori McGrew
JFL Insider: A Newsletter to Keep You in the Know, Liberty University
JFL Insider: A Newsletter to Keep You in the Know, Liberty University
Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter: A Moral Compass That Established an American Political System, Rebecca Hodnett
Job 28 as a Thematic Unifier Clarifying Human Responsibility through the Revelation of Wisdom and Understanding in Relationship to Yahweh, Michael G. Potter
Job Satisfaction among Generation Z and Millennials in the Mental Health Field, Terence Fleeton
Journey To Becoming a Superintendent In New York: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Jeremy R. Koch
J. R. R. Tolkien and Escapism, Caleb Webb
J. S. Bach's Use of the Oboe Family in His Cantata Works, Benjamin Newman
Jungian Dream Analysis as Literary Theory: An Unexplored Route to Understanding the Unconscious Psyche’s Impact on Literature, Kaytlin Masters
Just What They Have Been Looking For: The Significance, Importance, and Journey of the Negro Motorist Green Book in the State of South Carolina and the City of Columbia in the Twentieth Century, Justice Iyana Briscoe
K-12 Teachers’ Experience with Professional Development on Implementing Intervention for Cognitive Reading Disorders and Dyslexia: A Qualitative Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Rosemary Balestieri
Keeping the Beat: A Comprehensive Analysis of Retention Strategies and their Impact on Historically Black Colleges and University Band Student and Alumni Success, Melton Randolph Harvey II
Kierkegaard, the Lost Evangelical, Armen Oganessian
Knocking Down Walls: Uncovering the Story of School Integration in Warren County, Virginia, Cherith Bradshaw
Lateral Entry Secondary Career and Technical Education Teachers' Perception of Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Phenomenological Study, Chunnisee T. Jackson
Late to the Game: A Phenomenological Study of the Educational Experiences of Females with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tammara Clevenger
Leadership Diversity in the Technology Industry, Renee' Y. L. Smith
Leadership Experiences of Athletics Directors in Faith-Based Small College Departments: A Phenomenological Study, Michael Teague
Leadership in the Age of Advanced Technology, Matthew Brancatelli
Leadership Professional Development on Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Causal-Comparative Study, Yolanda Michelle Gilyard
Leadership Strategies and Behaviors that Support Career Advancement for Teleworkers, Glory A. Sanders
Leading the Families of First Baptist Church of Long Beach, CA, to Support the Foster Care and Adoption Community, David B. Delaney
Lean Implementation Difference Between Lean Maturity, Psychological Well-being, and Employee Engagement of Nurses in a Hospital Setting, Kevin E. Smith
Learners' Lived Experiences for Filling Out a Professional Development Program's Formal Evaluation After Learning About the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Framework: A Transcendental Phenomenology Study, Judine Eleanor Bishop
Learning Delivery Methods and Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration: A Causal-Comparative Study, Tiffany Adora Cotterman
Legal Slavery in America: A Precedent Set by a Black Plaintiff, Edwin Vazquez
Lessons from Jesus’s Table Talk a Survey of Selected Texts in Luke’s Gospel, Claudine D. Rogers-Wright
Let My People Go: A Biblical Theology of Liberation in the Exodus Motif, Lou Ann Smith
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled: A Theological Investigation of Expressive Individualism and Existential Anxiety, Elyse Penton
“Let’s Look at What We Said”: The Figure of Socrates as Antithesis to the Commodification of Higher Education, Aurora Brande
Let’s Unpack This: Supervising Religious Counselors Working with Religious Trauma, Nicole Taylor
Letter from the Dean, Jason Bohm
Leveraging Cultural Sensitivity to Increase Opioid Reversal Agent Distribution, Andrea Mackenzie
Leveraging Ministry and Community Partnerships to Address Community Needs, Chaunceia Renee Mayfield
Leveraging Signaling to Prevent Cognitive Disengagement in Virtual Middle School Students: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Mandira M. Gerrels
Leveraging Simulation for Excellence, Alecia Kimberly Liburd
Liberty to the Captive: The Two Definitions of Equality in the Abolitionist Movement, Justin Searls
Lighting the Lamp of Learning: Florida Freedmen’s Education During Reconstruction, Jessica L. Damron
Limitation for Liberty: A Commentary on Federalism and the Tenth Amendment, Riley Banker
Literary Structure of Proverbs and the Stages of a Righteous Life, Craig W. Babcock
Lived Experiences of New Graduate Nurses Transitioning to the Emergency Department: A Transcendental Phenomenological Approach, Donnie E. Johnson Jr.
Lived Experiences of Student-Parents in Higher Education Who Utilize the Childcare Subsidy Program, Kindra Moore-Smith
Living a Better Story: The Lived Narrative Apologetic in the Book of Acts, Cedric LeMar Thomas
Living a Life Behind Filters and Smiles, Lisa K. Bohler
Lizzie: A Work of Historical Fiction, Sandra Rouse
Long-Term Partnerships Between Communities and Mission Organizations: A Case Study, Rebecca Boggs Bishop
Lost and Captured Warriors Still Missing: Raising Awareness and Support Through Design, Caitlin Martin Frost
Lost Communication: A Generative Criticism of How Parental Communication Towards Children Affects How Children Communicate with Peers, Gabriel J. Gaus
Low to Moderate-Intensity Exercise on Blood Pressure Response in Hypertensive Older Adults, David Farrell Robinson II
Luke-Acts Divine Transitions: The Holy Spirit’s Role in Shaping Gentile Inclusion, Celeste Santiago
Machine Learning Image Classifier for Identifying Composition in Landscape Paintings, David Bryant
Making a Comeback, Tiana Carter
Making Sense of Ethnocentrism: Intelligence Analysis & National Cultural Dimensions, Travis J. Benson
Malama Aina in Hawaii: Unraveling the Legacy of the Post-World War II Land Sovereignty Movement, Rachel Lynn Sample
Male Motivation to Pursue Social Work: A Causal-Comparative Study Investigating the Differences in Male Students’ Motivational Orientation and Field of Study, Laura A. DiMarcantonio
Male Nursing Students' Experiences During Family Health Concepts: A Phenomenological Study, Allyson Louise Brown
Manumission, Willed, or Buying Their Freedom - From the Colonization of The New World to The Civil War, Patrick Burghardt
Manumission, Willed, or Buying Their Freedom - From the Colonization of The New World to The Civil War, Patrick Burghardt
Manumission, Willed, or Buying Their Freedom - From the Colonization of The New World to The Civil War, Patrick Burghardt
Marketing Management of Online Negative Reviews of Medical Services, Christopher Edward Feltes
Mass Incarceration: Racial Disparities Within the U.S. Criminal Justice System, Crystal Nichole Pugh
Mass Shooting Prevention: What Can Local Law Enforcement Do?, Alycia Mary Shelton
Matairesinol and its metabolite enterolactone promote glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes via a Glut4/Akt-dependent mechanism, Rochelle Miller
Mazed: Inconsistency In International Web Design And How To Navigate It, Claudia A. George
Meals for All: An Examination of the Effects of Free School Meals on Middle Class Households, Ryan Elizabeth Comerford
Measuring Coporate Social Responsiblity Leading to Organizational Commitment and Belongingness, Clifford J. Strawder
Measuring Technical Super-Efficiency of Christian Faith-Based International Humanitarian Organizations, Barbara G. Price
Mechanical Testing & Characterization of ZK60 Magnesium at Various Temperatures, Derek Works
Media Dependency in Gen Z Christians, Emma Jolie Best
Media Impact on Stereotypes: How the Media Feeds the Bias Beast, Emma Campbell
Media, Politics and Law Enforcement: How the Current Political Climate and Media Coverage are Leading to Fewer Law Enforcement Officers in the Field, Allen Denver Denny Jr
Medication Errors in Hospitals, Isata Jalloh
Mediterranean Security: Italian, United States, NATO, and North African National Interests from a Geopolitical Perspective, Mary Prentice, Umberto Bosna, and Kueth Yul
Memories, Aunna Leach
Mental Health and Spiritual Well-Being: The Generational Differences of Worship Experiences in the Multicultural Church, LaShawna S. Wills
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training of First Responders, Rebecca Leigh Bandy
Mental Health Help-Seeking Experiences of African American Men Battling Depression, Shanard C. Clemons
Mental Health of Western Tennessee Police Officers, Jasmin Marie Powell
Mental Health Provider Shortage in Rural Communities, Barrow N. Tabe
Mental Health Training for Teachers Since COVID-19, Patricia M. Van Prooyen
Mental Toughness and Coping Skills in College Athletes, Kaidon Salter
Mental Toughness in the Workplace, Maiah E. Taylor
Mentoring as a Catalyst for Change: Creating a Mentor Training Curriculum Using the Servant Leadership Model, Alana S. Freeman
Mentoring Emerging Leaders as It Relates to Senior Leadership Succession, Kevin D. Neal
Mentorship Among Early Career Senior Pastors: Examining Whether Mentored Leaders are Better Equipped to Lead, Shayla Lenai Hilton
Mentorship Experiences of College Level Educators: A Phenomenological Study, Rebecca M. Arsenault
Mentorship for African American Female Officers of Faith in the United States Air Force, Tanquer L. Dyer
Messaging the Mission: Developing and Implementing a Messaging Strategy for the Mission Statement of Monticello Christian Church, Tanetta S. Dawson-Snyder
Methods of Storytelling in Music: An Analysis of Tchaikovsky's 'The Tempest', Katherine Cornell
Middle School Administrator and Instrumental Music Teacher Perceptions of the Danielson Framework for Teaching Observation Tool, Kimberly Hunt Hirschmann
Mija, Ñaña: The Evolving Role of Ecuadorian Women, Adaline Nolley
Military Early Childhood Educators' Experiences of Transitioning From the Creative Curriculum to Early Learning Matters (ELM) Curriculum: A Case Study, Joretta Anderson
Military Married Couples’ Reintegration Adult Attachment Experiences: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Marchell Coleman
Military Members Mental Health and Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Mediating Role of Mental Toughness, Maureen Kenyon James
Military Spouse Counselors: Exploring Mental Health, Resilience, Coping, and Burnout, Melinda Poteet Brinkley
Military Veteran Career Transition Coaching Experiences: Navigating the Shift from Military Service to Civilian Employment, Miguel A. Ingle
Military Veterans and Yoga Teacher Training: A Phenomenological Review, Stephen L. Rego
Millennial Evangelism: Mobilizing Millennials Towards Faith-Sharing at Hope Chapel Foursquare Church, Peter O. Kolawole
Millennials and Fasting: A Healthy Alternative, Christopher M. Hunt
Millennials in the Marketplace: Transitioning from Marketplace Discipleship to Relational Discipleship at New Life Community, Marcus D. Steele
Millennial Turnover: An Implication for Human Resource Management, Folake Titilola Olumide
Mindful Design for Adolescent Minds: Moving Away from Digital Hook Models to Mindful Innovation Models, Donald R. Hendriksen
Mindfulness and Teacher Stress, Burnout, and Depression among K-12 Teachers, Macy Woods
Ministry After a Leadership Failure: Principles for Transitional Worship Leader, Eric R. Medford
Ministry and Diversity in the City, William Thomas
Ministry Satisfaction of Volunteers Within the Environment of the Local Church: The Role of Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment, Sheena Denise Hunley
Minority Students' Attitudes Toward Reading Among Those Exposed to Mirror Books and Those Who Were Not: A Causal-Comparative Study, Valcine Dyonne Brown
Mi Ofrenda, Bonita Vasquez
Missional Leadership: An Instructional Program to Cultivate Leaders of a Missional Church, Conner Mathias Brew
Mitigating Negative Gastric Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate by Utilizing a Sequencing Method of Ingestion, MeKenna Miles
Mitigating the Negative Effects of Perceived Stress Using Wellness and Resiliency Training Programs on Job Satisfaction in Public Safety Officers in the United States, Benjamin T. Iobst
Mitigating Turnover in Healthcare: Exploring Servant Leadership and Psychological Capital, Lindsay Tsang
Modeling for Creep-Fatigue-Induced Damage of Advanced High-Temperature Nuclear Reactor Steels, Julian Emmanuel Tse Lop Kun
Moderated Mediated Model of Religiosity, God Image, and Self Compassion, Amanda Strivings
Modern Critiques of the Kalam Cosmological Argument, Colby D. Crawford
Modern-Day Idol Worship at Life Changers Church: How It Was Identified and Replaced with True Worship Of God, Franzetta L. Ivy
Modern Qoheleth: An Evangelical Appraisal of the Theology of Stanley Hauerwas, Nathan Cantu
Modificaciones Realizadas en Cirugías y en Cuidados de Pacientes en Ecuador, Addison Wolfe
Money Laundering in the United States: A Review of Current Regulations and Threats, Grace Hutchinson
Montezuma Red: Red Lipstick in the United States Marine Corps During World War II, Adaline Nolley
Moral Disengagement and Psychopathy: A Quantitative Correlational Study on Attachment to God and Empathy, Kimberly Essler
Moral Injury in Active Service and Veteran Female Military Combatants, William Curtis Neal
Moral Injury in Military Corrections, Jeremy Ryder Meyers
Moral Injury in Police Officers of Color, Samantha J. Thornton
Moral Panic in the Modern Era: The Effects of Moral Panic on Policy Implemented Through the Field of Law Enforcement, Charles J. Oakley
"More Nobility of Soul": Honor at the United States Naval Academy, 1845-1875, Samuel J. Limneos
Motivational or Disheartening?: A Phenomenological Study on Black Doctoral-Level Support at Predominantly White Institutions, Morgan Harbison
Motivation in the Remote Workplace: Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Nina R. Simmons
Multicultural Education: A Phenomenological Study of How Elementary Teachers' Classroom Experiences Mirror the Knowledge and Skills Gained in Undergraduate Courses, Emily L. Hepner-Leffel
Multiple Perspectives Examining How a High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Program Affects Student Development: A Case Study, Kurt Duane Barry
Mundane and Magical: How Studio Ghibli Adapts Female Protagonists Toward Gendered Narrative Reconstruction, Lauren F. Frymire
Museum Exhibition Project: Hands of Extinction, Katy Fulkerson
Musical Flow: An Analysis on Optimizing Yoga Sequences for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Choral Teachers, Vanessa Adams
Music Education for All: A Study of Non-Traditional Music Courses in Secondary Schools, Ormond L. Moore
Music Educator Turnover in West Virginia: What Is Keeping Music Teachers in Their Classrooms and Why Are Others Leaving?, Jeremiah Dayne Smallridge
Music Sight-Reading Systems in Secondary Choral Education, Savanna N. Hagerty
Music Therapy Techniques in the Commercial Music Industry, Sarah Heath
Music Therapy Techniques in the Commercial Music Industry, Sarah Heath
My Journey with Faith, Jocelyn Rodriguez
“My Kingdom for a Horse!” The Development of Equestrian Influence in Early Modern Europe, Jane Goode
My Name Is Pamela Jean: Impacting the Culture of Life through Storytelling, Debra D. Watkins
Name, Image, and Likeness: Assesing one's "Brand Identity", Nathan Sharp
Narrative Activism: Storytelling for Effective Women’s Advocacy, Lili Morgan
Narrative Activism: Strategic Storytelling for Women’s Advocacy, Lili G. Morgan
National Pork Producers Council v. Ross and the Dormant Commerce Clause, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
Naturalism, Christian Molinism, and the Problem of Evil, Caleb Blackman
Natural Remedy Use During Pregnancy, Labor, and Breastfeeding, Christine Lyford
Nature of Child Welfare Social Work, Sarah Vail Anders
Navigating Eating Disorders Through Counseling, Alyssa Pelella
Navigating Secondary Traumatic Stress: The Role and Strategies of Law Enforcement Spouses in Promoting Family Well-Being and Resilience, Ninive Gonzalez
Navigating the In-Between: Transformational Practices in the Church's Liminal Spaces, Matthew James Engel
Navigating the Pandemic: Hospital Resource Allocation and Preparedness During the Next COVID-19, Anna Ponder
Navigating the Threat Posed by the Chinese Communist Party, Adam Opp
Need For Control: Sensitivity of Polymerization Reactors, Elijah Yoder
Needs-Supportive Teaching and Its Impact on Standardized Test Scores in Southwest Missouri Schools, Ed Barlow
Negative Effects of Combat Deployments on Military Partners, Brittany M. Harris
Neither Jew nor Greek: Considering a Christian Social Justice Model, Steven Brooks
Neurodivergence in Interpreters: Impact on Cognitive Processing, and Recall Skills., Elizabeth Young
Neurodiversity Persistence in STEM Programs: A Phenomenological Study of Self-Efficacy Among Autistic Students in Higher Education, Cecil Anthony Banning
Non-Black Students' Perceptions of Diversity and Inclusion at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Gary Aaron Tyler
Nonverbal Cues in Real-World, High-Stakes Deception, Nancy L. Carr
Note from the Managing Editor, David Ochabski
Noticing the Brush Strokes: Literary Markers in Hebrew Narratives, Shelbey Hunt
Nurse Graduates’ Experiences With Pain Science – A Qualitative Study, Rachel Bee and Cynthia Goodrich
Nurses’ Ability to Provide Diabetes Education in a Hospital Setting, Nicole Ancrum
Nursing Care Regarding Social Determinants of Health for Breastfeeding in Mothers and Infants, Natalie Jefson
Nursing Faculty Exposure to Student Incivility and Interventions in Place to Address: A Case Study, Kimberly Lowe
Nursing Student-Faculty Relationships Enhancing Student Well-Being, Violet Coleman
Obedience, Courage, and Loyalty: The 81st “Wildcat” Division during World War I, Harold Allen Skinner Jr
Obedience, Courage & Loyalty: Revisiting the Story of the First Patch of the Army, Harold Skinner
Obligation and Authority: Samuel West and the Christian Tradition of Resistance Theology, Darren Patrick Guerra
Observing the Moderating Role of Self-Compassion Among Veterans and Service Members with Moral Injury, Shame, and Guilt, Elizabeth Smith
Occupational Therapy Using Hippotherapy for Children with Developmental Disabilities, Ainsley Ellen Dillon
Of Sacrament and Safety: How Two 1970s Home Birth Services Magnified the Power and the Limits of Women's Voices, Kristen S. Burgess
Of Towers and Philosophy: How Interdisciplinarity Nurtures and Expands Capacity, Mario Calabretta
One holy nation under one God: A survey on achieving unity amongst believers, Cindy Casalis
One Law to Rule Them All: Jurisdictional Conflicts in King Philip's War, Karen Jones
One Law to Rule Them All: Jurisdictional Conflicts in King Philip's War, Karen Jones
Open Educational Resources: A Guide for Faculty, Mark Hamilton
Open Quote Creative Branding, Noah Depledge
Operation Shark: Addressing the Negative Portrayal of Sharks in Media, Michael R. O'Shea
Optimal PVA/Starch Complex for Cryogel Development Intended for Artifact Cleaning, Mallory Warfield
Optimization of bisguaiacol F Synthesis via Microwave Assistance, Jessica Bryant
Optimization of bisguaiacol F Synthesis via Microwave Assistance, Jessica Bryant
Optimized PID Controller for Atomizer Geometry: Artificial Intelligence Versus Traditional Methods, Oluwafemi Samuel Dada
Optimizing a Lab-Friendly Radical Bromination Reaction, Alexander Glase
Optimizing Care Delivery: Determining the Impact of a Mobile Interpreter App on Patient Satisfaction, Leslie M. Bright
Organic Chemistry in Virtual Reality: Bridging Gaps between Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Representations, Scott Vayakone
Organizational Citizenship & Counterproductive Workplace Behaviors: Personal Trauma & Workplace Conduct, Patricia Giaccone
Orichas Roots of Latin American Music: Syncretism, Music, and Its Possibilities for Missionaries, Erika Dianne Ray
Others First: A Visual Roadmap 4 Transformation, Toby D. Wagoner
Our Enemy, the State: Liberty versus Power on the American Home Front during the First World War, Michael Schearer
Outlaw Country Chronicles: Rebels, Roots, and Cultural Change, Ashleigh Diane Howell
Outsider: Major Characteristics of Andrew Jackson’s Populism and its Commonalities with that of Theodore Roosevelt and Donald Trump, Victor W. Fordham
Overcoming Barriers to Multicultural Instrumental Music Education: Towards a Practical Pedagogy, Corbin Clark
Overcoming Barriers to Persistence: A Single-Case Study of Student Veterans in Higher Education, Janet G. Hupel
Overcoming Ethos: How To Give Sport Broadcasters Credibility Who Did Not Play Their Sport at a High Level, Tyler Hill
Overcoming Recruitment and Retention Challenges in Law Enforcement: A Systematic Review, Richard Odin Segovia
Over-the-Top (OTT) Networks' Influence on Shared Cultural Memory, Michael Jelani Akil Brown
Overview of the Health Impacts of Oral Contraceptives on the Female Body, Christi Fertich
Ownership Behaviors in Children's Music Culture, Sarah Dworjan
Parallelized Quadtrees for Image Compression in CUDA and MPI, Aidan Jones
Parameters of Need for Loved Ones of Addicts Following Overdose Bereavement, Adrienne Nichole Weiss
Parental Partitioning and Nest Success in Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis), Olivia Wilburn
Parental Phubbing and Adolescent Social Anxiety, Julie Ann Bowman
Parent and Teacher Perspectives on Attachment/Relationships and Children's Self-Regulation, Elaina Arnold
Parenting Practices to Have Assisted in Academic Success of Undergraduate Students, Dorothy Michelle Fyfe
Parenting Styles of Biological Parents with and without a History of Childhood Trauma, Alita M. Soulsby
Parent Perspectives for Elementary Instrumental Music Participation, Scott Wayne McGowan
Parents' Perceptions on the Impact of Recreation on Emotion Regulation in At-Risk Youth, Latasha Harvey
Parkinson's Disease - Association with Anxiety, Depression, and Sleep Disorders, Isabella J. Boroje
Parkinson’s Disease: Traditional and Emerging Approaches to Therapy, Emily Vernon
Participation as Preparation: A Phenomenological Study of Black Greek Letter Organization (BGLO) Members in the Workforce, LeTasha Carrie McFarlane
Pastoral Care for Intimate Partner Violence: An Examination of Attitudes and Behaviors, Francine P. Young
Pastoral Counseling in African American Churches, Allen Tyrone Smith Jr.
Pastoral Perceptions of Formal Mental Health Training in the Black Church, Monique Bethea-Covington
Pastoral Prose and Civic Engagement: Crafting the Call to the Public Square, Christopher Ian Thoma
Pastor's Cultural Intelligence and Personal Character Influence Within Youth Ministries, Linwood J. Sealey III
Paternalism and Preservation: Curating Charleston’s Peninsula with Heritage and Policy, Amanda Nestor
Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Considerations for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Elijah Chung
PATHS Initiative: Identifying Potential Sex Trafficking Victims in the Emergency Department Setting, Kayla Mabery
Paul’s Admonition of False Teaching: A Pattern to Follow, Jeffrey William Hossler
PCOS in the Southern United States: A Socio-Ecological Model Intervention, Gloria Ogunlade
Pedagogical Development for Non-Degreed Career and Technical Education Adjunct Faculty: A Phenomenological Study, Robert M. Huffman
Pedagogical Influences of Ethnic Percussion Among Virginia Middle and High School Band Directors, Chad W. Brooks
Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Measurement Tool and the Benefits of Utilizing It: An Integrated Review, Amy Michelle Randolph
Peer Recovery Support Specialists' Attitudes Toward the Therapeutic Use of Psilocybin to Treat Depression, Tammala Watkins
Perceived Career Barriers Among Women Working in Public Transportation Based on Leadership Development Training and Race: A Causal-Comparative Study, Tamika Gunn White
Perceived Childhood Paternal Betrayal Trauma: The Impact to Attachment and Interpersonal Relationships as Adults, Jacquelyn S. Marcum
Perceived Degree Value Amongst Two-Year Technical School Graduates, and Regional Employers: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Jonathan D. Hartwell
Perceived Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Educational Leadership's Decision-Making, Teaching, and Learning Outcomes: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Mousa Fayiz Abduljaber
Perceived Parental Narcissism: The Adult Child's Search of Romantic Attachment Through Self-Compassion, Deanna A. Bishop
Perceived Stress From COVID-19 on High School Students with Previous Trauma in a Rural County in the Southeastern United States, Kari Anne Russell
Perceptions of K-12 Public Administrators to Improve Self-Efficacy and Work Conditions for Special Education Teachers: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, William Troy Traylor
Perceptions of Leadership from Hispanic, Latino, and Spanish Employees in the Department of Defense, Howard D. Thevenin
Perceptions of Paid Pastoral Staff of Volunteer Engagement in the Assemblies of God, Glorielba Orta Meléndez
Perceptions of Senior International Officers' Efforts Regarding the Acculturation of International Students in Higher Education: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Ann-Margaret J. Themistocleous
Perceptions of the Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement for 7th and 8th Grade Students in Rural California: A Predictive Correlational Study, Joshua Kenneth Blackburn
Perceptions of the Pastoral Role in Fostering Generation Z and Millennials' Spiritual Growth Using Digital Platforms, Wanda Elaine Belvin
Performance Feedback Influence on Special Education Teacher Self-Efficacy, Margaret Stout
Perpetua and Felicity: Faith and Courage in the Face of Death, Mackenzie Unruh
Persistent Bilateral Lower Leg Pain in a Collegiate Swimmer: A Case Study, Ashley Sennett
Perspectives of High School Orchestra Teachers in Urban and Suburban Settings In Using Social-Emotional Learning Techniques, Dale A. Kokot
Perspective-Taking, Self-Talk, and Social Connection: A Phenomenological Study of How Individual Practices Reduce Loneliness During the Menopausal Years, Sarah Joy Groff
Peter Pan Book Cover, Cassandra Poorman
Phenomenological Analysis of Training Effectiveness for Multiracial Ministry Received by Black Pastors Graduating from Southern Baptist Seminaries, Timothy D. Griffin
Phenomenological Study of Resilience Among Native Americans, Mary laungayan
Phenomenological Study of Resiliency Among Native Americans, Mary K. Laungayan
Philosophies of Empirical and Habitual Teaching: Healthy Vocal Methodologies in Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century, Katie Denise Osuamkpe
Philosophy, Politics & Virtue I Breakout Session, Liberty University
Philosophy, Politics & Virtue II Breakout Session, Liberty University
Philosophy, Politics & Virtue III Breakout Session, Liberty University
Philosophy, Politics & Virtue IV Breakout Session, Liberty University
Philosophy, Politics & Virtue V Breakout Session, Liberty University
Physiological and Biomechanical Perspectives on Elbow Function During Forehand and Backhand Disc Golf Throws: A Novel Investigation, Lauren Rachelle Giles
Physiological Response to Resisted Plyometric Training on Swimmers Sprint Swim Abilities, David Newman
Pinpointing Key Dates in Jesus’ Life: His Birth, the Start of His Ministry, and His Crucifixion, James A. Moseley
Place We Call Home: The Death of Human Flourishing in Non-Places, Gioia Calabretta
Planning in Advance (PIA): Teaching London Seventh-Day-Adventist Church Leaders in Providing Spiritual Care for Dying and Mourning Parishioners, Walace Saint Louis
Platelet-Rich-Plasma Injections vs. Corticosteroid Injections in the Reduction of Pain for Patients with Frozen Shoulder: A Critically Appraised Topic, Amanda Pendleton
Platelet-Rich-Plasma Injections vs. Corticosteroid Injections in the Reduction of Pain for Patients with Frozen Shoulder: A Critically Appraised Topic, Amanda Pendleton
Poetry as a Means of Adding Depth to Character in Memoir, Kasey Brianne Carr
Poetry for the Lord Instead of the World: A Study of the Romantic Poets, the Imposters, and Our Response as Christians, Annabelle Camoirano
Police Brutality: The Nexus Between Historical Injustices, Police Culture and the African American Experience, Claude M. Rhone
Politics and the Catholic Church: The Rise of Communism, the Modernization of the Church, and American Involvement in Early Cold War Italy, Victoria L. Bolds
Popular Music and Sociocultural Empathy in the Elementary Classroom, Kelsey M. Packman
Portraying Women in Eugene O’Neill Plays: How Life Affects Art and How Art Is Made Manifest, Charity M. Turley
Possible Under Utilization of Agile Management in Curriculum Change Process of Aviation Degree Programs, Samantha Bowyer
Post-Activation Potentiation in Sprint Speeds of Collegiate Male Soccer Players, Ronald J. Goubeaux Jr
Post-Course Statistics Interpretation Anxiety in an Asynchronous Online Statistics Course: A Causal-Comparative Study of Traditional and Nontraditional Students, Andrea Rose Boito
Post-Secondary Education Experiences of Military-Connected Students: A Phenomenological Study, Craig J. Alia
Potential Adverse Cardiovascular Side Effects Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination, Abigayle Strohmeier
Potential Adverse Cardiovascular Side Effects Following mRNA Covid-19 Vaccination, Abigayle Strohmeier
Predicting Educator Perceptions of Tennessee's Teacher Evaluation System: The Role of Teacher Gender, Years of Experience, and School Level Taught, Leonida T. Bell
Predicting Government Non-Manager Employees’ Creative Self-concept Based on Their Leaders’ Transformational Leadership Qualities, Steven R. Palmer
Predicting Language Proficiency Using a Multiple Regression Model, Madisen Barrieau
Predicting Loneliness from Academic Performance of Public and Private High School Students: A Linear Regression Analysis, Jeffrey Scott Wolford
Predicting Loyalty & Leadership: Personalities Prone to Leadership, Length of Service, & How Religiosity Plays a Part, Michael Joseph Camire
Predicting Performance on a Social Studies Assessment: A Correlational Study, David G. Hamilton
Preparing Early Educators to Support Young Children's Social and Emotional Development: A Phenomenological Study of Higher Education, Elizabeth Burany
Preparing the Next Generation for Faith Ownership by Training Fathers in the Biblical Worldview, John D. Embrey
Prescription for Retention: The Influence of Leadership on Employee Retention in Healthcare, Jenilee Heflin
Preserving Faith Amidst Disruption: The Impact of Obama and Biden’s Woke Foreign Policy on Christian Values in Africa and Its Effect on American Democracy Promotion, Christophe Mwungura
Pressured to Conform: The Qualitative Paradigm in Counselor Education and Supervision, Bridger Dale Falkenstien
Pretending, Kaylen Frazee
Pretty Girls Don't Eat Pizza: How an Eating Disorder Taught Me I Am Enough, Hannah Kuhn
Preventing ASL Interpreter Burnout Through the Use of Self-Care, Grace Hodge
Primary General Music: Trauma-Informed Instruction in Title I Schools in Post-Pandemic Georgia, Sarah-Ann Higgins
Primary Reason: A Five-Week Training That Helps CRBC Members Identify the Resurrection of Jesus as the Primary Reason Christianity is True, Abraham Wright
Print Culture in New York: The Essence of the Benevolent Empire from 1816 to 1837, Merritt Morgan
Private Christian Education and Utilization of Evangelism Curriculum, Amy N. McBrayer
Professional Development and Training for the Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Pre-Kindergarten: A Phenomenological Study, Melinda K. Parsons- Shadid
Profiles in Influence: Shaping American Perceptions, Attitudes, and Policy Towards China, Benjamin Merritt
Progress & Reconciliation: The Legacy of the Southern Military Tradition at the Carlisle School (1892 - 1930), Jesse Davis
Project ReThread: Developing Habits of Sustainable Fashion Consumption Among Gen Z, Jason Daniel Moore
Promoting Advance Care Planning in Primary Care: A Pilot Study on the Impact of Clinician Education and Workflow Development, Lisa Nicole Turcotte
Promoting Self-Advocacy Skills Development of Students with Disabilities Transitioning from Middle to High School, Tina L. Norris
Promoting The Use of Suicide Prevention Mobile Applications Among Clinicians to Reduce Suicide & Suicidal Behaviors in Adults Aged 18-45, Papetua Jepkoech Kimutai
Pronomian Paradigm: A Pro-Torah, Christocentric Method of Theology and Apologetics, Gregory Scott McKenzie
Prophetic Theology: The Essence of Prophecy, Charmain M. Jarrett
Proposing an Improved Polyvinyl Acetate Based Wood Glue, Elijah DeYoung
Providence, Brady Badillo
Provider Education and Nicotine Cessation: An Evidence-Based Practice Project, Madison Riley-Glenn
Providing A Paradigm of Pastoral Care for the Marginalized Through Jesus Centered Eyes at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Church, Dawn E. Pratt
Providing Biblical Knowledge to Women Ages 25–70 to Place Women in Ministry and Leadership Positions in the Church, Evelyn Diane Scott
Psalm 110 and Covenantal Faithfulness in the Eschatological Role of a Faithful Priest, Seng N. Sumhka
Psychological Profile of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Athletes, Leandro de Lorenco-Lima
Psychology of Altruism: A Phenomenological Study of Christian Leaders, Joshua G. Belk
Psychotropics and Fall Reduction Through Nursing Education, Jenny L. Stillman
Public Health Implications of Armed Conflict in Nigeria, Rachel Dibal Simon Karu
Public Mass Shootings in Texas and California: Routine Activity Theory Comparisons, Mason R. Feinartz
Public Opinion and Its Potential Impact on the U.S. Supreme Court, Savannah Medlin
Public Policy Conference - Session 2 | Apr. 11, 8:15AM, Liberty University
Public Policy Conference - Session 3 | Apr. 11, 11:15AM, Liberty University
Public Policy Conference - Session 4 | Apr. 11, 2:15PM, Liberty University
Public Policy Conference - Session 5 | Apr. 11, 3:45PM, Liberty University
Public Policy Conference - Session 6 | Apr. 11, 6:30PM, Liberty University
Public Policy Conference - Session 7 | Apr. 12, 8:15AM, Liberty University
Public Policy Conference - Welcome & Session 1 | Apr. 10, 9:00AM, Liberty University
Purpose in Life and the Liberal Arts: An Investigation of Antecedents, Barriers, and Purpose Among and Between Emerging Adults with and without a Liberal Arts Degree, Caroline Elizabeth Sawyer
Purpose, Performance, and Process Influence on Airline Pilot Trust in Automation Technology: A Quantitative Study, Thomas Robert Meyer
Push and Pull Factors That Influence Law Enforcement Officer Turnover: A Qualitative Case Study, Andrew Hunter Kim
Quasi-Experimental Study of the Impact Spaced Practice and Retrieval Have on Mathematical Fact Fluency in Third-, Fourth-, and Fifth-Grade Students, Stefanie L. Breneman-Smith
Question of Revolution in the Carolinas and Georgia from Colonial Times to the Time of the Early Republic, Megan Shirley
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnoses within BIPOC Communities, Angela M. Houghton
Racial Reconciliation in Black and White: A Qualitative Study of Live Mississippi Blues Music Communication, Christian Patterson
Rainbows Around the Throne: Theological Aesthetics in Evangelism to Same-Sex Attracted Men, Austin Tucker Kemp
Raising Awareness about Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents Through Theatre: A Quasi-Experimental Pretest-Posttest Study, Margaret Curry
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, Kimberly Witte
Readiness for Interprofessional Teamwork of Graduate Public Health Students at the Time of Their Graduation, Liliana Morosanu
Recommendations for Improving the Recruitment of High School Orchestra Students Using Basic Psychological Needs Theory, Ryan Michael Silvestri
Recommendations for Solving the Problem of Low Teacher Retention for Houston Independent School District in Houston, Texas, Jordyn L. Jarrett
Recommendations to Improve Social-Emotional Learning for Students with Disabilities at The Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind in Virginia, Rebecca J. White
Recommendations to Solve the Problem of Increased Referrals at the Escambia County Alternative School in Flomaton, Alabama, Ronda Hoffman
Reconsidering the Apologetic Purpose of Luke-Acts, James C. Williams
Recovering Christian Women Self-Care and Mentorship: A Qualitative Study, Clara Graves Hopkins
Recruitment and Retention in the Post-Floyd Era: A Phenomenological Study of Miami-Dade County Law Enforcement, Carlos A. Vesco
Recruitment and Retention of Black Faculty Women in Higher Education: A Phenomenological Study, Gerald Keith Warmack
Recycling Plastic Wastes as Reinforcing Fibers in Asphalt Pavements, Daeeui Hong
Redeeming Pastoral Evaluation: A Comprehensive Approach to Annual Pastoral Evaluation in a Congregation-Led Church, Drake Andrew Caudill
Redefining Disproportionate Arrest Rates: An Exploratory Quasi-Experiment that Reassesses the Role of Skin Tone, Soren G. Brockdorf
Reducing Sexually Transmitted Infection In African American Teenage Adolescents: Developing A Culturally Competent Health Program For Underserved Communities, Brandolyn I. Burks
Reform in School Discipline: A Social Constructivist Approach that Leverages School Counselor Involvement, Kerbie Marc
Reid Technique, an Effective 45-year-old Interrogation Technique? Or an Outdated Technique?, James A. Campoverde
Reinventing Holistic Healthcare: Pastoral Perspectives of Biblical Insights for the American Healthcare System, Leanne Michelle Bergey