"Ensuring Careful Interpretation and Application of the Bible through t" by James Kenneth Rainwater




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Roy Lucas


New Covenant, Progressive Covenantalism, Bible, interpretation, covenant


Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


For centuries, believers in Jesus Christ have turned to the Bible to discover His will for their life. For the most part, this discovery has resulted in joy and significance and has benefited the journeys of millions. However, there have been many examples where the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the Bible has brought about devastating consequences. Wolves have crept in and used the Bible for their own nefarious purposes. This paper offers a bridge for believers to navigate many of the difficult passages of the Bible and their behavioral application. Specifically, this is achieved through a closer look at how to interpret and apply Scripture through the lens of the covenants. Research was done on eighteen participants in a classroom setting where several biblical-theological systems were highlighted and studied, and how Progressive Covenantalism can answer some of the more difficult questions relating to the application and interpretation of Scripture. Data was triangulated through pre-test questions, discussion forums, post-implementation interviews, and a focus group. Readers will discover this study shows that when context and covenantal locations are synthesized, the interpretation and application of Scripture is enhanced greatly.
