


School of Nursing


Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Kristene Diggins


Work/Life balance, Healthy Work Environment, Nurse retention, Quality patient care


Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing


It is essential to look at the entire picture to ensure patient care is offered in the highest quality manner possible. One must look at patient satisfaction, quality outcomes, and job satisfaction experienced by the nursing staff providing care to accomplish this goal. Research has shown that nurse burnout has increased exponentially as of late. Some blame the COVID-19 pandemic; others look at the generation of nurses graduating from nursing school and starting in the field, comparing the baby boomer nurse to the Gen Z nurse. Many factors are involved, and with the recent addition of paying particular attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workforce, one must also look at the employee as a whole and their ways of identifying and relating to others. At that point, we must develop ways to communicate effectively with one another, allowing direct-care nurses to feel appreciated, empowered, and secure. We can achieve this goal by creating a holistic environment that addresses communication, well-being, reward, and recognition.

Available for download on Tuesday, July 15, 2025

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