"Providing Biblical Knowledge to Women Ages 25–70 to Place Women in Min" by Evelyn Diane Scott




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Mark Plaza


Women, Ministry, Leadership




The purpose of this project is to provide biblical knowledge to equip women to assume scriptural roles in church ministry and leadership. The project was conducted at The Word Ministry Church in rural Dallas County, Alabama. The writer reviewed women’s challenges and issues in the Christian community dominated by patriarchal theories. This project provides an overview of the study group and the training criteria for preparing women for ministry and leadership. The goal was to educate women not serving in leadership or ministry positions to obtain biblical knowledge to give them the confidence and support to accept their gift of ministry or leadership. The researcher used various tools to assess each participant’s biblical knowledge of women in ministry and leadership, including pre- and post-tests, individual interview questionnaires, and a group questionnaire tool. The data collection process included individual and group interviews. The mentoring process was implemented for a month, during which each mentor and mentee shared information to determine the effectiveness of the process. The elective group of mentors, women currently in ministry and leadership positions, were paired with mentees, women not in ministry or leadership positions in the church.

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Religion Commons
