"Millennials and Fasting: A Healthy Alternative" by Christopher M. Hunt




School of Communication and the Arts


Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design (MFA)


Joseph Wright


design, fasting, health, illustration, millennials


Art and Design


Millennials are facing more chronic health problems than any previous generation. They are experiencing a higher rate of disease for all the top conditions that affected their predecessors at the same age range. Most of these issues stem from an overconsumption culture that drastically increased during the millennial generation and is only projected to worsen. These habits start from a young age when the youth are taught to finish eating everything on their plate, even if they are not hungry, and consume at least three meals a day, which is seen as a mandatory requirement for a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, this way of life carries on into adulthood, which can cause the slow degradation of their health.

This thesis focuses on advocating for fasting among millennials through design education and information. It analyzes the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of fasting and aims to encourage millennials, through art and design, to embrace it for their health as they age.

The study uses a literature review, content analyses, and visual analyses to develop a visual solution that educates millennials about the health benefits of fasting.
