


Rawlings School of Divinity


Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (MA)


Daniel Robert Sloan


Exegetical Analysis, Daniel 10-12, The Book of Daniel, Biblical Studies, Divine Communication, Dreams and Visions, Dreams and Visions in Daniel, Prophetic Intel, Wise People, Maskilim, ŚKL, Biblical Wisdom, Discernment, End Times, Old Testament Prophets, Supernatural Messages, Perilous Times, God's Plan for Israel, Scholarly Review, Ancient Near East, Divine Wisdom, Eschatology, Apocalyptic Vision, Prophetic Calls, Angelic Interpretations, Babylonian Captivity, Neo-Babylon Empire, Persian Era, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Maccabean Revolt, Halom, Michael, Thesis




The thesis examines the visions and divine communications described in the Book of Daniel, particularly chapters 10-12. The study demonstrates that God gave his wise people supernatural insight and revelation of his plans to aid and give hope in perilous times .

The research employs an exegetical approach to analyze Daniel 10-12, utilizing a detailed review of prominent scholarly interpretations by Adolf Leo Oppenheim, John Joseph Collins, Tremper Longman III, J. Paul Tanner, John T. Willis, John Walvoord, and John C. Whitcomb. The study focuses on understanding the historical, literary, and cultural contexts of the visions, exploring the mechanisms of divine communication, and assessing the role of dreams and visions in imparting divine wisdom.

The analysis reveals that the visions in Daniel 10-12 were pivotal in providing guidance and hope during times of distress. The divine messages were instrumental for the wise, enabling them to discern truth, withstand deception, and remain steadfast in their faith. The study highlights the significant impact of these divine communications on inspiring godly devotion and perseverance among the faithful.

The thesis underscores the relevance of the prophetic messages in Daniel for contemporary readers, offering insights into the enduring significance of divine wisdom. It also discusses the study's limitations, particularly its focus on specific passages and the exclusion of extensive historical methodologies. The findings suggest avenues for further research, including exploring God's plan for Israel, the role of dreams and visions, and the impartation of wisdom. The study concludes by emphasizing the continued importance of these divine messages in guiding and sustaining the faithful through challenges.

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