"A Phenomenological Study Exploring Saudi Married Women’s Experience of" by Kholoud Ahmed Helmi




School of Behavioral Sciences


Doctor of Education in Community Care and Counseling (EdD)


Todd W. Schultz


intimate partner violence, Saudi Arabia, Vision 2030, phenomenology, qualitative research, feminist theory, social constructivism theory, Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis


Counseling | Social and Behavioral Sciences


This hermeneutic phenomenological study explored the meaning of experiencing emotional/psychological intimate partner violence (IPV) for Saudi married women in Riyadh before and after Vision 2030. Nine Saudi women who married before 2015 were selected based on the Composite Abuse Scale results. The study's central question was: How do Saudi Arabian married women who experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) interpret their emotional/psychological IPV experience before and after Vision 2030? The guiding two questions were: 1) How do Saudi Arabian married women who have experienced intimate partner violence cope or react to their emotional/psychological violence? 2) How do national, social, and relational factors influence their coping mechanism or reaction to emotional/psychological violence? The theories guiding this study were feminist and social constructivism theories. Data collection included semi-structured interviews, online reflection journals, and online focus group. Data analysis utilized the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach. Eight themes and ten subthemes emerged, revealing their sense of powerlessness before the Vision and sense of empowerment after it. Influenced by different national, social, and relational factors, their coping mechanisms included doing nothing, seeking formal or informal support, and being more independent. The study’s findings supported social constructivism and feminism theories on IPV risk factors, attitudes, and women's reactions and highlighted Vision's positive impacts on improving supportive resources and empowering Saudi women.

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