
Juried Art - 2-D


Research Problem Statement The research problem of my project was to create a 3d digital sculpture of an ice cream sundae. I had a few smaller problems I needed to fix, as I worked on my bigger research project objective. I had a big learning curve on the software I was using to carve and shape my project, and I also had to find a way to illustrate the safe at home feeling that I wanted to share with the viewer. Communication Objective My communication objective was to share and create a sculpture that people could connect with their own childhood memories. I wanted a digital sculpture that could give people a warm fuzzy feeling of when they were safe and taken care of. Visual Solution I decided to make my ice cream sundae a little different, be a little unique, and make it combined with a milkshake. This adds a newer updated look to the viewer but also keeps the childhood feeling to the creation. I then added the classic ice cream flavors that were the usual favorites of children, so almost everyone could see their favorite flavors. How it was Produced


Undergraduate - 3rd Place Award Winner


Apr 15th, 10:00 AM


Juried Art - 2-D

Research Problem Statement The research problem of my project was to create a 3d digital sculpture of an ice cream sundae. I had a few smaller problems I needed to fix, as I worked on my bigger research project objective. I had a big learning curve on the software I was using to carve and shape my project, and I also had to find a way to illustrate the safe at home feeling that I wanted to share with the viewer. Communication Objective My communication objective was to share and create a sculpture that people could connect with their own childhood memories. I wanted a digital sculpture that could give people a warm fuzzy feeling of when they were safe and taken care of. Visual Solution I decided to make my ice cream sundae a little different, be a little unique, and make it combined with a milkshake. This adds a newer updated look to the viewer but also keeps the childhood feeling to the creation. I then added the classic ice cream flavors that were the usual favorites of children, so almost everyone could see their favorite flavors. How it was Produced


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