"Biblical Leadership Development: Essential Components in Servant Leade" by André T. Moore Sr.




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Ramon Carrillo-Moran


Character, Integrity, Followership, Humility, Leadership Development, Servant Leadership, Submission


Leadership Studies | Religion


There was a need for a biblical leadership development program at Anointed To Minister Ministries (ATMM). This researcher assessed the effectiveness of the current leadership and concluded that a biblical leadership development program was paramount to the foundation of the church. Furthermore, Henry and Richard Blackaby, argue in their book Spiritual Leadership “failing to develop leaders in an organization is tantamount to gross failure by the leader, whether by design or by neglect.” The purpose for this DMIN action research project was to develop a strategy and to implement a biblical leadership training program for educating, equipping, and empowering selected church leaders framed on the model of servant leadership (Rardin, 1990) and emergent leadership theory (Clinton, 2012). In order to establish a baseline of how the leaders in the project understand church leadership and the project's leadership model of servant leadership, focus groups, a survey and questionnaire will be administered pre and post training. Upon successful completion of the leadership training program, it is hoped that the leadership training program may be adopted by pastors to implement with their ministry leaders. Therefore, if Anointed To Minister Ministries will design and implement an 8-week biblical leadership development program, then the outcome should develop leaders who become disciple makers and who will also model servant leadership to their significant others, at their place of employment and the community.
