"The Lived Experiences of Educators Leveraging Educational Technology a" by Cynthia T. Plueger




School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy


Traci Eshelman


student engagement, academic achievement, connectivism, educational technology, higher education


Education | Educational Leadership


The purpose of the transcendental phenomenological study was to describe the lived experiences of educators at public universities in the southern region of the United States who leverage educational technology to enhance student engagement and improve academic achievement through the application of connectivism principles in learning environments. This study was guided by the connectivism theory, which highlights the significance of interconnected networks, contemporary knowledge, and the interrelatedness of information in digital higher education learning environments. The central research question was: How do educators at public universities in the southern region of the United States describe their lived experiences with leveraging educational technology to foster student engagement and improve academic achievement by applying connectivism principles in learning environments? The study combined Moustakas's transcendental phenomenology approach with George Siemens's connectivism theory to explore the essence of human learning experiences. Data collection methods included individual interviews, focus groups, and letter writing. During the analysis phase, epoché was employed to ensure an unbiased and objective interpretation of the data. The findings of this research study highlight the importance of establishing profound educational technology networks and offering educators comprehensive support and professional development training. The connectivism learning theory is crucial to modern education and is aligned with educational technology that promotes connectivity and collaboration. By addressing the training and support needs, educators can overcome integration challenges and facilitate technology adoption in educational settings. These insights are vital for advancing technology-enhanced education.
