"Inclusive Classroom Setting for High School Students with Emotional Be" by Marvin Marshall




School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD)


Kristy Motte


inclusive, differentiate, accommodate, self-contained, behaviors


Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological study was to understand the experiences of public high school teachers educating students with emotional behavior disorders (EBDs) in the inclusive classroom setting in the Major County School District. The theory guiding this study was Ryan and Deci’s self-determination theory (SDT). SDT was applied to this study to understand the autonomy, competence, and relatedness experiences of teachers. Hermeneutics, meaning interpretive or explanatory, was the application of phenomenological design that was used for this study. This approach focused on the commonality of lived experiences that lay beneath surface awareness which is an interpretive process in an individual’s world. Criterion sampling with maximum variation in mind was done to select 14 participants who have experienced the study’s central phenomenon. Data was collected through individual interviews, focus group interviews, and behavior documents collected. The data was analyzed using the Saldaña method of first and second order coding. Three themes were revealed during the data analysis process: teachers are committed to supporting students, preparing teachers for the inclusive classroom setting, and support system for teachers. A major finding of this study was that professional development programs for teachers are vital in the development of them adequately educating students with EBDs in the inclusive classroom setting.
