
Oral - Textual or Investigative


Stemming from the Spanish word “macho”, Machismo is a social construct of an exaggerated sense of masculinity that is common across Latin American and Spanish culture. Machismo is typically associated with negative aspects. This research paper seeks to explore the historical and cultural influence of machismo culture in Latin America to find the intersection between machismo and Christianity. Machismo impacts how both men and women behave, speak, and interact with one another. Machismo has a multifaced history within Latin America, spanning its origin from pre-colonial times to contemporary. Beginning with an exploration of pre-colonial gender roles and their evolution during the colonial period, this research shows the interesting intersection between indigenous traditions, European influences, and African contribution in shaping machismo norms. By focusing on pivotal moments within Latin American history, like industrialization and the influence of globalization, this research traces the evolving influence and perception of machismo through a Christian perspective. Special attention is given to the impact of globalization and modernization within Latin America. My research aims to take a biblical perspective on a traditionally taboo and secularized topic. Machismo is a difficult and uncomfortable topic to talk about. It encapsulates both good and evil within it. As a Christian, I believe that machismo violates the Christian norms for both men and woman. I believe there is a huge need to explore machismo through a biblical perspective. Since the Hispanic culture is very religious, the church is the place where common culture gets preached, demonstrated, modeled, and endorsed.




Apr 17th, 10:00 AM

Bridging Biblical Beliefs and Behaviors: Historical and Cultural Influence of Machismo in Latin America

Oral - Textual or Investigative

Stemming from the Spanish word “macho”, Machismo is a social construct of an exaggerated sense of masculinity that is common across Latin American and Spanish culture. Machismo is typically associated with negative aspects. This research paper seeks to explore the historical and cultural influence of machismo culture in Latin America to find the intersection between machismo and Christianity. Machismo impacts how both men and women behave, speak, and interact with one another. Machismo has a multifaced history within Latin America, spanning its origin from pre-colonial times to contemporary. Beginning with an exploration of pre-colonial gender roles and their evolution during the colonial period, this research shows the interesting intersection between indigenous traditions, European influences, and African contribution in shaping machismo norms. By focusing on pivotal moments within Latin American history, like industrialization and the influence of globalization, this research traces the evolving influence and perception of machismo through a Christian perspective. Special attention is given to the impact of globalization and modernization within Latin America. My research aims to take a biblical perspective on a traditionally taboo and secularized topic. Machismo is a difficult and uncomfortable topic to talk about. It encapsulates both good and evil within it. As a Christian, I believe that machismo violates the Christian norms for both men and woman. I believe there is a huge need to explore machismo through a biblical perspective. Since the Hispanic culture is very religious, the church is the place where common culture gets preached, demonstrated, modeled, and endorsed.


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