


College of Arts and Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD)


Chad Shelley


Cold War




The two countries that played the largest role in defeating Nazi Germany were allies at one moment and enemies the next without any form of an attack or hostile military action. The unusual phenomenon of two world superpowers opposing each other for several decades without firing a shot in a worldwide ideological war was unique and confined only to this period of world history. This was a polarizing global event that was believed to have been titled such by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and it remains unknown who coined the phrase "There have been three world wars; two hot, and one cold." More than four decades later, the Soviet Union began showing signs of serious internal problems which indicated a possible end to the period titled the “Cold War.” It was surprising how quickly the Soviet Union dissolved because of a series of unlikely factors, which resulted in the common belief that the Cold War was not only over, but it was won by the United States and its Western allies. There was no surrender, peace treaty, or anything related, but it was still assumed on a societal level that the Cold War ended. Although the Soviet Union was gone, most of its people and weapons remained in Russia which did not thrive and become a democratic country as expected. Although its leadership first appeared cordial and friendly to those of other countries, its leaders, particularly its present leader, began to engage in unprovocative offensive military aggression. The War on Terror and other societal problems dominated the United States which allowed Russia to increase its military aggression. The United States began to lose it hegemonic position as the world's most powerful country as China has surpassed it in many areas resulting in another hostile global superpower and the continuation of the Cold War.

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