School of Behavioral Sciences
Doctor of Education in Community Care and Counseling (EdD)
Tracy N. Baker
emotion regulation, at- risk youth, recreation, positive youth development
Counseling | Educational Psychology
Recommended Citation
Harvey, Latasha, "Parents' Perceptions on the Impact of Recreation on Emotion Regulation in At-Risk Youth" (2024). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 6366.
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to examine the thoughts, attitudes, experiences, and beliefs of parents of at-risk youth participating in inner-city neighborhood programs regarding the use of fitness, sports, and cultural arts in recreation to attain emotion regulation. The self-determination theory, developed by Ryan and Deci (2017), guided this study. The theory is based on the principle that individuals possess the ability to think logically, manage their emotions, and judge optimistically. The central research question for this case was How do parents view involvement in recreation for at-risk youth as it pertains to emotional development? The study design was qualitative phenomenological, and the study site and participants were selected by the process of purposive sampling. Data was collected from a researcher-created demographic survey (Appendix C) and interview protocol. The demographic survey was used to ensure that the criteria established for selection was met. The interview was the primary instrument analyzed to aid in answering the central research question and sub-research questions.