


School of Music


Doctor of Music Education (DME)


Wayne Singleton


Historically Black College and University, retention, recruitment, academic success


Education | Music


Music programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities have a rich cultural legacy, but there is still little understanding of how these programs impact students in particular ways. HBCUs provide Black individuals a chance to achieve equality, gain respect as a collective in the United States, and secure employment in professional fields. The purpose of this study aims to explore the factors concerning retention that contribute to participation in Historically Black Colleges and University band participation and analyze the effectiveness of its current retention initiatives.

the main research tool created to investigate the dynamics of recruitment and retention in HBCU band programs was a questionnaire. Because retention and graduation rates can significantly impact an institution's validity and financial feasibility, the questionnaire focused on the techniques, ideologies, and administrative frameworks used by band directors to influence the abilities, social connection, and improve the recruitment and retention of band students. The study group was composed of current and past members of HBCU band programs. The total number of participants was 103 (N=103) which volunteered to complete the survey. To be eligible, individuals had to hold membership in a program or have prior experience participating in an HBCU band program.

Positive correlations were present between band program participation and personal development, professional development, and academic success. Unfortunately, students were not as aware of the retention initiatives in place for their success during their undergraduate tenure and there was an overall poor rating for the initiatives in place for active band students.

A particular interest was placed on social identity theory, social capital theory, self-determination theory, sociometer theory, attachment theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Two Factor theory, McClelland’s theory of needs, and Vroom’s Expectancy theory and its relation to recruitment and retention. Other factors that were included were the influence of interactive technology and social media as it relates to recruitment and retention.
