Publication Date

Spring 5-5-2024


College of Arts and Sciences; School of Education


Interdisciplinary Studies


Literature Review, ESL, Languages, Second Language Acquisition, Dyslexia, Education


Applied Linguistics | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | French and Francophone Language and Literature | Other Communication | Other Languages, Societies, and Cultures


A systematic review of the literature was conducted to explore the experiences that college students with dyslexia face learning a second language in the classroom setting while studying at a private institution in Central Virginia. This literature review offers an analysis of the scholarly research related to this topic. The processability theory is discussed in the first section, followed by a review of recent literature on how dyslexia affects the brain’s processing, specific experiences of students, and how to best support these students in second language acquisition (SLA). Lastly, the literature surrounds phonological processing, working memory, specific struggles in the classroom, and motivation. Finally, a gap in the literature is identified regarding the need for more research concerning the experiences of college students with dyslexia within a second language classroom.
