


College of Arts and Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD)


Jeffery Rogers


History, American History, Colonial, American Revolution, War of Independence, Enlightenment, Great Awakening, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Oglethorpe, Fundamental Constitutions, People of Color, Women, Slave codes, marriage settlements, feme soles, dower, boycott, rebellion, militia, Eliza Pinckney, Rebecca Motte, Austin Dabney, Mammy Kate, Thomas Jeremiah, Zubly, rights, liberty, sermons




The American War of Independence was not and unlimited revolutionary event. More correctly it was a limited revolution. The ideologies, legal codes, and events that formed the basis for justification had historical precedent in English and ancient history. Women and people of color experienced a counter revolution with regards to their rights and liberties after the conflict known as the American Revolution. Although women participated in the conflict did not experience a progression in rights and freedoms. People of color, free and enslaved, certainly experienced a different outcome. They became citizens of a new nation but were denied equal freedom and rights. Given the fact that there have been many racially and gender motivated movements within the last twenty years in the South and throughout America, which argue that people of color and women are still considered second class citizens and are not provided the same rights and protections as white men. Published academic works are following a tradition of reactionary scholarship. Academic works provide an explanation as to the roles of people of color, and women in general in the southern economies and their roles in the military conflict, some even discuss the ideological controversy that the institution of slavery presented the new nation. However, very little work has been conducted in examining the continuity and change of American life, of these specific groups of people in America, as a result of the concept of revolution. Yes, a revolution did occur but not for these people at this time.

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