


Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Philosophy in Bible Exposition (PhD)


Ashley Davis


holy nation, New Perspective on Paul, Redemption, Judaism and Grace, Messianism, Second Temple Messianic expectation, Holocaust, Kingdom of Priest, Unity


Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The goal of this work is not only to amplify the purview of all believers in God regarding the true meaning of loving a neighbor and being a member of God’s covenant, rather to usher an atmosphere of accord that could set the right conditions for the coming of the Messiah and of the final redemption as hinted to in 2 Peter 3:11-12 where the apostle describes the sort of holy conduct befitting to those who in fact are hastening the Messiah’s final arrival. Of all the possible ways to approach the matter of election of the Jewish people, it might perhaps be best seen for the purpose of leading the rest of the world to God. It was to this mission and covenant that Christ’s work was ultimately aimed. From this assignment-centered mindset, Christianity has truly taken the leadership in terms of spreading the name of God to all the world. Therefore, both groups of believers, Christians and Jews, being part of God’s nation, share the responsibility of achieving the measure of unity characteristic of God’s election.

Available for download on Thursday, December 11, 2025
