"Shaping Worldviews: Helping High School Seniors Manage the Influence o" by Geoffrey Michael Janes




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Reginald Weems


worldview, apologetics, social media, discipleship, generation Z, mentoring, identity


Practical Theology


The rapid development of technology in recent decades has brought with it many unforeseen challenges. This project focuses on the challenge of learning to manage the influence social media has on worldviews. Young people are consuming information on social media with little or no instruction on how to discern what is real or true. Worldviews are being shaped by influencers who proclaim ideological messages that are often in conflict with a biblical Christian worldview. As with any tool, social media in the hands of a trained user can be used powerfully for good. Without a proper understanding and awareness of the dangers of social media and the precautions that one should take, many young people will be left to follow that which seems right in their own eyes. This project focused on a group of high school seniors at Lee Park Preparatory School to develop a series of six lessons designed to teach the importance of having and articulating a worldview, establishing a healthy identity, building healthy relationships, and discovering and understanding one’s purpose and mission. The results showed that high school seniors can learn to manage the influence that social media has on their worldviews.
