


College of Arts and Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD)


Chad Everett Shelley


communism, socialism, Wisconsin, Milwaukee


History | International and Area Studies


In the United States of America, both Socialism and Communism were present without the volatility of what occurred in the Soviet Union, China, and other nations. Wisconsin and many other states had a powerful Communist and Socialist framework. Wisconsin also had other parties like the Progressives, Populists, and Greenbacks, though not as significant as the main ones. Many Wisconsin leaders were willing participants in exercising these ideologies on their constituents. Immigrants played a crucial role in shaping the political system based on what they had learned in their native countries and social, cultural, and economic inputs. Milwaukee was a vital example that other cities in America noted and chose to emulate with their city structures. Milwaukee is a case in point, as it is no longer the solid industrial city it started to be. For over fifty years, Milwaukee was run by Socialist mayors. Their impact on the town brought significant economic and political success; however, as the Socialist mayors failed to continue their domination, the party lost momentum and quietly retreated.

These changes in the political ideals in Wisconsin hinged greatly on how earlier countries utilized Communism and Socialism. Man has always been in constant debate with God and in a power struggle to rule their way and not God's way since sin entered the world. Men have sought to earnestly place themselves in a position where the world revolves around them, selfishly trying to make their way without God's help. This is evident in the many failures in history as men seek to exalt themselves and subject those under their authority to schemes and methods that they only control. This dissertation will argue that the world influences of Socialism and Communism traversed from Russia and Europe, infiltrated the United States, and influenced the political realms of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and other states, leaving an indelible mark in the future structure of their political, cultural, economic, and educational positions.
