"Disunity of Pentecostal Pastors Planting Churches in Suburban Areas: U" by Jamare L. Razor




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Rodney Phillips


church plant, unity, suburban, division, pastoral counseling, love


Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The problem is that disunity exists among suburban church planting pastors of multidenominational and nondenominational churches in a tri-state region of the United States. Approximately 4,000 churches are planted in America each year and sadly about 3,700 of those churches will close. One reason for this is disunity among pastors that leads to the lack of support needed for church plant success and longevity. This problem must be remedied if the church plants are to succeed. The purpose for this Doctor of Ministry action research project is to identify the causes of the disunity that hinder church plant success in these regions and offer remedies for their success. This study examined the disunity found among multi-denominational and non-denominational church planters in the suburban areas of a tri-state region of the United States. Eleven pastors of different denominations (Methodist, Apostolic, Church of God in Christ, and non-denominational) planted churches in suburban areas and were researched and interviewed personally and collectively through a focus group regarding causes of disunity. It was discovered that 99% of participants interviewed experienced a lack of support due to opinions concerning ethnicities, doctrinal views, and cultural differences. These results suggest the need for programs to help eradicate disunity and promote unity in the area of fellowship among suburban church planting Pentecostal pastors and the importance of having a strong support system.
