


Graduate School of Business


Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Ronald Morgan


COVID-19, healthcare administration, telehealth




The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to healthcare systems worldwide, forcing them to adapt and implement alternative modes of healthcare delivery quickly. Telehealth, the delivery of healthcare services through telecommunication technologies, has become crucial in providing continuous care while reducing the risk of virus transmission. This qualitative study aimed to explore healthcare managers' perceptions of the use of telehealth and its impact on healthcare practices during the pandemic, particularly in terms of provision and quality control. A purposive sample of 10 healthcare managers from different healthcare settings in the United States participated in semi-structured interviews conducted via video conferencing. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed six overarching themes: (1) perceived benefits of telehealth, including increased accessibility, convenience, and efficiency; (2) challenges and limitations of telehealth; (3) role of telehealth in shaping healthcare practices; (4) implications for quality control, including the need for standardization, training, and evaluation measures; (5) leadership and innovation in telehealth; and (6) future of telehealth in healthcare management. This study provides insights into how healthcare managers perceive the use of telehealth and how it shapes healthcare practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings suggest that telehealth can potentially improve healthcare provision and quality control, but its implementation requires addressing challenges and limitations and adapting to evolving healthcare needs. Future research can build on these findings by exploring the perspectives of other stakeholders, such as healthcare providers and patients, and examining the long-term effects of telehealth on healthcare practices.

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