"Leadership Professional Development on Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Causal" by Yolanda Michelle Gilyard




School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD)


Sara Capwell Geary


Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale, Leadership Professional Development, Transformational Leadership


Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership


The purpose of this quantitative, causal-comparative study is to determine if there is a difference in self-efficacy between teachers who are in the process of receiving leadership professional development, those who have completed leadership professional development, and those who have not received leadership professional development. This study is significant because it aims to determine if self-efficacy is different between teachers who are in the process of receiving leadership professional development, those who have completed leadership professional development, and those who have not received leadership professional development. The school district is a Title 1 school with an 87.9% poverty rate. Due to the nature of the virtual environment, the teaching staff lives throughout Florida. The staff population is approximately 90.7% female and 9.3% male, and they hold at least a bachelor's degree as a requirement for employment in a teaching position at the school. The researcher performed a one-way ANOVA on the independent variable leadership professional development for each of the three groups. The instrument used is the long form of the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES). The study was statistically significant overall. The results showed higher efficacy in K-12 teachers currently taking LPD and completing taking LPD versus those who have no LPD taken. The statistical significance found through the one-way ANOVA n = 37 revealed differences between K-12 teachers Currently Taking LPD, Completed Taking LPD, and No LPD Taken. Those currently taking LPD had a mean score of 182.27, those who completed taking LPD had a mean score of 189.14, and those who had no LPD taken had a mean score of 184.11.
