


College of Arts and Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD)


Alan Harrelson


Kentucky, Logan County, WWII, Homefront, Civil War




War is a regular tool that brings changes and new opportunities for people. For the people of Logan County, life was rather stagnated between the American Civil War and WWII. During the Civil War Logan County played a very important role in the pro-Confederate movement in Kentucky, even housing multiple meetings and a convention with the goal of Kentucky joining the Confederacy. While this did not happen, this movement continued in the years that followed the war, as a massive Confederate hangover reigned over the county. This hangover, which can be associated with the “lost cause” dominated the way of life for decades. Many people in Logan County did not want change. They desired their pre-Civil War life, and ideas such as industrialization and acceptance of the Thirteenth Amendment were ideas that wany in Logan County did not support. The period was filled with violence and aggression, much of which dated back to the days of the war, and this continued until the WWII Era. It is during WWII that the people at home and those that served were so impacted by the war that they wanted to change. They now wanted new industries, they wanted more news, and they wanted more opportunities. Each of these are routed in WWII, and in the years that followed more changes occurred in the county than in the decades before the war. WWII brought Logan County into the 20th Century and changed the lives of the people in the county, in a way that did not happen before the war. Thus, making the WWII Era the most important event in the county’s history by bringing changes like factories, hospitals, a radio station and others after the war ended.

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