Publication Date

Fall 12-5-2023


School of Health Sciences


Biology: Pre-Med


Thermogenesis, Obesity, Brown adipose tissue, UCP1, B3-adrenergic Signaling.


Biochemical Phenomena, Metabolism, and Nutrition | Biological Phenomena, Cell Phenomena, and Immunity | Medical Cell Biology | Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases


The disease of obesity has quickly escalated from an epidemic to a worldwide pandemic in the last few decades, and viable treatment methods are being investigated with urgency. One such treatment method is increased induction of the thermogenesis pathway that is active in brown adipose tissue. This pathway is typically activated in mammals when they are exposed to cold temperatures for extended periods of time but can also be induced exogenously. Thermogenesis is a metabolically inefficient process that occurs in the mitochondria of a cell, meaning it uses substrate energy without generating ATP. The inefficiency of this process allows excess energy storage to be used and therefore serves as possible method of treatment. This review investigates the thermogenesis pathway and the ways it can be used to prevent and treat obesity.
