"The Perceptions of Principals, English Language Arts Teachers, and Lib" by Beth McGuire




School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD)


Jose Arturo Puga


library, librarians, principals, English language arts teachers, self-efficacy, National Blue Ribbon Schools, achievement gap, education


Education | Instructional Media Design


The purpose of this case study was to discover the perceptions of the role and programs in school libraries that support academic achievement in the school community for educational professionals at National Blue Ribbon Schools in the United States. Perceptions regarding the role of school librarianship surrounding academic achievement were explored from four National Blue Ribbon Schools locations during 2022 and 2023 in kindergarten through Grade 12. The theory guiding this study was Bandura’s self-efficacy theory. The central research question was: How did educational professional self-efficacy influence the implementation of school library programs during the attainment of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Exemplary Achievement Gap-Closing Schools award? Guiding research questions considered the role of school librarians in addressing the achievement gap while further investigating the staffing, programming, and perceptions of school librarians and library programs. Semi-structured interviews with case study participants, document analysis, and observation during site visits were conducted to ensure triangulation. As a result of the research conducted, the role of school librarians and library programs in addressing the academic achievement gap was positively perceived, and participants from the study exhibited self-efficacy.
