


School of Communication and the Arts


Doctor of Philosophy in Communication (PhD)


Carol Hepburn


communication, church, new media theory, normative media theory


Christianity | Communication


This was an exploratory qualitative case study into the usage of new media in the evangelical church within the context of the Bible Belt region of the United States. The problem with the current status of new media communications within the evangelical church is that some churches seem to struggle with using these mediums successfully. The purpose of this study was to gather information on how churches are using new media communications in their environment and equip churches with greater knowledge and tools on how to leverage new media communications to grow the Kingdom. This study features three main research questions that focus on the application of new media to church environments. The research team identified churches throughout the Bible Belt that would be considered successful and influential, and through a series of interviews with representatives of these organizations, examined and analyzed their new media communication efforts. The findings of this study point to new media being something very useful to churches as they attempt to grow and remain relevant in today’s society as well as identifying five key norms that churches use in their new media communications.
