"Employee Engagement in Public Sector Organizations" by Rhonda Isler Dent




Helms School of Government


Doctor of Philosophy


Tory Weaver


Employee Engagement, Intrinsic Motivation, Senior Leadership, Work-life Programs, Professional Development, Extrinsic Motivation, Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, disengagement, Transformational Leadership, Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Public Administration, Public Service Motivation, generational cohorts, engagement model


Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration


Public Administrators recognize Employee Engagement (EE) as a significant component in fostering effective work environments in public sector organizations. EE is a recently established concept on Public Administration's agenda and the mantra for today's workplace, leading organizations to recognize the vested interest in measuring, observing, and increasing employee performance. Evidence suggests EE is vital to an organization's thriving in a competitive global market. The research study evaluated and measured the influences that affect EE in public-sector organizations. A quantitative method using the quasi-experimental design was used to answer the research question and address the corresponding hypotheses. The researcher used the FY 2020 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), an annual organizational climate survey administered by the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM), to gauge the perceptions of government employees regarding their work experiences. The public release data file was imported into SPSS software (version 29) to analyze and process the data. Standard multiple linear regression was used to evaluate the relationships between the variables. The researcher used the three dimensions of Byrne's engagement model to operationalize variables into measurable factors. Findings showed a statistically significant and positive relationship between the predictive and outcome variables: Extrinsic Motivation, Senior Leadership, Professional Development and Growth, Work-life Programs, and Intrinsic Motivation influencing Employee Engagement. The independent variables explained a significant portion of the variance influencing Employee Engagement in public sector organizations.
