


School of Behavioral Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)


Gilbert Franco


Discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, psychological safety, bystander intervention, inclusive workplace, hostile workplace


Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Organizational culture is the main predictor of hostile workplace behaviors such as discrimination, harassment, and bullying. Psychological safety, inclusive workplace culture, and bystander intervention all show promising effects on deterring hostile workplace behaviors. No research exists that explores military members' perceptions of how the military organizational culture influences the presence of these constructs and how these constructs influence one another and hostile workplace behaviors. The following grounded theory study explored military members' perceptions of how the military organizational culture influences the occurrence of hostile workplace behaviors. The role of psychological safety, inclusive workplace culture, and bystander intervention on hostile workplace behaviors in the military were also explored. This study's findings indicate that military members perceive that the military organizational culture influences hostile workplace behaviors through its level of support towards and among all members. A supportive culture was perceived to reinforce psychological safety, inclusion, and bystander intervention, and these constructs, in conjunction with a supportive culture, were perceived to deter hostile workplace behaviors. In contrast, lack of support and biased treatment were perceived to deter psychological safety, inclusion, and bystander intervention, and the absence of these constructs, along with a lack of support, were perceived to reinforce hostile workplace behaviors. The implications of this study's findings suggest that focusing on the military values of caring for and supporting other military members will increase psychological safety, inclusion, and bystander intervention while decreasing hostile workplace behaviors.

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