School of Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Vickie Moore
Lung cancer screening, patient decision aid, primary care
Recommended Citation
Brown, Emily Evans, "Implementing a Patient Decision Aid Tool to Improve Knowledge of Lung Cancer Screening and Lung Cancer Screening Rates in a Primary Care Setting" (2024). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 6414.
It is well known that lung cancer is a devastating disease affecting many individuals in the United States. Through education and early screening efforts, lung cancers can be identified earlier when they can be more easily treated. This evidence-based practice project was developed for the purpose of improving patient and provider knowledge of lung cancer screening and to increase lung cancer screenings in primary care. The evidence-based lung cancer screening educational tool, referred to as a patient decision aid tool, was implemented in a family medicine practice setting over a 10-week period. After the 10-week implementation, there was an increase in patient knowledge of lung cancer screening as evidenced by an increase in patient reported knowledge on the retrospective surveys completed before and after viewing the patient decision aid. There was also an increase in provider knowledge of lung cancer screening as evidenced by an increase in provider knowledge on the posttest questionnaire taken after receiving an educational intervention. The positive correlation between the use of a patient decision aid and the percentage of lung cancer screening referrals and completions reflects the value of this educational tool to improve patient outcomes in the primary care setting.