


School of Music


Doctor of Music Education (DME)


Karen Kuehmann


Rural, Band, Music, High School, Retention, Recruitment


Education | Music


Despite many differences across Pennsylvania's rural school districts, band programs face similar recruitment, retention, and matriculation challenges. Rural school districts in Pennsylvania account for 235 of the 499 school districts in Pennsylvania while educating less than 20 percent of the student population in the state. In addition, rural districts often lack the community infrastructure many urban and suburban school districts possess, creating a unique set of circumstances affecting all aspects of programming, including band programs. While rural communities continue to experience a decline in enrollment, many have had, or currently have, successful band programs while overcoming many obstacles that affect enrollment in these programs. Through this qualitative and descriptive research, data regarding retention and recruitment trends affecting mid-sized rural Pennsylvania high school bands will be gathered and used to develop a comprehensive understanding of what factors affect student enrollment and from middle school to high school. In addition, data will be extrapolated regarding influences on a student's decision to continue within a band program and the band director's perception of the rural program. The goal of this study will be to develop strategies to counteract any negative affects on a band programs in Pennsylvania school districts with rural demographics to aid directors in creating a culture and building a band program that will allow for success, regardless of the population size and socioeconomic makeup of the student body within the school.
