"Servant Leadership on Wellness and Perceived Organizational Support of" by Kylene R. Paranto




School of Behavioral Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)


Gilbert Franco


perceived organizational support, supervisors, wellness, law enforcement, servant leadership




Perceived organizational support is an incredibly important workplace attitude as it involves taking care of employees’ needs and their well-being. Police officers across the United States are feeling helpless and need support more than ever surrounding their wellness. When supervisors and leaders within police departments have proper training and leadership skills that will inherently improve their awareness of their followers’ needs, the officers will begin to feel the tide shifting. This study explored how police officers measure servant leadership, perceived organizational support, and wellness. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between servant leadership and perceived organizational support as well as servant leadership and wellness. Therefore, the more leaders care and love those they lead, the higher the officers ranked their perceived organizational support of their respective police department, along with their wellness. When police departments across the country are armed with research to help improve their leadership and methods of taking care of their officers, it could be saving a police officer’s life, improve community relations, and enhance the next generation of police leaders. Loving while one leads their followers should come with continual education and training to improve perceived organizational support.

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