"Primary Reason: A Five-Week Training That Helps CRBC Members Identify " by Abraham Wright




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


William D. Aleshire


Primary, Social media, Evidence, Resurrection, Truthfulness, Equipped, Jesus




This research project addressed a perceived problem at Council Road Baptist Church. The problem was that many CRBC members are not equipped to defend their Christian beliefs. The author created a five-week training to equip CRBC members to be more confident in their faith by focusing on the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. The author included small group discussions throughout the five-week training. The author also had each participant take a pre and post-survey to record the training results. The author had a systematic approach in the five-week training defending Jesus’ resurrection from the dead: God’s skeptics, God’s existence, God’s Word, and God’s Son. These four topics built a cumulative case for the trustworthiness of Jesus’ resurrection. In addition, the author explained that if Jesus truly lived, died, and rose again, then Christianity is true. If Jesus did not do those things, then Christianity is false. The primary Scripture used to defend this premise is Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 15:14, 17. The participants who attended the training were grateful and look forward to this training being offered yearly at CRBC. This project should influence others in the apologetic field by showing the single focus Christians can have when defending the truthfulness of Christianity. The truthfulness of Christianity should be centered on whether or not Jesus rose from the dead.

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Christianity Commons
