"The Effectiveness of an Interdisciplinary Care Team: An Integrative Re" by Lindsey Marie Ellingford




School of Nursing


Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Tonia Kennedy


multidisciplinary team, integrative team, interdisciplinary team, interprofessional team, or healthcare team




As health care is ever growing and changing, demands for interdisciplinary care team collaboration are crucial for collective competence and team performance across settings. In healthcare facilities across the county, interdisciplinary care teams are made up of multiple disciplines. The following is an integrative review with a purpose to determine if the existing literature supports the implementation of an interdisciplinary care team in the healthcare environment. After completion of this integrative review, the author concluded there should be a standardized tool in the healthcare system to guide the creation and implementation of an interdisciplinary care team. The Jerry Falwell Library at Liberty University was searched, and databases included: Consumer Health Database, PubMed, Cochran Library, EBSCO, and CINAHL. Parameters of the search included peer-reviewed articles published in the English language within the past five years. A total of 1,116 results were identified; 16 articles were used in the literature review. The articles were leveled using Melnyk’s level of evidence and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) was used as a guide to support the reporting of this integrative review.

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