Submissions from 2024
The Influence of Internet Media on Young Adult Development, Michael A. Ouellette
Communication and Posttraumatic Growth: The Power of Positive Declarations, Jennifer L. Owen
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) on Victims' Self-Perception and Moral Character Development in Adulthood, Josephine Afua Owusu
Servant Leadership on Wellness and Perceived Organizational Support of Police Officers, Kylene R. Paranto
The Impact of Social Dance Skills on the Development of Employee Soft Skills, Danielle May Patridge
The Relationship Between Servant Leadership, Supportive Work Environment, and Tech Employees' Mental Well-Being, Parsa Peykar
The Interaction Between Frequency of Cannabis Use and Method of Delivery in Predicting Lack of Interest in Eating, Joanne Lynn Pomeroy
Barriers to Mental Health Treatment Among U.S. Army Aviation Personnel, Aric James Raus
The Impact of School-Based Mentoring on At-Risk Students of an Urban School District, Brandon B. Richardson
Social Isolation in Older Adults: A Qualitative Study, Jacqueline M. Rich
Detransitioners: Dealing with the False Promises of Gender Transition, Diane M. Roselli
The Connections Among Adoption, Attachment, and Violence, Victoria M. Sanders
Purpose in Life and the Liberal Arts: An Investigation of Antecedents, Barriers, and Purpose Among and Between Emerging Adults with and without a Liberal Arts Degree, Caroline Elizabeth Sawyer
Conscientiousness Personality Trait on Job Performance and Retention of Public Service Employees, Arsenio Scott
Motivation in the Remote Workplace: Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Nina R. Simmons
The Mediating Effect of Organizational Identification on Shared Identities and Turnover Intention in Large Companies, Quentin T. Singletary
The Relationship Between Parental Regard and Youth Athlete Performance and Contingency of Self-Worth, Alysia M.K. Smith
Lean Implementation Difference Between Lean Maturity, Psychological Well-being, and Employee Engagement of Nurses in a Hospital Setting, Kevin E. Smith
Gender Bias in Natural Gender Language and Grammatical Gender Language within Children's Literature, Kaleigh Marie White Smolinski
Exploring the Relationship Between Perception of Mindfulness in Email Communication and Employee Stress, Jacqueline Christine Snook
Parenting Styles of Biological Parents with and without a History of Childhood Trauma, Alita M. Soulsby
Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) within Rural and Underserved Communities, Lauren T. Sparks
How Organizational Factors Reinforce or Deter Hostile Workplace Behaviors in the Military: A Grounded Theory Approach, Christina Staebell
The Relationship Between Resilience, Psychological Capital, Burnout, and Grit in Direct Care Staff, Nicholas Stoia
Measuring Coporate Social Responsiblity Leading to Organizational Commitment and Belongingness, Clifford J. Strawder
An Existential-Phenomenological Exploration of the Experience of Being a White Undergraduate Psychology Student in a Multicultural Counseling Course, Mona Lynnette Swallow
Clash of Convictions: Examining Divergences Among Traditional and Progressive Christians in Contemporary America, Aimee Marie Tarte
Mental Toughness in the Workplace, Maiah E. Taylor
The Role of Camaraderie in the Moods of African American U.S. Military Veterans with PTSD: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study, Virginia K. Thompson
Moral Injury in Police Officers of Color, Samantha J. Thornton
The Effects of Mental Health on Emotional Intelligence Among Latino Church Leaders, Janice M. Torres
The Relationship Between Meaning, Basic Psychological Needs, and Motivation at Work: A Self-Determination Perspective, Cory Anne Trevena
Exploring the Relationship Between Staffing and Long-Term Care Worker Mental Health, Matthew R. Trombley
Mitigating Turnover in Healthcare: Exploring Servant Leadership and Psychological Capital, Lindsay Tsang
Mental Health Training for Teachers Since COVID-19, Patricia M. Van Prooyen
The Impact of a Group Mentoring Program on Psychosocial Development and Sense of Belonging in Undergraduate Students, Natasha L. Varnick
The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Working Memory with a Covariate of Exercise Among the Perimenopausal Population: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Karen Marie Veltri
The Influence of Working Memory and Anxiety in Adolescents, Donna M. Ward
Peer Recovery Support Specialists' Attitudes Toward the Therapeutic Use of Psilocybin to Treat Depression, Tammala Watkins
Exploring The Barriers Colleges Face Implementing Positive Psychology Interventions To Reduce Depression, Anxiety, Or Stress In College Students, Margaret U. Williams
Differences in Stress Among Healthcare Workers in Rural and Urban Healthcare Settings--The Role of Spirituality, Lisa Yancey
Attachment Security in Adult Offspring of Parents with Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Disorder, Habiba Jessica Zaman
Submissions from 2023
Transformational Leadership Behaviors Promoting Job Satisfaction in Mental Health Leaders: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study, Taylor Blakeley
Extended Reality in Flight Attendant Training: Perception and Acceptance, Levi L. Breeding
Systemic Barriers in Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC), Caitlin Brooks
Millennials and Work-life Balance: Comparisons Across Generations, Lanisha Janise Brown
The Intersection of The Sibling Relationship, Parental Divorce, and Mental Health Symptoms, Taylor A. Bufton
The Effects of Secure, Ambivalent, and Avoidant Attachment Styles on Number of Codependent Behaviors and Relationship Satisfaction, Brittany Nicole Collins
Forgiveness in Education: A Qualitative Analysis of the Forgiveness Experience for Educators, Corinne D. DenHartog
Cognitive Appraisal, Workplace Social Courage, and PsyCap, Quinn Denny
Exploring the Role of Religious Coping in Natural Disaster Survivors in the Bahamas, Cherry Ann Raquel Ferguson
Cultural Conflict for Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Life, Adam Francis
Services to Help Caregivers of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Stephanie Garcia
Leader-Member Exchange, Perceived Organizational Support, Psychological Safety, and Self-Efficacy in Project-Based Organizations, Bradley J. Gauvin
Veteran Transition to the Workplace, Jameson Gordon
The Lived Experience of Residential Undergraduates from Minority Ethnic Backgrounds Diagnosed with a Mental Health Condition, Cheryl Gowdie
A Phenomenological Study of Introverted Leaders, Sherita Dianne Hall
Positively Reinforcing Parent Communication with Students in Special Education Classrooms for the Reduction of Attention Maintained Maladaptive Behaviors in a School Setting, Jennifer Rose Harmon
Unpacking the Upper Echelon’s Cognitive Black Box: A Qualitative Study of Selective Attention and Decision Making in Senior Executives, Jon Matthew Hart
Twice-Exceptional Autism and Home Education: A Phenomenological Analysis, Tiffany Brook Hartman
Evaluating the Influence of Reciprocity of Meeting Partner's Temperament Needs in Terms of Marital Intimacy, Jimmie Scott Inman
Examining the Role of Authentic Leadership in Job Embeddedness and Turnover Intent, Abigail J. Jamison
Self-leadership Strategies and Subjective Measures of Entrepreneur Success, James Atlas Kalp
A Phenomenological Approach to Explore the Lived Experiences of Virtual Employees' Socialization and Organizational Identification, Zachary D. Kostusyk
Meeting the Psychological Needs of Astronauts in the Flourishing Human Spaceflight Frontier: The Case for Astronaut-Trained Psychologists, Skylar Jordan Laham
Childhood Trauma and Undergraduate College Success Rates: Examining the Mediating Roles of Anxiety, Substance Use, and Self-Esteem, Keirsten Lipowski
A Case Study Involving External Stakeholder Perceptions of Factors Related to Effective Community College Civic Engagement, Matthew David Little
The Effects of Positive Leadership Behaviors and Organizational Justice on Employee Engagement, Felicia A. Long
A Quantitative Study Examining Minority Employees' Comfort Levels within the Organization, Saunteria Teyana Moorer
A Qualitative Descriptive Study: Exploring Organizational Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Workplace for Individuals with a History of Criminal Behavior, Heather Danielle Morton
Parental Perspectives on the Social Communication between Adolescent Females Diagnosed with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Typically Developing Older Siblings: A Case Study, Victoria Suzette Paxton
The Psychological Impact on the Relational Partner of BPD-Diagnosed Persons, Carl Pendleton
Self-Care Practices, Mental Well-Being, and Motivation among Mothers: A Cross-Sectional Assessment and Self-Care Intervention Pilot Study, Jennifer Lynn Plum
The Relationships among Number of Service Member Deployments and Spousal Depression and Parental Attachment, Julia A. Priftis
Mental Health Outcomes from Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Role of Natural and Service-Based Community Involvement, Sydney Elizabeth Wooten Quinones
Exploring Techniques Used to Make Doctor-Recommended Changes in Diet and Exercise for Patients with Cardiac Disease, Amy Rechner
Wounding Words: A Phenomenological Study of How Individuals Experience Receiving Spiritual Bypass, Peridot Reed-Gilbert
Examining the Relationship between Employee Race and Reason for Warehouse Resignation, Victor Darnell Reynolds
Philosophical Psychopathology and Individuation: The Archetype of the Self and Rediscovering Personality, Alyc Jordan-Crump Rideout
Bruised by Their Transgressions: A Phenomenological Study of Healing From Traumatic Religious Experiences, Sharron Y. Riley-Seymour
A Comparison of Adult Black and White Male Killers' Behaviors, Their Motives for Murder, and What They Do With Their Victims' Bodies, Tracy Sargent
Church Attendance, Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older African American Adults During COVID-19, Kinea Savedge
Factors Motivating Psychotherapists' Referral of Gender Dysphoric Youth For Medical Referral, Brandi N. Siebertz
Examining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Work-Life Choice among Graduate Psychology Students in U.S. Programs, Patrick T. Slowinski
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Leading Causes of Death In Adults- The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study on Christian Adults, Chantel Monet Smith
Returning to School After Covid-19: Relationships Between Parental Stress and Resilience With Children’s Mental Health Behaviors, Christa P. Stanley
Lived Experiences of Counselors: Navigating the Changing Role Using Emotional Intelligence, Marissa Joelle Stelzer
The Paradoxical Effect of National Diversity and Inclusion Management on Organizational Commitment, Clara Iyabo Stephens
The Role of Spiritual Fitness on Burnout and Organizational Commitment in High-Stress Environments, Amy McDonald Stevens
The Reported Experience and Stigma of Mental Health among African American Clergy, Valentina Stubbs
Examining the Predictive Weight of Perceived Organizational Support and Job Embeddedness on Turnover Intention, Tyler J. Swansboro