Submissions from 2023
What Was the Real Trouble with the Troubles? The Lived Experience of Attending a Maintained School in Northern Ireland During the Troubles, Lisabeth Daniels Sweeney
Integrating DEI Strategies into Talent Acquisition to Recruit and Retain Women of Color in Information Technology, Mia Rai Trahan
GRIT and Its Relationship with College Academic Success, Lisa Lyann Vance
The Long-Term Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect on Communication and Conflict Management Within the Military Marriage, Gennifer L. Van Pelt
Work, Stress, and Christian Spiritual Coping, Guillermo Villasenor
Resilience through Relocation in Older Adulthood: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Holly Walker
The Role of Value Congruence on Millennial Employee Organizational Commitment, Victoria Henry Weatherbee
Exploring Factors for Employee Attrition and Retention by Life Stage, Robert Joshua Whitton
Centrality of Religiosity as a Predictor of Motivational Needs for the Gen Z Cohort, Ryan A. Willcockson
Gratitude Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Employee Well-Being, and Three Generational Cohorts: Generation X, Millennials, Generation Z, Christie LeAnn Wolfenbarger
Submissions from 2022
An Exploratory Analysis of Mindfulness and Work-Life Balance During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Christine Bush
A Qualitative Exploration of Formation and Change in Attachment to God, Virginia Watson Cashion
Bidirectional Leader-member Exchange and the Impact on Middle Manager Job Satisfaction, Brian A. Collera
Educators’ Perspectives of Student Outcomes, Rikki Jean Cook
The Moderating Role of Positive Religious Coping and Workplace Spirituality in the Relationship between Level of Traditional and COVID-19 Related Stressors Encountered and Mental Health in Hospitality Workers, Danielle Grace DeFacci
Childhood Adversities and the Impact on Development, Karey Womack Dulaney
Mothering while Black: Examining Resilience and Grit in the Raising of Black Boys by Black Single Mothers, Suzette M. Fagan
Fire Prevention Education for Boys and Girls Who Misuse Fire: A Quasi-Experimental Mixed Methods Analysis of Effective Intervention Programming, Matthew B. Ferdock
Teacher Self-Efficacy, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jaimee Ann Hager
A Biblical Model of Emotional Intelligence, Brittany Littrell
HBCU Proud and at Risk: Evaluating the Relationship Between ACEs and Academic Performance in Black First-Year College Students, Courtney Janell Loyd
Perceived Leadership Communication, Modalities of Communication, and Perceived Organizational Support, Allison Anne Maas
The Relationship between Young Adult Attachment and Loneliness Factors with Their Childhood Social Media Usage Patterns, Kenneth Walter Mark
Disability and Employability: Challenging Stereotypes through Information and Education, Claire Gallagher McElvaney
Lived Experiences of Parents and Professionals With Technology and Emotional Dysregulation in Children, Ages 3-5-Years-Old: A Phenomenological Study, Angela P. Rathkamp
A Quantitative Study Examining Individual Employee Experiences of Change Initiatives and the Impact on Employee Perceptions of Change and Attitudes, Adrienne Marie Read
Exploring the Relationship Between Faith and the Experience of Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Compassion Satisfaction for Hospice Workers During a Global Pandemic: A Multidisciplinary Study, Sarah Jo Spiridigliozzi
Predictors of Online Faculty's Organizational Commitment, Anna Carroll Stevens
Correlation of Psychospiritual Factors and Suicide in the Military, Michael Odinaka Ugbor
Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infection (PANDAS): A Qualitative Study of Parental Perceptions of Factors in Remission, Janice Diane Weddle
Current State of Inclusion Education: A Cross-State Analysis of Compliance, Teacher Certification, and Students with Disabilities Academic Outcomes, Emily Rose Winters