"A Quantitative Study Examining Minority Employees' Comfort Levels with" by Saunteria Teyana Moorer




School of Behavioral Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)


Jerry Green


Comfort, Wellbeing, Minority employees, Job satisfaction, Turnover intention




The term comfort level has been characterized as an employee’s wellbeing within an organization. Employee comfort level has been shown to be related to an employee’s ability to assist in decision making, their opportunity to be around individuals similar to them, environmental surrounding aspects, and experiences. There is limited research connecting employee comfort levels to how satisfied employees feel or their desire to leave the organization. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the impact that minority employees’ comfort levels have on their job satisfaction and turnover intention. Variables of comfort, job satisfaction, and turnover intention were analyzed to determine existing relationships for minority employees. Comfort level differences among majority and minority employees were explored. The data collected was comprised of two-hundred and seven majority (White) and minority (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and other) employees. A convenience sample was collected with the use of the social media platform Facebook. Survey sparrow was used to construct the 41-item questionnaire. SPSS version 28 was utilized to conduct Mann-Whitney and Spearman correlational tests. The results detected existing correlations between the variables of comfort levels and job satisfaction, comfort levels and turnover intention, and lastly job satisfaction and turnover intention. Minority employee comfort levels and job satisfaction were shown to exhibit a strong positive correlation. A weak positive correlation was displayed for minority employee comfort levels and turnover intention. Another weak positive correlation was determined for minority employee job satisfaction and turnover intention. This study was developed to expand knowledge on how organizational issues impact employees and to aid in the creation of a resolution plan to help reduce the issues and increase positive well-being within the organization.

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