"The Therapeutic Church" by Isidro Morell




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Robert W. Massey


Therapeutic Church, Pew Neighbor, Ego-Salvific, Therapeutic Environment, Supportive Intervention


Practical Theology | Religion


This project aims to develop Nexus Point Church as a therapeutic environment. The Therapeutic Church environment is a supportive community, one member to another, ministering to each other empathetically, not service dependent or a dispenser of services. It is “Pew Neighbor” supportive and crisis intervention ready. The Therapeutic Church provides a therapeutic environment that heals interactively in spirit, mind, body, and relationship to improve the quality of life for the church member and those seeking help. This project identifies members as “Pew Neighbors” due to the proximity and continual closeness shared with those within the church community. Pew neighbors serve one another through love via the new commandment Jesus gave that identifies His disciples: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34–35, NASB). Through an insider’s perspective method, the results of a pre-survey/questionnaire, an 8 Session Course: Elements of a Therapeutic Church, and a post-survey/questionnaire measured the participants’ knowledge and understanding of a Therapeutic Church environment to determine the plausibility of developing a Therapeutic Church ministry emulating Jesus’ approach to preaching the gospel and integrative healing in spirit, mind, body, and relationship (Luke 4:14–21). Research results indicated a significant improvement in participants’ knowledge and understanding of a Therapeutic Church environment after completing the course, thus determining the favorable plausibility of developing Nexus Point as a Therapeutic Church.
