"The Role of Camaraderie in the Moods of African American U.S. Military" by Virginia K. Thompson




School of Behavioral Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)


Nathan Borrett


God, camaraderie, social support, social connectedness, qualitative, U.S. military veteran, PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder, reintegration, African American, minority


Psychology | Rehabilitation and Therapy


The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to understand the essence of the collective lived experiences of United States military veterans of African American ethnicity who were diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the role that camaraderie plays in their moods. Veterans are a marginalized group who often feel they are rejected by society, but as Christians, we should be interested in human beings, promoting their well-being, and practicing psychology as an act of love. Guided by social identity theory and social justice theory, this study was aimed to gain understanding of how group memberships and social categorization influenced individuals’ self-concept, behaviors, and intergroup relationships; and how social relationships, including social support networks, impacted stress responses and overall well-being. This study employed purposive sampling and used semi-structured interviews to collect data from 8 participants, African American veterans, who experienced the phenomenon of active-duty military service to our country, to enable us to look at their human side before and after they participated in a socialization event. Told in their own words, their individual stories have provided us with insight into each of their journeys from their own perspectives. Key findings identified how social bonds, formed in the military, are strong sources of emotional support, understanding, and resilience for these veterans. Social connectedness was highlighted as an important role in improving mood regulation, mental health, and recovery. Science and faith were merged with hopes of having transformed both client and researcher in the end focusing on God and the process of the journey back to Him to achieve successful reintegration of these individuals back into a society that has often forgotten about them.
