This is a freely-accessible collection of dissertations written by Liberty University students.


Submissions from 2021


Purging the New Age: A Theological Analysis of the Use of New Age Practices by the Church, Christopher Michael Berg


Content Analysis of Guitar Repertoire for Young People: The Michelson and Suzuki Collections, Brian Douglas Berlin


Biblically Based Mentorship for Military Chaplains Endorsed by Liberty Baptist Fellowship, Justin Phillip Bernard


Effects on the Social-Emotional Learning of Students Identified as Twice-Exceptional: A Phenomenological Study, Heather Ann Bernau


A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of the Motivations of Minority Police Recruits Participating in an Entrance-Level Police Academy, Jennifer A. Beskid


The Reset: Connecting Internal Crisis Communication Strategy with Post-Pandemic Remote Worker Populations Through an Employee Engagement Framework, Erin Leigh Black


The Effects of a Mindfulness Curriculum on Mathematics Word Problem Performance in 3rd and 4th Grade Students, Adrianne S. Blackwelder


The Impact of a Service-Learning Study Abroad Trip on Social Justice Advocacy in Counselors-in-Training: A Thematic Analysis, Sagen Lynae Blackwell


Difference In Reading Fluency Among Fifth Grade Students Attending Traditional, STEM-Related, or DLI Programs During Soft School Closures, Patricia Daun Blanton


Alleviating Teacher Burnout: The Relationship between Job Stress, Teacher Efficacy and Emotional Exhaustion among Middle School Teachers, Katie Jo Blevins


An Exploration into the Impacts of Life Satisfaction and Social Support on Military Wives' Successful Performance while Enrolled in Graduate School, Marlene Blyden


A Look at Short-Term Mission Trips in the Context of Cypress Baptist Church as a Sending Unit, John Daniel Bodine


Christian Women's Pornography Usage: The Role of Perceived Addiction, Social Anxiety, Shame, and Grace, Kathryn Ellen Bohannon


Impact of Cultural Competence Professional Development on the Suspension Referrals of Minority Students, Philip Bonar


Strategies for Recruitment, Growth and Retention through Marching Band Enrollment at Talladega College (2011-2021), Miguel Antione-Julius Bonds


How Participation in Student-run Media Impacts a College Student's Sense of Self-Efficacy: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Hugh Davis Bouchelle


A Phenomenological Study of Academic Retention: The Lived Experiences of Adults Who Were Retained in K-12, Suzann Faye Bouray


Effects of Project Managers Use of Human Resource Management Tools and Techniques to Plan, Estimate, Acquire, Develop, Manage, and Control Project Teams Within Acquisition Mission-Oriented Organizations of The United States Department of the Navy, Gregory Allen Bouton


Communication, Collaboration, and Trust within Virtual Teams, Courtney E. Boyd


The Role of Leadership on Corporate Governance, John Brackett


Middle School Students’ Perceptions Of Teacher Empathy In Christian Schools: A Transcendental Phenomenological StudyMiddle School Students’ Perceptions Of Teacher Empathy In Christian Schools: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Harold Wade Brackins


Exploring the Relationship Between Trauma, Motivation, Current Stress, and Immigrant Elementary Students, Jayme Branagh Landon


Seminary-Related Factors Contributing to Forced Termination and Voluntary Resignations from Full-Time Church Ministers, Ralph O. Bray III


The New Age of Christian Healing Ministry and Spirituality: A Meta-Synthesis Exploring the Efficacy of Christian-Adapted Complementary Therapies for Adult Survivors of Familial Trauma, Amanda Lynne Brees


An Instrumental Case Study of Parents' and Elementary School Leaders' Beliefs That Lead to Decisions to Participate in Family-School Partnerships., Sherrie Hembree Brookie