Submissions from 2024
Discovering Their Purpose for Praise: Revitalizing Corporate Worship in an Ethnic Japanese Church in Hawaii, Marc Chikara Imamura
Military Veteran Career Transition Coaching Experiences: Navigating the Shift from Military Service to Civilian Employment, Miguel A. Ingle
The Experiences of Christian Males' Attachment Style and Attachment Figure to God, Irene G. Insunza
Mitigating the Negative Effects of Perceived Stress Using Wellness and Resiliency Training Programs on Job Satisfaction in Public Safety Officers in the United States, Benjamin T. Iobst
Expanding the Apostolic Mission: A Biblical-Theological Analysis of Peter's Epistles as Evidence of His Universal Apostleship Beyond the Jewish Context, Peter J. Ireland
Modern-Day Idol Worship at Life Changers Church: How It Was Identified and Replaced with True Worship Of God, Franzetta L. Ivy
Lateral Entry Secondary Career and Technical Education Teachers' Perception of Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Phenomenological Study, Chunnisee T. Jackson
The Lived Experiences of In-Service Teachers' Perceptions of Culturally Responsive Education: A Hermenuetical Phenomenology, Joshua J. Jackson
Generational Poverty and Education: Breaking the Cycle of Ignorance, Leland Jackson
Examining the Cues to Action of Christian Parents and/or Guardians Who Are Hesitant to Vaccinate Pediatric Populations, Marcia S. Jackson
The Experiences of Paternal Absence Among African American Women: A Phenomenological Study, Rachelle Jackson
Investigating for a Relationship Between Race/Ethnicity and the Presence of a Mental Health Crisis Among Individuals Involved in a Fatal Police Encounter in Texas, Unaleshia O. Jackson
Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health Workers' Job Satisfaction, Employee Burnout, and Intent to Leave, Colton Jacobs
A Phenomenological Study of Special Education Teacher Self-Efficacy for English Learner Instruction, Emilie Louise Jacumin-Simmons
Medication Errors in Hospitals, Isata Jalloh
Military Members Mental Health and Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Mediating Role of Mental Toughness, Maureen Kenyon James
Shaping Worldviews: Helping High School Seniors Manage the Influence of Social Media, Geoffrey Michael Janes
Early Forgiveness Intervention in Substance Abuse Recovery, Susan Janos
An Examination of the Parental Role in the Discipleship of Children, Robert B. Jarman
Efficacy Post-Event: Mass Killing Integrated Response Training, Danny Scott Jarrell
Prophetic Theology: The Essence of Prophecy, Charmain M. Jarrett
Recommendations for Solving the Problem of Low Teacher Retention for Houston Independent School District in Houston, Texas, Jordyn L. Jarrett
Exploring Teachers' Perception and Use of Whole Brain Teaching: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Tiffany Amber Jay-Claycomb
The Silent Legacy: A Phenomenological Study of Transgenerational Trauma Passed from Mothers to Daughters in the African American Community, Stephanie Diane Jeffreys