Submissions from 2024
Instructional Design of Christian K-12 Homeschool Families in Central North Carolina: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Stephanie Banning Holmes
Identifying Potential Underreporting of Alcohol Use Among U.S. Military Members, Jeong Hong
Recovering Christian Women Self-Care and Mentorship: A Qualitative Study, Clara Graves Hopkins
A Phenomenological Study of Pastors Who Were Mentored and the Perceived Value of the Mentor Relationship, Reginald L. Horner
Paul’s Admonition of False Teaching: A Pattern to Follow, Jeffrey William Hossler
A Phenomenological Study Exploring What Integrating Adolescent Identity Means to Christian Public-School Counselors, Todd Christopher Houchin
Faculty-to-Faculty Incivility in Nursing Education: Correlations Between Incivility and Faculty Faith Affiliation, Aimee W. Houghton
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnoses within BIPOC Communities, Angela M. Houghton
A Glance into the Suzuki Triangle Approach of Teaching Violin as an Intervention for the Military Child: A Case Study of Parental Engagement Promoting Positive Self-Esteem, Self-Expression, and Coping Skills, Heather R. Howard-Hannock
The Relationships of Perceived Supervisor and Peer Support on Job Embeddedness and Turnover Intent in Special Operations Post COVID-19, Jason James Howard
A Phenomenological Study on Teachers' Perspectives on Experiencing Burnout in Title I Rural Appalachian Schools Grades 4–9, Kara J. Howard
Outlaw Country Chronicles: Rebels, Roots, and Cultural Change, Ashleigh Diane Howell
Pedagogical Development for Non-Degreed Career and Technical Education Adjunct Faculty: A Phenomenological Study, Robert M. Huffman
An Examination of “The Vine” Motif through the Lens of the Old Testament, the Books of John and Revelation, and Peripheral Extrabiblical Sources, Ellsworth C. Huling IV
A Multi-Site Case Study Examing How IEP Teams Determine the Least Restrictive Placement for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the Elementary School Level, Jennifer J. Hull
The Impact of State Investment in Cancer Research Capacity and Infrastructure: A Mixed Methods Study, Paul E. Hull
Ministry Satisfaction of Volunteers Within the Environment of the Local Church: The Role of Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment, Sheena Denise Hunley
Embracing Spiritual Growth: Laying the Groundwork to Address Spiritual Growth Anxiety Through a Covenant Union with Christ, Will M. Hunsaker
Evaluating Instruments and Strategies for Change: A Pilot Study for Total Life Ministries, Lisa M. Hunter
Understanding Special Education Teachers’ Perspectives on the Least Restrictive Environment: A Collective Case Study, Taylor M. Hunter
A Causal Comparison Study of Social-Emotional Learning at Private Elementary and Middle Schools With and Without Restorative Practices After Covid-19, Jai'Eisha Huntley
Overcoming Barriers to Persistence: A Single-Case Study of Student Veterans in Higher Education, Janet G. Hupel
Educators’ Perceptions of Exclusionary Discipline for Students with Disabilities in a Manifestation Determination Review: A Case Study, Jenell R. Huska
Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Stress, Coping Strategies and Burnout in High Stress Nursing Job Types, Chris Hutsell