Submissions from 2003
An Evaluation of the Windsor Institute for Theological Studies of the Campbell Baptist Church of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Donald Bruce McKay
Gilbert Tennent: An Analysis of his Evangelistic Ministry, Methods and Message during the Great Awakening, Cheryl Ann Rickards
Submissions from 2002
Enabling Leaders - Empowering Church Transformation, Jack L. Eades
A Study of the Leadership to Improve the Discipleship Class in Sungkyul University, Kwang Sun Kim
The Development of a Long-Range Church Growth Plan for Panwal Garden Church from 2000 to 2010: A Plan in Light of Education Ministry, Seong Kyung Kim
A Curriculum of Topics for Teaching Senior Adults in Sunday School, Homer Massey
Analytic Study of Criteria to Maximize the Effectiveness and Quality of Decision Making, Joseph E. Sanders
Submissions from 2001
Paul’s Pastoral Prayer in Philippians 1:9-11: An Application to Today’s Ministry, Hyun David Chung
A Strategy for Developing a Twelve-Month Protestant Parish Council and Protestant Ministry in the United States Air Force, Charles Nathan Davidson
Strategies for Successful Establishment and Development of Schools for Missionary Kids on the Mission Field, UnKil Jung
Turning Plateaued and Declining Churches Around, David M. Odom
Developing and Evaluating a Program of Evangelism for the Local Church, John W. Ott
Strategies for Using Spiritual Gifts in Korean Church Growth, Nam Ju Park
Factors for Successful Adolescent Ministry in the Local Church Today, Steve Vandegriff
Submissions from 2000
A Strategy for the Use of Ministry Action Teams in the Relocation of a Church of the Nazarene, Truman Daniel Casey
A Strategy for Effectiveness in Preaching Old Testament Narrative Scripture, C. Timothy Clark
Prayer and Church Growth in the Korean Church, Seung Il Kang
The Biblical Approach to Church Growth Through Personal Evangelism, Ho Kyung Kim
An Analysis of the Impact of Age on the Academic Performance of Students in the Liberty University External Degree Program, Frank Lyle King
The Growth of Nampo Church: Young Sun Park’s Ministry and His Expository Sermons, Dae Won Lee
The Influence of Shamanism on Korean Churches and How to Overcome It, Jin Woo Lee
Deagil Presbyterian Church Renovation: Another Opportunity at a Crisis, as a Traditional Church in Korea, Hyun Sik Park
The Development of Family Ministry for the Local Church, Daryl W. Pitts
A Descriptive Study of Youth Ministry Models in Evangelical Churches, Douglas Hunter Randlett
A Strategy to Revitalize Daybreak Prayer Meeting in Korea with Quiet Time, Heon Jae Shin
The Attitudes of Liberty Leadership Toward the Modern Day Gift of Apostle, Lee Patrick Vukich
Submissions from 1999
The Impact of Prayer on the Ministries of D.L. Moody, C.H. Spurgeon, and Billy Graham: A Descriptive Study, Rodney Baker
Church Planting in Appalachian Mountain Culture, Timothy William Compton
Single Parent Ministry in the Local Church, William A. Connors
Justification for Master of Arts in Religion with a Concentration in Leadership – Program and Curriculum Suggestions, Jack F. Deans
Theory and Practices in Pastoring Americans of African Descent: A Contemporary Agenda, Allen R. McFarland
A Strategy for Identifying the Necessary Elements of a Worship Studies Program, Don Wesley Tuttle
Submissions from 1998
Developing an Effective Ministry with Mid Life Single Adults in a Mega Church, Charles Richard Hughes
A Practical Strategy for the 21st Century Church Growth of Baptist Bible Fellowship Korea, Taek Soo Kim
A Strategy for Understanding and Ministering to Troubled Vietnamese Families in the United States, Minh Van Lam
An Analysis of the Discipleship Bible Study for the Korean Immigrant Church Growth, Yo Sup Lee
A Strategy for Church Planting in the Central Region of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada, Douglas Brent Powell
Seminary Student Spiritual Formation: Recommendations Based on a Review of Scripture and a Survey of Evangelical Seminaries, William E. Wegert
Submissions from 1997
A Strategy for Evaluating the Liberty University Convocation Program, Robert Roy Jackson
Bringing Avalon Hills Baptist Church Through the Two Hundred Barrier, David D. Reike
A Strategy for Ministry to Widows in the Local Church, Richard Watson Sadler
Submissions from 1996
An Analysis and Prospect of Korean Church Growth Based on Functions of the Church, Timothy Hyun Seo Choi
The Institution of an Equipping Ministry Utilizing Spiritual Gifts to Overcome the Pastor/Laity Dichotomy, Mark Alan Harris
The Role of a New Testament Deacon: An Office to Hold or a Ministry to Perform, Waylan Lawrence Payne, Jr.
A Biblical Defense for the Financing of Church Land and Building, Steven Douglas Suders
Submissions from 1995
Spiritual Life of Bible College Students, A. Eugene Andrews, Jr.
A Rationale and Strategies for Developing Church-Centered Missions Consortia for Independent Baptist Churches in Virginia, Donald Wayne Eade
A Layman’s Guide for Preparing Expository Messages from Epistolary Literature, Steve Allen Fowler
The Foundational Principles and Policies of a Local Church Operations Manual, Daniel John Grabill
The Development and Implementation of an Intercessory Prayer Ministry in the Local Church, Robert Houston Jackson, Jr.
Developing a Pastoral Leadership Guide in Light of the Biblical Teachings and the Contemporary Management Concepts, Jonathan C. Liu
Ministry to Families of Handicapped Children, John Nickerson
An Analysis of the Friend Day Program, Written by Elmer Towns and Published by Church Growth Institute, Lynchburg, Virginia, Rick L. Rasberry
Submissions from 1994
A Survey of Church Growth Methods Used by Christian Churches in the Southeastern United States, E. Arlin Bolejack
The Development of a Consultant Ministry to Evangelical Churches in Need of Conflict Management, Thomas Eugene Hatley
An Outcome Assessment: The Use of Greek in Ministry, Blair A. Yager
Submissions from 1993
A Rationale for an Independent Baptist Church to Clarify its Mission, Analyze its Program, Prioritize its Objectives and Revitalize its Ministry, Richard T. Carns
Submissions from 1992
A Strategy for a Successful Doctor of Ministry Project, David Lee Barnett
Factors that Motivate a Man to Become and Remain the Senior Pastor of a Local Church, David John LeBlanc
Submissions from 1991
An Analysis of Evangelical Revivals with Suggestions for Encouraging and Maximizing the Effects of an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism, James Douglas Porter
Follow-Up: A Model for Bonding Young Believers to Christ and His Church Developed at Liberty Baptist Church, C. P. Tarkington
The Chinese View of the Ideal Family Life as Seen in the Light of the Bible, Esther Lo Wu
Submissions from 1989
Methodologies for Ministries in the Criminal Justice System, William L. Simmer
Submissions from 1988
Elmer L. Towns, A Biographical and Chronological Presentation of his Writings, Stephen Richard Towns