"A Descriptive Study of Youth Ministry Models in Evangelical Churches" by Douglas Hunter Randlett






Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Elmer Towns

Primary Subject Area

Religion, Clergy; Religion, General; Sociology, Social Structure and Development


The purpose of this thesis is to examine six accepted church ministry models that have evidenced themselves in the evangelical church within the last twenty years. The project will analyze and apply these models to youth ministry. Based upon surveys and follow up interviews administered to alumni of the Liberty University Youth Ministry program and youth leaders associated with the Center for Youth Ministry at Liberty, the project will be a descriptive study of these models in representative youth ministries. An in depth interview will be conducted with each youth ministry that best represents the dominant model. An observation report will be constructed on each youth ministry chosen to present the data collected and to summarize each representative model in relation to youth ministry. A final summary will be constructed to present key observations, analysis and recommendations. This descriptive study is presented so that these youth ministry models might assist youth ministry students in making better church site choices.
