"A Strategy to Revitalize Daybreak Prayer Meeting in Korea with Quiet T" by Heon Jae Shin






Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Frank Schmitt

Primary Subject Area

Religion, Biblical Studies; Religion, Clergy; Religion, General; Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies; Theology


Prayer has been the one of the most significant factors in the rapid growth of Christianity in Korea. The Daybreak Prayer Meetings, which are common to all churches in Korea, has been a major part of the special prayer emphasis. The thesis studies the Biblical background, the history, the benefits, and some of the problems of the Daybreak Prayer Meeting.

The Daybreak Prayer Meetings are not as well attended or as powerful as they once were. This thesis proposes adding a Quiet Time type of personal Bible study to the regular traditional early morning prayer meetings. A major part of this thesis is devoted to developing a complete understanding of Quiet Time, as proposed in this study.

The third part of the thesis presents the Nakwon Presbyterian Church, pastored by the author of this thesis, as a model for adding Quiet Time to the Daybreak Prayer Meeting. The author implemented this several years ago, and has had time and opportunity to reflect on and improve their program.
