Submissions from 2013
Transitions: Surviving Congregational Change, Reginald Weems
Staff Healthy Small Groups: A Model For Enlisting, Training, And Motivating Lay Leaders, Steven Weems
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Non-Completers in Online Doctor of Education Programs, Bernadette Wyman
Five Principles to Make and Multiply Disciples through the Small Group Ministry, Timothy Yates
From Evangelistic Preaching to Mentoring: A Model for the Local Church, Seunghyun Yoon
Submissions from 2012
A Model to Recruit and Implement Volunteers to Serve and Create a Culture of Biblical Servanthood in the Church, Rodney Briles
By This They Will Know: Discipleship Principles to Transform the Church, Mark R. Brown
A Strategy to Transition a Traditional Church Educational System to a Small Group System: A Case Study of Eternal Life Baptist Church, Kyoung Gil Cho
Ministry of Memories: Keys to Pastoral Care of Non-Cognitive Persons, Reginald Corfield
A Resource for Pastors and Counselors: Ministering to Spiritual and Emotional Needs of Those in Ministry, Shirley Craven
A Comparative Study: Traditional Evangelical Friends Pastors with Contemporar Evangelical Pastors for Twenty-First Century Application, Thomas Crawford
A History and Evaluation of Workplace Ministry in America, David Freeland
Effective Transitional Ministry Plan: Pastoral Leadership in the 21st Century Church, Keith Gardner
A Model for Revitalizing and Restructuring Peter's Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, Jerry Grimes
Transformational Discipleship: A Model For Sermon-Based Small Groups For Life Transformation, Jon Harless
About My Father's Business: Pastoral Succession from Father to Son, Clifford Hartley
A Renewed Approach to Undergraduate Worship Leader Education, Allen Hendricks
Making Disciples Through Evangelism: A Plan For The Evangelist Who Only Has One Chance At A New Convert, Richard Hertless
Mentoring Men for the Master, International: The Unique Man, Ministry, and Model of Discipleship, Mark Keith Huckaby
How the Church Has Lost Its Vision; A Biblical Model to Regain Its Mission, Robert Kauffelt
The Korean-American Church In The 21st Century; A How To Model For Church Growth, Dongsik Kim
Strategies for Twenty First Century Healthy Church Growth: With Special Reference to the Jang Choong Presbyterian Church in South Korea, Hyung Seok Kim
Kingdom Consequences: Socio-Political Dimensions of Evangelistic Preaching, Kenneth Kinton
Insights from Charles Spurgeon's Preaching for a Changing Culture, John Lewis
Epic Families: Equipping Parents to Reclaim Their Biblical Mandate While Inspiring Children to Know and Love the God Who Made Them, MaryBeth Meltzer
How to Get to the Other Side of Emotional Pain, Ronnie Moore
A Study of Social Injustice and Forgiveness in the Case of North Korean Refugees, Jin Uk Park
Holistic Healing Ministry: A Practical Guide for Korean Presbyterian Churches, Yanghyun Park
A Practical Guide for Pastors in the Nonverbal Communication Process, Mark Pope
Pastoral Care: A New Model for Assessing the Spiritual Needs of Hospitalized Patients, Douglas Robinson
The Long Term Effect of Parental Involvement In A Child's Education: A Ten-Step Approach, Eraina Ross-Aseme
Discipling Worship Leadership: Biblical and Theological Rationale for Discipling Worship Leaders, Byron Spradlin
Developing A Strategic Intern Program for Prestonwood Baptist Church, Jarrett L. Stephens
The Father's Business Person, The Shift To Tentmaking Missions Strategy, Chris White
Effectively Ministering To Congregants With Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.), Jason Whitehurst
The Significance of Developing Core Counseling Competencies in Pastoral Care Ministry, Craig L. Younce
Submissions from 2011
Pornography Addiction: a Cognitive Approach in Combating the Lies Christian Males Believe, Farid Awad
A Leadership Training Manual for the 21st Century Church Leader Based on the Pattern and Principles Jesus Created to Train the Twelve Apostles, Gregory Bruce Baxter
Church Choirs: An Examination of Relevancy in 21st Century American Churches, Leon Forrest Boss
A Revitalization and Growth Strategy for the African Methodist Episcopal Churches in the Virginia Conference, Orin Eckman Gill Sr.
Becoming the Message: Using Jeremiah to Develop the Personal Aspect of Expository Preaching, Thomas Sanford Hensley
Practical Strategies for 21st Century Healthy Church Growth as a Model of a Sung Jin Presbyterian Church, DukSoo Jang
A Strategy for a Successful Christian Sexual Education Ministry in the African American Church, Darryl Lee Jones
The Biblical Use of Rewards as a Motivation for Christian Service, Bill Fredric Korver
An Effective Internet Ministry Strategy for Church Evangelism through a Case Study of the Sarang Community Church, Dae Suk Lee
The Strategies of Korean American Churches that are Ministering to Korean Students Studying in America, Heon Ju John Lee
Envisioning and Implementing a Servant/Event Evangelism Strategy in the Local Church, Jon Nathaniel Lorick
Effective Discipleship in Central Virginia: Contextualizing the Great Commission in a Changing Southern Culture, Andrew Gregory Moroz
Analyzing the Applicability of Preaching the Minor Prophets in the 21st Century, Bruce Mires Moulton
Online Church: A Biblical Community, Jefferson Todd Mullins
Compassionate Procedures for the Dismissal of Church Staff Members, Mark David Nalepa
Satisfaction and Contributing Factors in Satisfying Long-Term Marriage: A Phenomenological Study, Mark A. Nimtz
A Study of John Piper’s Sermon Preparation: A Model for Pastors who Emphasize the Supremacy of God in Expository Preaching, Sunghyun J. Pae
Developing a Strategy for Planting Southern Baptist Churches in Northeast North Carolina, Jeffery Clark Russell
A Cohesive Theology of Christian Living: Principles from the Book of Daniel, Jeremy Shaffer
Discipleship Within the Home, Mark Edwin Smith
A Global Approach For the Local Church as Mission Agent and Agency, Jonathan Edward Stairs
An Examination of Key Foundational Elements for Pastoral Identity as found in the Life and Writings of the Apostle Paul, Carl Jason Taylor
A Proposal for Construction and Implementation of a Focused Approach to a New Member Discipleship Program, Joshua Walters
Five Key Recommendations for a Korean Protestant Pastor Concerning Understanding and Applying Biblical Ethics in Finances: John Chrysostom as a Model for Ministry, Jung Suk John Yang
Submissions from 2010
The Changing Role of the Pastor's Wife in Today's Evangelical Church, Debra D. Benoit
Coaching Bivocational Ministers for Greater Ministry Effectiveness, Dennis Bickers
A Strategy For Training Hispanic Laymen To Minister In the United States, James Beryl Boswell
A Balanced Biblical Approach to the King James Only Controversy, Aulton Bruce Brown
A Descriptive Study of the Additional Factors Needed to Transition a Troubled Church to Health, George Ray Cannon
The Demise of Compassion: A Casualty of a Changing Culture, Donald Grady Davis
Survey of Best Practices for the Development of Online Religious Communities, Daniel Charles Doody
A Fitness Model For Pastors, Kevin Lynn Elders
A Multi-Plantation Ministry: Blending a Multi-Site and Church Planting Strategy in the Local Church, Nick Floyd
What Every Christian High School Student Should Know About Islam: An Introduction to Islamic History and Theology, Bruce Kelly Forrest
A Strategy for Developing Kingdom Leaders through Discipleship and Mentoring for New Hope Baptist Church, Stanley Arthur Gillcash
The Vision Explosion Company: Its Creation and Development, Robert Steven Hallett
An Analysis of the Evangelistic Impact of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International, Billy Hamm
Ministers of Education 50 Years of Age or Older: Changing Titles, Positions and Responsibilities?, Benjamin Farley Haygood
A Study of the Conflicts within Churches that Lead to the Termination of Pastors within the Southern Baptist Convention, Accompanied by a Proposal of Preventive and Interventional Solutions, Donald Quentin Hicks
Discipleship Within the Secondary School, Jason Hilgeman
An Examination of the Significant Factors Motivating Early Liberty University Ministerial Graduates to Envision and Pursue Ambitious Ministry Opportunities, David Wesley Hirschman
Church Growth through Social Welfare in South Korean Churches: Its Situation and Reformation Plan, Insu Kang
Effective and Economical Outreach and Evangelism for the Small to Medium Church, Stanley Wayne Kesler
Biblical Strategy and Shift to Spiritual Driven Church Growth, Chang Kyu Kim
An Effective Strategy for Leadership Development in the Cell Church, Dea Hee Kim
A Study of Effective Strategies for Evangelism Applied to Richmond Korean Central Presbyterian Church, Kon Tae Kim
The Influence of Pastor Dongwon Daniel Lee’s Preaching on the Growth of Global Mission Church, Eun Bok Lee
Engaging Postmoderns in Worship: A Study of Effective Techniques and Methods Utilized by Two Growing Churches in Northern California, Jon Paul Lepinski
A Proposal to Develop Christian Leaders for South Africa's Kingdom-Focused Church, Roney Lucas Ndala
Reflections upon Korean and American Evangelical Church Models for Effective strategy in Developing Missional Churches, Kyoung Jun Park
The Necessity and Use of Application in the Expository Sermon, George E. Perdue
Forged by Conviction: An Historical Overview of the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia, Jeffrey Reid Pinder
The Senior Pastor's Role and Responsibilities in Leading a Pastoral Staff, Keith Robinson
How to Develop a Model for Writing a Biblical Conclusion to Improve the Effectiveness of Preaching for Korean Pastors, Minseog Roh
The Revitalization Process In A Small Rural Plateaued Southern Baptist Church, Rodney Merrill Sprayberry
Developing a Strategy of Worship for Evangelical Believers Born from 1945 to 1955, Rodney Dale Whaley
An Analysis of Rev. Oak, Han-Hum's Sermons, Dae Shik Yoo
Gifted Dropouts: A Phenomenological Study, James Zabloski
Submissions from 2009
The Most Evangelistic Kentucky Baptist Churches in Eastern Kentucky, Paul R. Badgett