Submissions from 2024
The Effect of Music on Spiritual Well Being Among Hospice Patients, Mathai Abraham
Biblical Choice Model: A St. Augustine-Inspired Approach to Behavioral Economics, Adebukola Adebayo
The Evidential Problem of Assurance: Textual Approach from the Johannine Literature, Derick A. Adu
A Correlational Study of Culturally Responsive Christian School Leadership and Its Impact on Culturally Marginalized Students, Denecia B. Anderson
Using Situational Leadership to Disciple and Develop Men for Spiritual Leadership in the Home, Christopher N. Andrews
Rejuvenating Ministry Engagement: Developing Small Spiritual Formation Groups for Young People at Salem Seventh-day Adventist Church, Speker Antoine
A Study of Thomas Oord’s Open Theism and Theodicy, Olaoluwa Apata
Equipping Equippers: Training Alaska Bible College Students for Equipping Ministry through Mentorship, Justin Glenn Archuletta
Literary Structure of Proverbs and the Stages of a Righteous Life, Craig W. Babcock
An Exegetical and Theological Exploration of Paul’s Self-Identity in Consideration of Modern Social Sciences, Chala Baker
Evangelism Development in a Multigenerational Rural Church, John E. Baldwin
Church Adoption: Three-pronged Elements that Support the Revitalization of Coastal Church Battery Park Location in Virginia, Michael Christopher Bard
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Online Education For Recruitment, Retention, and Sustainability of Religious Organizations, Gordon Vaill Barrows
Critical Thinking and Worldview Formation in Ministry, David W. Belles
Perceptions of the Pastoral Role in Fostering Generation Z and Millennials' Spiritual Growth Using Digital Platforms, Wanda Elaine Belvin
Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling for Bereavement, Wayne A. Benner
Addressing a Lack of Counseling Programs to Diminish the Psychological, Emotional, and Mental Impacts of Church Closure Grief, Marcel Berrios
Developing Health Ministries Beyond the Disparities in the Community, Tasha Renea Berry-Lewis
A Phenomenological Study of Church Polity and Its Impact on Pastoral Leadership and Congregational Health, Travis L. Biller
Long-Term Partnerships Between Communities and Mission Organizations: A Case Study, Rebecca Boggs Bishop
The Impact of Colonization, the Problem of Evil, and the African Traditional Religion Worldview on Biblical Hermeneutics in West Africa, Christopher Blay
The Phenomenological Study of Women Mentoring Younger Women: A Titus 2 Action Research Project, Shannon Bludworth
Building Hope in Outreach Ministry, Preston W. Boerner
The Importance of Bridging the Generation Gap Within Grace City Church: A Plan for an Intergenerational Discipleship Program, Keila A. Boychak
Do Not Neglect to Show Hospitality to Strangers: Developing and Implementing a Program of Home Hospitality at Furnace Creek Baptist Church, Philip D. Bramblet
Missional Leadership: An Instructional Program to Cultivate Leaders of a Missional Church, Conner Mathias Brew
Discipleship: A Biblical Approach and Alignment to the Spirit of the Ministry at Kingdom Collegiate Academies Early Childhood Program, Ella Louise Brown
Church and Community: Bridging the Gap to Create a Culture of Acceptance and Inclusiveness, Matthew L. Brown
A Correlational Study Between Spiritual Bible Reading and Spiritual Formation of Leaders of Pentecostal Churches, Mark Kwablah Buku
Conforming to the Image of Christ: Addressing Spiritual Immaturity Utilizing Strategic Bible-Based Pastoral Counseling in a Rural Church Context, Leonard Carpenter III
Equipping Spiritually Mature Men to Mentor the Next Generation of Leaders, Seth S. Carter
One holy nation under one God: A survey on achieving unity amongst believers, Cindy Casalis
Redeeming Pastoral Evaluation: A Comprehensive Approach to Annual Pastoral Evaluation in a Congregation-Led Church, Drake Andrew Caudill
Aiding a Reformed Church into a Multiethnic and Economically Diverse Congregation, Leroy E. Childress Jr.
Succession Planning and Situational Leadership: The Perceptions and Experiences of Pastors at Charismatic Bahamian Churches, Kedeisha Aleicia Cooper
Faith Formation: Spiritual Gifts for Evangelism Outreach, Jacquelin Copeland
The Book of Ruth: Its Didactic Wisdom Themes, Brian Corn
Developing a Discipleship Training Guide at Greater Love Baptist Church for the Retention of Young Adults, Frances W. Cox
A Mixed Methods Study to Evaluate the Nature of the Lead Pastor's Psychological Capital and the Impact on Leading Church Revitalization, Toney Allen Cox
Impact of Worldview Development on Spiritual Vitality in Evangelical Protestant Churches: A Phenomenological Study, Nicholas Jared Curtis
An Examination of the Relationship Between Self-Care and Fruit of the Spirit in African-American Pastors: A Multi-Case Study, Rashon Wallace Dalton
Messaging the Mission: Developing and Implementing a Messaging Strategy for the Mission Statement of Monticello Christian Church, Tanetta S. Dawson-Snyder
Leading the Families of First Baptist Church of Long Beach, CA, to Support the Foster Care and Adoption Community, David B. Delaney
Discipling Your Children for Dating, Isaiah del Pilar
Implementing a Discipleship Strategy Plan for Lay Leaders at Redemption Baptist Church to Help Them Grow Spiritually, Robermann Dorceus
Beyond Galilee: The Shift in Focus of the Ministry of Jesus Culminating at Caesarea Philippi, Kathryn Erin Dreesen
The Relationship Between Servant Leadership Attributes / Behaviors and Congregant Commitment Among United Pentecostal Church International Churches, Corey D. Driggs
Mentorship for African American Female Officers of Faith in the United States Air Force, Tanquer L. Dyer
Crisis Management and Peer Support, Kevin H. Eaton
Cultivating Multicultural Christian Youth Ministry Team Leaders Through Covenant Relationships With Youth in KC and STL Metro Area Churches, Christopher D. Edin
The Stratified Leadership Model of the First-Century Christian Church, Barton Schuyler Garratt Edsall IV
Spiritual Care and the Art of Holistic Healing at Swedish Hospital in Chicago, Mary Pamela Eke
Preparing the Next Generation for Faith Ownership by Training Fathers in the Biblical Worldview, John D. Embrey
Navigating the In-Between: Transformational Practices in the Church's Liminal Spaces, Matthew James Engel
The Undoing of Eve: A Biblical-Theological Critique of John's Portrait of the Female Image of God, Melissa A. Fields
Enhancing Spousal Abuse Awareness Among Church Leaders of the Haitian Seventh-day Adventist Church, Peggy Filossaint
"In But Not Of": John's Theology of Separation from the World, David E. Forbes
A Mission Simulation Retreat for Senior Youth Leaders to Train Adventist Young Professionals in the South Bahamas Conference, Jamal Doran Franklyn
Mentoring as a Catalyst for Change: Creating a Mentor Training Curriculum Using the Servant Leadership Model, Alana S. Freeman
Higher Education and Women in Leadership: Gender-Based Training for African American Women in Transformational Leadership, Chavon Anette Freeman
Insurgency Apologetics: Refuting the Claims that Christianity is a White Man’s Religion, Brian L. Gadson
Establishing a Christ-Centered Understanding of the Minor Prophets at First Baptist Church, Greenville, KY, John Michael Galyen
Created to be Slaves: Reexamining the Doctrine of Original Sin, William Daniel Gamble
Digital Ministry in the Church: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities, Willie Charles Howard Garrett
The Influence of Transformational Leaders in Reconnecting the Millennial Generation to the Community of the Local Church, Brandi Lynn Ginty
Wisdom City: Towards a Political Reading of the Wisdom Genre, James E. Golec Jr.
Exploring the Significance of Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Effectiveness: A Case Study of Created to Serve Ministries, Leslie McNeill Gordon
Great Leader, Great Learner: Shepherd-Teachers, Self-Directed Learning, and the Preaching Moment in Small Southern Baptist Churches, Matthew Thomas Gowin
Disciple-Making at St. Louis Baptist Church, Vasquez R. Granberry
Phenomenological Analysis of Training Effectiveness for Multiracial Ministry Received by Black Pastors Graduating from Southern Baptist Seminaries, Timothy D. Griffin
How Parents Established Foundations for Biblical Worldview Development in Elementary-Age Children Who Graduated from BW Leadership Institute, Wendy Bernstein Griffin
Challenged AND Chosen: Discipling Christians with Chronic Conditions Towards Kingdom Identity and Purpose, Allison J. Hampton
A Phenomenological Study of the Perception of Racial Unity in Evangelical Churches in Chicago, Amber L. Harvey
Equipping Church Leadership Through Team Ministry: A Dissertation-in-Praxis Model, Judith Aarian Hawkins
The Preeminent Biblical Role of the Father: A Qualitative Action Research Project, Frank Wilhelm Heilmeier
It’s All in Your Mind: Mindset and Eternal Destiny, Eric S. Henderson
The Development of a Men’s Ministry at Remnant Church to Foster the Spiritual Leadership Development of Men to Provide Leadership for Family, Church, and Community, Anthony L. Herron
The Heart of the Matter: Prioritizing the Mental & Emotional Wellbeing of Pastoral Leaders, Ashley M. Herron
The Scatological Scriptures: A Biblical Theology of Dung, Zachary C. Hill
Mentorship Among Early Career Senior Pastors: Examining Whether Mentored Leaders are Better Equipped to Lead, Shayla Lenai Hilton
YHWH’s Covenantal Dealings with Abraham: A Redemptive-Historical Perspective, Nathan A. Hoefer
An Organizational Approach for Teaching, Coaching and Empowering Displaced People, Tiffani J. Holloway
A Phenomenological Study of Pastors Who Were Mentored and the Perceived Value of the Mentor Relationship, Reginald L. Horner
Paul’s Admonition of False Teaching: A Pattern to Follow, Jeffrey William Hossler
An Examination of “The Vine” Motif through the Lens of the Old Testament, the Books of John and Revelation, and Peripheral Extrabiblical Sources, Ellsworth C. Huling IV
Embracing Spiritual Growth: Laying the Groundwork to Address Spiritual Growth Anxiety Through a Covenant Union with Christ, Will M. Hunsaker
Evaluating Instruments and Strategies for Change: A Pilot Study for Total Life Ministries, Lisa M. Hunter
Discovering Their Purpose for Praise: Revitalizing Corporate Worship in an Ethnic Japanese Church in Hawaii, Marc Chikara Imamura
Expanding the Apostolic Mission: A Biblical-Theological Analysis of Peter's Epistles as Evidence of His Universal Apostleship Beyond the Jewish Context, Peter J. Ireland
Modern-Day Idol Worship at Life Changers Church: How It Was Identified and Replaced with True Worship Of God, Franzetta L. Ivy
Generational Poverty and Education: Breaking the Cycle of Ignorance, Leland Jackson
Shaping Worldviews: Helping High School Seniors Manage the Influence of Social Media, Geoffrey Michael Janes
Early Forgiveness Intervention in Substance Abuse Recovery, Susan Janos
An Examination of the Parental Role in the Discipleship of Children, Robert B. Jarman
Prophetic Theology: The Essence of Prophecy, Charmain M. Jarrett
Church Systems: From Church Attenders to Committed Church Members, Loyd Johnson
Building High-Performance Ministry Teams: Pastors, Ministers, and Leaders of Selected Baptist Churches in Macon, Georgia, Michael Wendell Johnson