"The Judgment Seat of Christ: Motivation for Faithfulness and Eternal R" by David R. Gaines




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Philosophy in Bible Exposition (PhD)


Benjamin Laird


Rewards, Judgment, Bema, Motivation, Degrees, Eschatology




This dissertation analyzes the topic of the judgment seat of Christ to show that it is an event when Christians will have their lives come under the scrutiny of the Lord Jesus, resulting in the receiving or loss of eternal rewards. While this subject can be overlooked and misunderstood, the judgment seat of Christ encompasses the fear of the Lord as a constant reminder that what Christians do with their lives matters and has dire consequences. The judgment seat of Christ has been interpreted as a time when Christians will have their eternal destination determined. However, this dissertation argues that the judgment seat of Christ is a powerful, eschatological, and unselfish motivation to encourage present faithfulness in the believer to please the Lord and receive eternal rewards for holy living. The relationship between a Christian’s work and their eternity is shown by the reward or lack thereof they receive at the judgment seat of Christ. Believers whose lives were not very pleasing to the Lord will suffer loss from missing out on some rewards. Conversely, those whom the Lord deems whose lives were pleasing to Him will receive His commendation and eternal rewards and be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Various passages that involve rewards are analyzed to determine how they correlate with the judgment seat of Christ as potential rewards to be won. The rewards received at the judgment seat of Christ express how delighted the Lord was with that Christian’s service and holiness, which is consistent with being called great in the kingdom of heaven. When appropriately understood, the judgment seat of Christ serves as an incentive that Jesus uses to promote service and holiness in His followers as they await the Lord’s return to earth.

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