Submissions from 2009
Effective Blended Family Ministry in the Twenty-first Century Church, Ronald Lee Beck
The Benefits of Socio-Rhetorical Analysis for Expository Preaching, Joseph R. Buchanan
The Christian School As A Means of Effective Evangelism in India: History and Evaluation of the Saint Paul Mission School in Bangalore, India, Stanley Jeonsik Choi
The Value of the Navy Chaplain In the Fleet Marine Force Environment, Bruce Crouterfield
Innovation Matters: The Use of Innovation in Ministry Strategies for the Local Church, Travis Paul Drake
An Educational Methodology and Program for the Mitigation of Compassion Fatigue for Combat Deploying Chaplains, Paul Brian Greer
A Study of Pastoral Burnout Among Korean-American Pastors, Young Sun Jin
Study to Show Thyself Approved: The Case for Continuing Clergy Education, Dan R. Jividen
Discipleship: Stepping Stones to Developing your Church’s Strategy, John G. Johnston
Narrow Your Focus: A Strategy For Revitalization of a Small to Medium Size Plateaued or Declining Traditional Church, Johnny Lamar Kendrick
An Analysis of Dissertations on Church Growth Published During the Past Five Years (2004-2008), Kyoung Kim
A Study on the Sermonic Application for the Lord’s Reign Based on the Text of the Psalm, Woon Han Kim
When Calling a Pastor to Succeed a "Legend" Pastor, Ronald Kovack
Influence of Technology on Adolescent Development and Spiritual Formation, Kevin Daniel Monahan
An Effective Strategy for Church Revitalization through A Case Study of Hosanna Church, Hyung Woo Park
Transitioning the Local Church from a Rural to Suburban Context, Jeremy Paul Roberts
A Strategy for the Balanced Discipleship that Integrates Emotional Health and Spiritual Maturity within the Korean Presbyterian Church, Kwang Shik Seo
Submissions from 2008
Making Prayer the Core Feature of the Evangelical Church, John H. Arnold
Developing a Plan to Disciple International Students, Donald E. Bader
A History and Evaluation of the Revolution Generation Youth Ministries Mentorship Program, William Lee Barnett
A Strategy to Equip Youth Leaders into Developing Strategic, Balanced, and Strong Local Church Student Ministries, Richard Stanley Brown
Strategies of Pastoral Leadership for Resolving Conflicts in Two Korean American Churches around Los Angeles, Kiyoung Chang
A Critical Examination of the Biblical Teaching on the Image of God, and its Implications for Christian Living, Timothy T. Faber
The Role of Preaching in Church Growth, In Hwan Kim
How to Successfully Mature a Small Church, Richard Patrick McGee
A Strategy for Calming the Troubled Waters of the Bible Translation Controversy among Independent Baptists, Robert Lee Pate
Forced Terminations Among Clergy: Causes and Recovery, Thomas A. Powell Sr.
Education for Woman’s Ministries: A Rationale For and Review of Woman’s Ministries for the Beginning of the 21st Century, Monica Dawn Rose
Teacher Training Manual for the Christian Education Program of Bethesda Church, Rick Allen Wolgamott
Submissions from 2007
Increasing Financial Stewardship in the Church of Christ, Ben A. Bruce
Developing A Lay Ministry Team Led Student Ministry, Stuart W. Cox
The Great Invitation: A Call to Discipleship, Richard N. Foster
An Introduction to a Model for Teaching Spiritual Formation to Student - Athletes in a Christian Educational Setting, Edmund Jude Gomes
Towards an Effective Christian Cross-Cultural Youth Training Model: A Youth Ministry International Case Study, Jeddy Katule Kaleli
Evangelism on Target: A Proposal to Use Hunting and Fishing as Means to Evangelism and Discipleship, Jackie Andrew McCullough
Christian School Administration: Exercising Biblical Competence: A Consecrated Heart and an Educated Mind, Julia Curruth McMillan
Connecting With One Another: A Step by Step Approach to Guest and New Member Assimilation, Kevin Ray Milburn
Pastoral Leadership Problems in Small, Established Churches of Under 100 People, Brian Keith Miller
A Study of the CARE Ministry, Jeffrey Eugene Mims
The Sunday School as a Viable Tool for Church Growth in the 21st Century, Billy Nale
Encountering God Through His Creation, Philip Joseph Parker
Encountering God through His Creation, Philip Joseph Parker
The Twenty-First Century Pastor: His Calling, Character and Competencies, Seth Nathan Polk
A Strategy for Educating the Church Concerning Those with Special Needs, William Blake Shrout
The Continuing Personal Spiritual Development of Pastors, George Wayne Thomas
The Role of Preaching in Revitalizing Declining Churches, Jammie D. Vance
Online Bible Training: New Opportunity for Church Planting in Thailand, Thanu Wongthanathikul
Submissions from 2006
Developing a Program for Every Member to be a Missionary in the Local Church, Joey Todd Anthony
Developing a Purpose Driven Model for Today’s Korea Evangelical Holiness Church Pastors-Teachers, Seung Min Chang
A Strategy on the Application of Cell Ministry as a Model of a Healthy Immigrant Church, Jong Dae Kim
Characteristics of a Healthy Church from the Seven Churches of Asia that can Apply to Yohan Tokyo Christ Church, Jong Yoon Kim
Strategy for Equipping the Laity in the Cell Group Korean Church, Tae Young Kim
Pastoral Leadership for Local Church Growth in the Korean Church, Gi In Lee
Reasons Why Church Members Do Not Regularly Attend Church, Alan C. McCullough
Today’s Challenges and Resolutions regarding Church Music, Philip R. McFarland
Father Presence Matters: A Case for Family, Marcia Redmon Miles
Insights on Leadership: God’s Preparation and Selection of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Conservative Resurgence Presidencies, Darrell P. Orman
Internet Training for Lay Leaders to Meet Pastoral Care Needs, David W. Peterson
Developing a Spiritually-Formative Leadership Mentoring Ministry at Southwood Community Church, Aaron David Rock
A Comparison of the Discipleship Training of S.F.C. Campus Ministry and Outstanding Churches, Jae Hong Song
The Role of the Pastor in Southern Baptist Churches: A Biblical View Versus a Prevailing View, Wilford A. Stone
Teacher-to-Student Ministry Within the Christian High-School, Joan F. Stratton
Professional Soccer Ministries: The Deconstruction of Secularization through the Globalization of Soccer in Conjunction with the Biblical Worldview, Aaron Matsuo Tredway
“Waltzing with the Monster,” Interventions with the Substance-Abusing Adolescent for Pastors, Treatment Providers, and Family, Philip A. Watkins
Submissions from 2005
A Consideration of Church Planting through Radio Broadcasting in Thailand, Byung Jo Chang
Strategies for 21st Century Healthy Church Growth through the Spiritual Diagnosis of Osan Baptist Church in South Korea, Gi Chul Choi
A Chronological Presentation of the Writings of Elmer L. Towns from 1999-2005, Noting the Interrelatedness of his Teachings and Writings from 1980-2005, Gabriel Benjamin Etzel
An Assessment of Effective Senior Level Leadership within the United States Air Force Chaplain Service, David W. Kelley
Lay Shepherding: Developing a Pastoral Care Ministry for the Small to Mid-Sized Church, Barry G. Lawson
A Spiritual Disciplines-Based Discipleship Curriculum for the Local Church, Steven Hugh Mathews
The Complexities of Training National leaders During the Twentieth Century that Led to a Vast World-Wide Shortage of Trained Leaders for the Twenty-First Century Church, Francis O. Patterson
Toward the Establishment of a Worship Theology in the Presbyterian Church of Korea, Jong Bin Rhee
A Model for Pastoral Care and Shepherding of a Large and Growing Church, Aaron J. Rummage
Designing a Program for the Assimilation of New Members into the Life and Ministry of the Local Church, Douglas K. Tanner
Submissions from 2004
Historical Perspectives Current Operation and Future Projections for Temple Baptist College, Layne Carter
An Evaluation of the Moody Bible Institute Ministry Based Partnership as a Ministry Training Tool, Danny Ray Cochran
Creative Preaching: How Multi-Sensory Preaching Connects the Word of God to the Twenty-First Century Culture, Mark D. Cummins
Planting Churches in the Changing Culture of Southwest Virginia, Tommy Allen Jessee
Practical Strategies for Campus Evangelization through Creation Science Class at Myongji University, Woong Sang Lee
A Strategy of the Worship Renewal for the Korean Church in Postmodern Times, Yoojung Lee
An Examination of the Preaching and Teaching Style of Jesus in Relation to Current Evangelical Homiletics, Daniel Light
The Week Before Judgement, Richard Lotspeich
A Strategy for the Implementation of Contemporary Worship in a Church of the Nazarene, Paul Mabry
Understanding the Glory of God through the Expository Preaching by Young Sun Park, Young Han Park
Developing a Measuring Instrument to Determine the Level of Discipleship Commitment Attained by Individual Christians, Henry D. Styron
Understanding Islam, its History in Ghana, and an Effective Evangelistic Strategy to Overcome Islamic Influence in Ghana, Cherlsoon Yim
Submissions from 2003
The Chaplaincy of the Alabama Army National Guard, Jimmy Black
The Spirit-Filled Christian Life, Curtis Wayne Brown
Developing a Leadership Training Program for the Local Church in the Twenty-First Century, Randall Frank Ginnan
Leadership Characteristics of the Apostle Paul that can Provide Model to Today’s BBFK Pastors, Jae Kee Lee
Strategies for Developing Cell Group Leadership in the Korean Small Church, Sung San Lee
A Discipleship Model for Missionaries Establishing Churches in Thailand, Yong Woong Lee
An Evaluation of the Windsor Institute for Theological Studies of the Campbell Baptist Church of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Donald Bruce McKay
Gilbert Tennent: An Analysis of his Evangelistic Ministry, Methods and Message during the Great Awakening, Cheryl Ann Rickards