Submissions from 2020
The Integration Of Spiritual Formation Through Distance Education For Christian Higher Education Students, Derwin Earl Lewis
Pastoral Stress: The Urgent Need for Self-Care, Remiel Lockwood
An Evaluation of the “40 Days of Prayer for Church Revitalization” as an Instrument for Initiating a Revitalization Process at First Baptist Church, Pikeville, KY, John Anthony Lucas
Race, Ethnicity & Culture with Purpose: The Growth of a Multicultural Church Ministry, Jamar R. Mabry
Resolving the Issue of the Exodus of the Second Generation of Haitian Americans in Naples Haitian Church of God, Frantz Elijah Machoule
An Aggressive, Arrogant, and Argumentative Society: A Biblical Perspective from African American Pastors of Carolina Low Country, James Mack Jr
The Effective Bi-vocational Pastor, Cory A. MacNeil
A Model for Mentoring the Millennials of the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church to Perform Relevant Urban Ministry in Harlem, Cory Ryan Marshall
Mental Health Chaplaincy: A Guide for Geriatric Psychiatric Chaplains, Deena Anne Martinelli
Recovering the Historical Practice of Delayed Baptism and Pre-Baptismal Instruction for the Purpose of Restoring the Standard of a Regenerate Church Membership in Southern Baptist Churches, Alan Clayton McCullough
Church Revitalization Through Effective Women’s Ministry, Dennis Jay McCullough
Recruitment Considerations for Christian, Dental, Short-Term Missions Relating to the Holistic Development of Dentists, Diane K. Meyer
A Field Theory Guided Quantitative Study into Environmental Forces Impacting Christian Leadership and Instrument Development, Leonard Scott Momeny
A Strategy to Plant Missional Churches that Multiply in Small Urban Communities, Michael Scott Moore
Freemasonry and Evangelical Christianity: Are They Compatible?, John Carl Mozingo
A Curriculum for Developing a Biblical Worldview in Students Attending Central Africa Baptist University, Timothy D. Murdoch
Beautiful Feet: Infusing Liturgical Dance and Discipleship, Ariesha Wilbert Murray
Special Revelation in Cinema: The Imago Dei and Divine Transcendence in Contemporary Film, Durrell Nelson
Prosperity Gospel in Liberia: A Theological Alternative to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Jerome A. Newman
Expanding the Reach and Impact of Hope for All Nations Ministries International in Zimbabwe through a Women's Mentoring Initiative, Nhira Constance Ngoni
Christian Education: Eight Essential Elements to Foster Spiritual Formation and Christlikeness, Alice Tillman O'Neal
A Study on ‘Big Forest Movement’ of Ansandongsan Church: The Case of Church Planting, Dongsung Park
A Study on the Healthy Church Growth through the Revitalization of Small Group in Traditional Church, Min Yong Park
Mental Illness and Demonic Influence: The Difference Between Them and the Difference It Makes, Alton Kawan Parks
Positive and Negative Uses of the Exodus Motif in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Biblical Literature, Charles Joshua Parrott
Sharing the Lord’s Supper: Finding Fellowship and Love in a Sacramental, Communal Meal, Joshua David Peterson
Four Scriptural Principles: Creating a Discipleship Culture in a Caribbean Church Context, Reynold Decourcey Price
The Knowledge of End-time Prophetic Scriptures Prepares Believers at Northcliffe Baptist Church to Expect Religious Persecution, John C. Reddy
Using the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory as a Discipleship Tool in Marriage, Marcy Gail Ripberger
Comparison of Perceptions of Single Mothers and Christian Leaders through Transformational Change, Brienne Denise Robertson
American God Story: Creating Shared Cultural Context with Popular Television, Timothy Joseph Rosenberger
A Marriage Education Program to Address an Education Gap Affecting Those Not Participating in Premarital Education, Nikolaus Alvin Secula
Philosophy of History, Historical Jesus Studies, and Miracles: Three Roadblocks to Resurrection Research, Benjamin C. F. Shaw
The Relationship Between Pastoral Servant Leadership and Congregational Spiritual Formation in U. S. Churches, Rich J. Sironen
The Use of Apologetics in the Book of Isaiah, Daniel Robert Sloan
How Evangelical Pastors Manage the Four Areas of the Greatest Commandment—Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind—and Practical Applications for Obedience, Herbert Kenneth Smith
Prayerlessness: Using Expository Sermons to Change the way Believer's Pray, Joshua Kenton Smith
Classical Christian Education and Students' Christian Formation, Melody Kay Smith
Judge Jesus: Interpreting Jesus’ Role as Judge in the Gospel of John through an Early Jewish Mindset, Jeremiah Stallman
The Impact of a Lectio Divina Bible Reading Methodology in the Lives of a Sample of Congregants at Crestview Baptist Church, Robert Milton Stephens
The Acts Model Designed to Make Disciples, Phillip Harold Stevens
Spiritual Transformation: Community Outreach and the Harvest House of Hope, in San Bernardino, CA, Kevin Duane Strickland
Intentional Discipleship: Effective Disciple-Making for Church Growth in Liberia, George L. Suah
Discipling Generation Z Marines: A Qualitative Study at the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, Jeffrey Scott Tagert
Spiritually Guided and Bridging the Gap: An Inquisitive Analysis on the Correlation of Pastoral Counseling and Mental Health, Cynthia E. Taylor
Self-Efficacy Among Christian Educators, Jonathan Blake Tolbert
A Strategy for Conducting Evangelism and Discipleship with the Unchurched in the Cane Bay Plantation Residential Development’s Restricted Communities in Summerville, SC, John Paul Tornifolio
The Need for Solid Teaching on Spiritual Warfare, Charles Louis Trammell
Examining Biblical Certainty of Salvation Among the Elderly in Interdenominational Resident Communities, Mark Victor Triller
Deep Doctrine and Passionate Proclamation: How Understanding the Relationship Between God's Sovereignty and Evangelism Increases Evangelistic Zeal, Christopher Lee Verser
A Model for Pastoral Care and Shepherding of a Mid-Sized Growing Church, Willis Dean Wainwright
Increase the Attendance of the Parish Health Ministry by Ten Percent at the Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York, Christine A. Walcott
African American Pastoral Counseling: The Dynamics on Self-worth, Personal Efficacy, Motivation, and Responsible Discipleship, Charles T. Walker
A Legacy of Millennials: Discovery of a Leader Development Process for Family Church in North Carolina, Herman H. Walker Jr
Me, We, and Thee: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of the Targeted Parent's Lived Experience, Teresa Marie Walters
Growing a God-Centered Academy in the Church: Developing a Spiritually-Grounded Teaching Paradigm, Virgil Melvin Walton Jr
Smooth Transitions: An Examination of Succession Planning and Leadership Continuity among Directors and Associate Directors of the Potomac Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists, Fred-Richard T. Warfield
A Multiple Case Study Identifying Factors Influencing Church Attendance and Engagement with Unchurched and Dechurched Families, Jason Robert Waters
Surviving a Divorce with an Intact Faith: A Strategy for Ministering to Those Experiencing Divorce in the Church, Brandon Paul Wells
A Mixed-Methods Case Study of Spiritual Formation and School Induced Stress in Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists during Hospital Residency, R. Dawn Whybrew
The Utilization of the Internet in the Advancement of Discipleship in the Traditional Black Church, Marshall Williams
Spiritual Disciplines for Men in a Medium-Sized Church, Scott Lowry Willis
Developing Reciprocal Community in Jackson Baptist Church, Jamie Ryan Wilson
Healing through Preaching: Recovery for Red Oaks Baptist Church, Darin Scott Wilt
Transformational Leadership: Equipping Small Churches to Make Disciples by Integrating Wesleyan Principals, Ronald Kent Wise
The Hmong Spiritual Formation from Animism to Christianity, Lang Yang
Submissions from 2019
The Role of Biblical Literacy in Discipling Believers in the Local Church, Joseph G. Austin
Missional Apologetics: An Examination of Essential Elements in the Apologetic Approaches of Early Christian Era Apologists in Light of the Mission of Christ to a Pluralistic World, George B. Bannister Sr
Depression in Black Men: One Church’s Solution, Dwayne T. Baskin
Cultural Kingdom Architects: Defining Success in Building God’s Kingdom, Philip Roy Bassham
Mitigating Decline of Church Growth Resulting from Misunderstanding of Selected Messianic Passages in Psalms and Isaiah, Hiwatha Bell
Eradicating Recidivism: Evangelism for African American Men Impacted by Mass Incarceration, Anthony Mark Berry
Resolving Intergenerational Conflict Within the Rural Black Churches of Central Virginia, Patrick Ward Bland
Acts of the Holy Spirit in Leadership: A Case for Holy Leadership in the Church, Jeffrey James Boone Sr
Would an Omnibenevolent God Allow Some to Be Lost Who Would Have Been Saved in Different Circumstances? A New Molinist Theodicy against the Problem of the Contingently Lost, Zachary Paul Breitenbach
A Strategy for Transformation of Men through Implementing Principles from Wesley's Class and Band Groups, John Joseph Campbell
Racism In Southeast Texas Churches: A Plan For Reconciliation And Healing Among Its Church Community, William James Carter
An Expositional Approach to the Parables of Jesus and Applications for Unchurched Korean-American Christians, Junyong Cha
A Study on Church Revival and Growth through Prayer Ministries: The Case of Busan Sooyoungro Church in Korea, Dong Won Chun
Mythology, Morality, and the Messiah: How Natural Moral Law and Hero Myth Entail that Jesus Christ is the Best Possible Hero, Matthew J. Coombe
Believers But Not Followers: The Unstoppable Misconduct And Neglect Of Christians Outside Ministries Duties, Fabio Delgado
The Matthew 16:13-18:20 Chiasm as the Fountainhead of Matthean Proto-Ecclesiology, Nicholas A. Dodson
A Biblical Model To Encourage Associate Ministers To Serve Effectively With Enjoyment, Marcus L. Ellison
Declining Inner-City Church Membership: Creating Spiritually Healthy Inner-City Churches through Acts 2:42-47, Arthur L. Foster
Common Areas to Integrate Young People into Active Church Ministry Roles, David M. Gantt
Evaluating Discipleship Program Effectiveness of Liberian Churches in Worcester, Massachusetts, Jesse G. Gibson
Discipling Children and Youth: Helping the Church Enable Parents to Lead, Angela Hazel
A Strategy for Building Healthy Local Churches in Jordan, Kwang Hu Hwang
Reading Scripture: Developing Intimacy with God, the Church, and Community, Tammy Janiece Jacko
The African American Church Response to Homosexuality and the Reasons There Is No Response, Robert Jackson Jr
Maximizing Discipleship Via An Adult Small Group Ministry, Wendell Jeff Jackson
A Study of the Sermon as Bible Study Materials for Small Group and Church Growth: With a Focus on Singing Hope Church, Ki Young Jeong
Tracing God's Hand in Redemption: Exploring Evidence of the Imago Dei in Human Molecular Biology, James Don Johansen
Leadership Factors That Influence Church Growth for Western North Carolina Churches of God, Harold Jordan
Block Adoption: Evaluating the Impacts of Neighborhood Care on Church Attendance at House of Joy, Victor King
Carl F. H. Henry's Presuppositional Theology and its Implications within Educational Settings, Adam L. Lickey